
Football/Soccer: I am the best

Some people say, if God closes a door, he will open a window for you. A man dies of one of the most hated diseases on earth. Cancer. He spent his last days with his family and died while watching the World Cup. He suddenly woke up in another world as a new born baby in a bavarian(located in Germany) city. He had three templates in his mind. Thierry Henry Phillip Lahm Roberto Rivellino I want a few templates you don't see every day. I never heard of a Lahm template or a Henry template. Lahm was the captain of World Cup 2014 Germany. He never got a red card, even though he was a great defender. And Henry without a doubt was a great striker, with his crazy speed and shots. And about Rivellino, he is a perfect fit for the last template. I think this is enough. He will play RV, but will often play as a kind of winger with his speed. And maybe he will play completely as a winger. The reader can decide.

burakku · その他
68 Chs

Last day in Australia

"You will leave after this day?", Summer asked.

I only nodded.

"Then come with me. Let us look at Bodhi in the sponsorships deal. It will be fun. I promise", she said.

I nodded.

After that we walked to their training camp and then drove to that sponsorship thing. I had these things many times.

Going there I came in a casual outfit.

But suddenly the woman taking the photos asked me to participate in one of them.

I agreed but only in the background.

After doing all this we went back to a surfing competition to watch them. Shortly after I said goodbye to them and flew back to Germany. 

While I was on flight the sponsorship deals were uploaded on Instagram. The deals weren't common deals like with Audi, but they would sponsor the surfers in their way to be influencers.

After the first few people saw the photos, some recognised me. I had a very big Instagram following and many people immediately looked at the photos to see if it was true. 

After seeing I was really there they commented and liked it crazily.

Due to this the sponsor wondered why so many people were suddenly liking this photo. After analyzing it she noticed it was because of me and who I was.

Wanting to get more photos with me she called Bodhi and asked about me and why I am this famous.

As Bodhi didn't know she called Summer who also didn't know that I was this famous.

She called me but I was on the flight sleeping.

Shortly after she found out about my career. 

It was a hell of a mess after I arrived at the airport and saw everything Summer wrote.

But I easily solved it after a bit of explaining.

After I arrived at the Munich airport someone quickly brought me home and I started to train on the Bayern campus the day after again.

There were a few days left for Bayern to play again.

The next match will be against Hertha and then against Schalke. Two must-win matches.

I didn't forget to train in Australia and my frequency dribbling and flexibility have also improved.

I even took time to create my first skill. I called it the Meyer heel. It was a skill where I would do continuous stepovers but suddenly pass the ball with my back heel when the ball was at a certain rotation point. After doing this the ball would go around the defender in a half circle and I was able to sprint around him.

The skill was hard to interpret as you needed heavy instincts to complete it and good football skills. It may be my unique move in the future.

After showing off my skill in front of the other Bayern players they would all be surprised and asked me how it works.