

Amelia looked confused as to what the old count meant as she watched him walk away. She dare not ask, for it will only lead to troubles. 'Why do I feel as though something more terrible is about to happen to me?'

"My lady."

Before Amelia could ponder on things further, she notices Granny Jane has returned with her tea and snacks.

"My lady, what did the count say to you?" Granny Jane enthusiastically asked, yet was ignored. 'Ah, silly me, due to my excitement I have forgotten my lady has lost her spirit for a long time already.'

Granny Jane felt dejected to what happened to the young lady, she was beautiful indeed but what the use when one is dumb. She knew that this all happened when the countess passed away. Since the countess was the only person who treated the young lady like a true family. While everyone else wishes for her gone.

"My lady, I know deep inside you can hear me. Please be strong and don't worry, I'll always be here for you." She went over and hugged the girl from her side, yet only received a blank look. She pitied the girl who has no parents and now she lost the only mother she knew.

Amelia truly wishes to speak and comfort her nanny, but with so many eyes on her, she dare not. Seeing that there are maids and workers right around the corner watching her every move made life terribly difficult for her.

Late that evening

In one of the busiest streets in the capital, an old count was walking in the shadows as he tried to reach his destination. As he saw the familiar person waiting for him, he quickly followed, avoiding everyone around him.

"Count Wright, please this way."

Count Wright followed the man's words as he got into the carriage. He was very anxious with his every move as he feared that someone might be tailing him. But, with the person's assistance, he was sure no one would dare follow him.

"Don't worry Count Wright, no one was following you."

"Ah, thank you." He sighs in relief as he had not much time left, and he needed to take action as soon as possible. For that child his wife loved so much, he must set everything accordingly for her.

"The duke is quite curious as to why you wish to suddenly visit." The man in a black tailored suit looked at him with curiosity. After all these years, the count dared to look for the duke.

'I wonder what this old man is up to this time.'

The count did not say a word because he too found it awkward to visit the old duke. He was a person, whom he said he would never see even in hell. Yet, there he was daring himself to see him for he had no choice at all. He was the only person who could help him secure the girl's safety. Only a fool would dare seek for the duke, and he was one of them.

Duke Astarel is a man full of mystery. Those who did not know him nor seen him only heard rumors of how hideous looking he is and that he has monstrous ability. Despite having wealth and power, no one dares approach the man nor seek such connection.

Why would they, when your life could be the price?

However, all of that changed when the king's sister, the former princess Laureal fell in love with the man. It was then that Duke Astarel decided to show himself to society in order to win the princess's heart. It was then people realized that if the duke was a monster then what were they.

He was no monster, but one could not explain what he was. He was a human indeed but such beauty could not be explained. If he was a lady, then every man in society would have flocked around him.

Count Wright recalled how the man used to look like in the good old days and how he used to be close friends with him. It was only due to his wife and the princess being best friends that he was able to be acquainted with the man.

But that was all history now.

"Count Wright will soon be there."

He nodded and looked outside the carriage window and showed that they were heading deep inside the forest near Duke Astarel's estate. He felt chills down his spine as he recalled all the horrible things that have happened in this forest. So many lives have been lost and he has witnessed some of them.

Soon the carriage came to a halt, as the door followed the servant out of the carriage.

"This way."

Both of them walked quietly to their destination. They didn't have any problem finding their way because the moon was bright and lit that night. However, since the forest was known for its history, it felt cold and eerie that night.

"Tell me, old pal, I mean, should I call you that… Why have you come to see me?"

Count Wright paused from where he stood and turned to stone as if a dagger was being pointed at his back. He couldn't move or open his mouth in fear of the man.

"Or have you come to end your life?"

As the moon became the spotlight to reflect the man's appearance, the handsome duke appeared. Despite his old age, he does not look like he aged at all. He was still as handsome as he looked before during their youth.


Duke Astarel step closer to the count. Every step he made made it harder for the count to breathe. He felt like the air around him was slowly vanishing and he felt suffocated.

