

How should I introduce myself? Well, I am Amelia Wright and I am the fool of society. I am noble whose parents vanished without a word, but left me behind an enormous amount of fortune. As to whom they are, I do not recall? All I know is the one of them is a noble human while the other is an elf.

You might be wondering, as I did too. How did she find out she an elf? Could it be the ears?

Well, the answer to that is not because of the ears, but because of how I look and something within me making me special. However, I cannot prove that I am an elf, since elves have long disappeared from human society.

Before elves disappeared they used to live harmoniously with human. However, one greedy king changed everything. He sought to have what elves have and that was being gifted with a long life and special ability.

Humans too have special ability which are far greater than what elves can do. But that king just couldn't help his greed and wants everything causing elves to be hunter down leading to a war between each other.

The war only ended when on of the king's descendants decided to end everything by killing off the king.

Since then, peace between elves and human was once again formed. However, due to fear that one day another mad king will someday reappear, the elves just decided to forever vanish and never be seen again.

Which lead me to think my parents must have a secret affair with each other since I have neither seen both or them nor recall any memory of them since childhood. Anyways, most of my memory during my childhood has been remover since there are times I get fragments of my memory back yet they don't seem to match what I recall. I have a feeling this has something to do with my parents.

One thing I do recall, is that I used to live in a beautiful forest and I think my parents were with me back then. However, I feel like they are just my wishful dream. But, there are times I can still smell the herbs and plants near our home…

"Lady Amelia, what are you doing by the window again? If your grandfather finds our about this he'll surely be mad again."

Amelia turned around and looked blankly at the maid ranting at her. She couldn't careless of what she was saying nor the fact her grandfather will get mad at her.

'He won't get mad at me but with you.' She thought as she obediently followed the maid like a lifeless doll.

"Ah, my lady, what should I do with you? Why are you so dumb. Maybe it's because you don't have any parents."

'Here she goes again.' Amelia thought to herself as she sat down on the chair as the maid help her change her cloths.

"Tsk, your lucky that your parents left you an enormous amount of fortune. If not, a girl like you would have died out there already. If the count wasn't so kindhearted…"

'Let's be honest, anyone would take in a girl who has such fortune with her. I mean, I don't have the money with me but it's safe in a bank.'

When Amelia was found by the count, he didn't see anything special with her but his wife saw something special with her and treated her like her own daughter. Both the count and countess soon realize that the girl they found was indeed something special. Strangely every month, a great amount of fortune would be delivered to the count estate. The amount of money was to thank them for taking care of Amelia.

When the count and countess received such gift, they did not know how to handle such situation. At first, they fear that the girl might be an illegitimate daughter of some powerful family and they fear her identity might harm there family. However, what they fear never happen.

No one ever came to look for the girl, nor inquire of her well-being. They didn't even send any letters asking how the child is doing. All that was written in the letter they receive every month was the monthly income for taking care of the child.

Since then, both the count and countess have treated her like a gem which secretly brought jealousy to the count real children and grandchildren.

"My lady, are you listening." The maid when upfront to look at Amelia directly in her eyes. But when she saw no reaction at all, she gave up and heaved a heavy sigh. 'The madam would be please to find out that she's total dumb.'

"You, what do you think your doing?"

The maid was shock to see the old woman that just appeared. "Granny Jane, what are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here?" Granny Jane looked dumbfounded at the maid and was filled with anger. "Shouldn't I be asking you what are you doing here? I am the lady nanny since childhood. I am the one assigned by the late countess to take care of her."

"I-I mean, I only came to help out."

"Help out, none of you would care about her. One day, God forbid…" Granny Jane looked worried and scared as she continue, "If anything happened to the count, I'm sure all of you would…"

Both of them were shock when suddenly a crashing sound fell on the ground. When they both turned around to check what it was, they saw the bottle of perfume fell on the ground and Amelia was staring blankly at it.

"My lady, be careful." Granny Jane rush over as she pull the lady away and stared at the maid, "Aren't you here to help, then clean the up."

