
For Death Calls

Archsemi · ファンタジー
3 Chs

The Unwelcome Symphony

In the heart of a sprawling metropolis, where gears turned with the rhythm of progress and steam whispered through the city's veins, there lived a young man named Julius Blackwood. He was the scion of the esteemed Blackwood aristocratic family, renowned for their wealth and influence in the realm of industry. At the tender age of 15, Julius was still learning the intricacies of his aristocratic heritage, guided by the firm hand of his father and the sage wisdom of his tutor.

On a crisp morning, as the sun began its ascent over the horizon, Julius woke to the gentle ticking of the clockwork mechanisms that adorned his room. He stretched, his youthful limbs still weary from the embrace of sleep, before embarking on his usual routine. Dressed in the finest attire befitting his station, he descended the grand staircase of the Blackwood estate, where servants bustled about, attending to their duties with practiced efficiency.

As Julius indulged in a modest breakfast of toast and tea, the first hints of the peculiar noise began to infiltrate his senses. It was not the mechanical hum of industry that permeated the air, but something altogether more sinister. It whispered and murmured, like the sibilant hiss of a serpent coiled in the shadows, filling Julius's mind with a creeping sense of unease.

Ignoring the unsettling sensation, Julius pushed through the morning, participating in a rigorous physical training regimen designed for him by his aristocratic tutor. With each exertion, the noise grew louder, its insidious presence worming its way into his consciousness like a splinter in his mind.

By midday, Julius found himself plagued by a persistent anxiety, his youthful brow furrowed in consternation. Shadows danced at the edge of his vision, fleeting apparitions that vanished as quickly as they appeared, leaving him questioning his own sanity.

Seeking respite from the oppressive weight of the noise, Julius retreated to the solitude of the library, where the musty scent of old parchment offered sanctuary from the cacophony outside. But even amidst the hallowed silence of the written word, the noise persisted, its ominous melody twisting and warping the world around him.

Desperate for relief, Julius sought solace in the sanctuary of his chambers, where he collapsed upon his bed, trembling with fear and uncertainty.

Alone in the suffocating silence of his room, Julius pondered the source of the maddening noise that tormented him so. Was it a trick of his mind, a symptom of some unseen malady? Or did it herald something far more sinister, lurking on the fringes of his consciousness, waiting to be unearthed?

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the city streets, Julius drifted into an uneasy slumber, haunted by the relentless symphony that echoed in the recesses of his mind. And with each passing moment, the noise grew louder, its ominous melody heralding an uncertain future for the young scion of the Blackwood aristocratic family.