"So what is it that you want from me that you came here willingly to risk your life." The duke asked as he noticed a familiar pocket watch the count was clutching onto as if he was actually prepared to die if things does not go well.

"Save her."

Duke Asteral was confused as to what he meant. He was sure that the countess had long passed away and he knew that the count did not have any woman beside him. So who does he want him to save?

He looked at the old count in front of him and saw nothing more was needed to be discussed. He signals his servant to take the man away. Even though he wanted his life, he would not harm him after the promise he made.

"Wait." Count Wright finally spoke loudly as he saw the duke had long lost interest in him and was walking away. "I beg you, save her."

"Old man, I think you have forgotten your meds and have been daydreaming." Duke Asteral was in no mood to talk to the old count especially when it had something to do with the ladies.

"I have long accepted she is no longer here, however, she left something precious whom which I did not take care of properly and now I see I am still no use to her."

"And whom may that be?" The duke was curious but he somehow already distinguished who the person is. They only have sons and their granddaughters aren't really to their liking. However, there was one particular lady whom the countess adored.

"Amelia, take her away."

The way the old count sounded as if he was allowing them to elope or something. The duke found it odd and his servants were even giving the count an odd expression saying.

Is the count selling off Lady Amelia?

"You want me to take her?"

"Yes, take her away before they'll have her life."

"Ah." He somehow understood what the old count meant. He too has helped the count investigate where the money was coming from. But, despite all his resources and power he too was unable to find out the source. "If they kill her, the source of funds your family has always been using will surely disappear as well."

"That I do not know," he sighs as he does not know if the people behind the money even care about Amelia or not. Since they have not inquired after all this year, maybe they don't care if she is alive or dead and they will still continue and give them money. "I just don't want anything bad to happen to her."

"The fact she is," The duke did not finish his words for he knew the cause of the girl being dumb and said instead. "Frankly, no one would want her as a wife. And if someone does, they will only marry her for her fortune and abandon her."

Count Wright couldn't say a thing because what the duke was saying was all true. He has long wanted to marry Amelia off but he saw no good family at all who would truly love her.

"So, you came to me and asked me to marry her."

"What?" The count looked so confused by what he just heard and shockingly looked at the duke with seriousness if he was being true to his words. "Marry her?"

"Isn't that why you're giving her to me?" The duke looked confused as well and he tried to hide his embarrassment by keeping the same cold face.

"Of course not, why would you think such a crazy idea? Amelia is like my daughter, I would never marry her to someone like you."

"What do you mean by that? I look as handsome as I was then."

"Who cares, you are triple her age."

"Then, you mean…" the duke was not pleased with the idea he was thinking. Does he want his son to marry the girl? He would rather kill the old man right now and propose such a foolish idea. His son was the dream of every maiden even though it's been years since he too last saw him. "I will never allow such an idea."

"Why not? You don't need to worry about money since she has such a vast fortune. I mean…"

The count was interrupted with the duke furiously reply, "Does it look like our family lacks money, let me get things straight. I will never allow my son to marry her."


This time the count was the one throwing a fit on the duke. He has realized that the old duke has long lost his sensibility and has gone crazy.

"She deserves someone better, your son. Never in a million years."

"Are you saying my son is not good enough for her?"

"Yes, no one is. Even the crown prince isn't good enough for her."

The duke was furious at what he was hearing. This was the first time that someone actually dare to say his son is not worthy. "You crazy old man, fine I'll take her in. But once she is under my wing, I have every right to do what I please."

"You are not allowed to touch her you monster!"

Before the count could punch the duke, he was forced to stop on his own when he saw the men from the shadows that appeared. Due to his emotion, he has forgotten where he was.

"Don't worry, I won't touch her. After all, she will be my daughter."


"None of your concern. You can go now…"

"Wait, I'm not yet done. I need to tell you something…"

But before the count could tell the duke that Amelia is actually not dumb. The duke has already vanished and there he stood alone with the servant that guided him early.

"I guess, he'll just have to find out on his own then."