The maid was speechless and couldn't rebuke.

Amelia watches as the maid started cleaning up the mess she made, 'Go thing Granny walked-in in time.'

Such treatment wasn't new to Amelia and she couldn't careless of what they think. However, she couldn't keep up the act any longer, as what Granny Jane feared will soon come to reality.

'What should I do, I don't have much time left.'

Amelia followed her nanny to the garden for some fresh air, the nanny held her by her arm ensuring her safety.

"My lady, don't worry. As long as the count is there, no one will dare harm you." Granny Jane comforted her.

'However, grandfather will soon be put to rest.'

It's been months now since Amelia knew that something terrible will happen to the count. However, since she have decided to act dumb to avoid any trouble. She couldn't say anything about it nor act to prevent it from happening.

Amelia wasn't always dumb, it was due to the countess that she had to act like one.

It all started when the countess's granddaughter tried to kill Amelia. She was shock that her grandchildren would do such an act due to jealousy. The fact the countess would spend a great amount of fortune on her, but that was because all the money belong to Amelia in the first place. However, none of the count and countess's children nor grandchildren know about it. They have always thought their family were rich and have such great fortune.

The incident were the countess saw her grandchildren tried to drown Amelia has left her traumatized. So, she asked of Amelia to act dumb after the incident to avoid such thing happening again. Amelia was confuse with the countess's request and fount it hard to accept. However, after loosing the countess she realize everything.

She soon realize that without the countess love and protection everyone was against her and wish for her life. She never expect that such people would come from the kind count and countess. To avoid loosing the count too, she then started acting dumb and avoided the family by locking herself in her room.

However, her plan will soon come to an end for it cannot resolve the problem that soon to arise. Sooner or later, her life will also be on the line.

"My lady, I'll be back to get your tea. Please don't go anywhere." Granny Jane said as she sat the girl down on the chair and hurriedly went back inside the house.

"Did you hear, the duke's son has return."

"Who would care, he's nothing compare to the prince."

"But, aren't there rumors saying that the duke's son will soon take over the throne?"

Amelia heard the gossip of the workers working nearby and thought about what they were doing. She sigh as she already knew something about the prince true identity.

The prince is indeed the king's son. However, the problem has nothing to do with his identity but rather than what the prince's desires. The current first prince does not want to be king, for he is in love with the princess of a neighboring kingdom. However, that princess is the crown princess of her kingdom for it's only a small kingdom and they allow woman to take up the throne. So, he wish to be with the princess and give up his right for the throne.

While the second and third prince who are children from different woman, are both illegible for the throne. Why? One of them is a son of a maid, while the other is a child of a noble. However, that woman belong to the faction whom should never take part in how to rule the kingdom. For they only care about themselves and nothing else.

Since then, the king changed some of the rules in regards who is able to take up the throne. He even allowed woman which shock the nation. But, that was also a failure when none of the king's daughters are eligible for the throne.

So, the king could only turn to his brother's son who has active so much for the kingdom yet does not want the throne as well.

The king feared that once his gone, both his second and third son will fight to death for the throne and might lead to bloodshed. Not only within his family, but might even harm innocent lives.

Amelia has indeed foreseen such future and such dream has caused her countless nightmares.

Amelia was deep in thought when she did not notice the person standing in front of her.

"It's been awhile child."

An old man full of white hair stood in front of her with teary eyes, he has long been waiting for the day to see the girl once again. Since the day his wife died, he too decided to stay away from the girl to avoid any harms to befall her. However, he fear something bad is soon to happen so he decided to see her.

Amelia stared at the old man and tried her best not to react. She clenched her hands and she dig her nails into her palm.

"Know that I have always loved you, me and my wife always thought of you like our child. Due to fear, of what will happen to you, we-we…" The Count couldn't finish what he was about to say when he notice the girl's teary eye. When he saw this, he knew the girl was still there. "I'm sorry for everything, don't worry. I'll ensure nothing will happen to you."