
Chapter 59: Evacuate the castle!

"There is a monster under the castle, Anastasios. You can't ignore that," Alaric snapped at his oldest brother.

"We only have your vampire's word for it," Anastasios waved a hand dismissively. "I won't let adventurers rob the castle. This is not a dungeon!"

They had been having their back and forth for an hour now, and Marcellus was getting impatient. Khubun and Alinar were behind him. As well as the best adventurers from the guild.

"Well, we do have free access," Khubun said, hefting his two-handed hammer. "As the champions, you can't deny us that."

"The three of you do. They do not," Tearie pointed at the adventurers behind Khubun, who all glared at her. Yet, she was unmoved by their scorn.

"Sounds good enough," Khubun cleared his throat, and showed the twins his back. "Marcy, Alinar, we have a monster to slay. We will make sure the people see it. So, make sure you bring a bottomless bag."