
Football Manager

Elderitch_Void · テレビ
2 Chs

Chapter 1

While the Manchester City board were going through a complete overhaul of all its staff and players an avid fan of the team, In his apartment a few meters from the Etihad was monitoring the clubs progress from his phone and T.V. Ever since the news had spread, it hurt him to see his team fall to such a low point in its existance.

His name is Alexander Shaw and just like every 5 year old English boy he always wanted to become the next big Football superstar, at age 7 he tried out for the Manchester United Youth Academy but when he was told by the coaches he didn't have talent, he almost lost faith in himself and his love for the game but he realized something absolutely mind blowing

'If I can't become the next big footballer, then I can become the next big coach'

Those were the thoughts of his 10 year old self after watching a Manchester City vs Arsenal Match on the frigid night and that was the night Manchester City completely won his heart.

---------------Mansour's Office---------------

Mr Mansour had been busy the past few weeks, he has been trying to find someone to fill in the head coach position ever since they were forced to fire Pep, but any coaches that were on his shortlist either coached teams that are better than them or they did not want to associate themselves with a team that has been screwed up badly for fear that it will be a bad stain on their already small portfolios even after the club offered a nice house and a substantial wage.

To say this had been a bad week for Mansour was an understatement especially since his eyes were bloodshot and eyebags from his sleepless nights.


A light rasp came from Mansour's door

"Come in" he said with exhaustion noticeable in his voice

The door widened to reveal a man of average height and Spanish features wearing a simple shirt with trousers and cheap black shoes. Maniel Estiarte has been at the club for 8 years now, he has helping Mr. Mansour to make critical decisions though he is not proud of some of them looking at the past now, he has been trying to make an effort help remedy his mistakes and get the club out of the ditch it dug itself into.

"I am sorry to interrupt you sir"he said

"It's quite alright Maniel, I think you just game me a chance to give myself a break" Mansour replied while lighting up his ciggar. He motioned for Estiarte to join him but the old man refused saying

"I'd rather die a natural death than let cancer end me"

Mansour realizing his friends dislike of Ciggaretes quickly tucked away the box back into his desk drawer, and motion for him to sit on the couch at the rooms conner.

As the pair quickly got comfortable in the chair Mansour noticed his friend was awfully quite for someone who came to talk with him

With a sigh he asked

"Whats the problem"

"Zayed I know that you want to have a little break but,I've.Found.Him"Maniel said with glee

"Found who?" Mansour asked, his confusion visible

"Him,the one we've been looking for" the old man spoke with increasing excitement


Hearing Mr. Mansour shout was finally able to bring Maniel back to normalency.

"*cough* Sorry I got out of control"

"I am sorry as well my old friend"

"Now can you tell me who you have found?" Zayed asked

"I've found the next head coach for the club"

Time seemed to stop for the Saudi man upon hearing these words, he didn't even notice his cigar had fallen out of his mouth


"Spit it out Maniel"

"Well... He is very young and has no experience in league football" Estiatre said with a bit of aprehension in his voice

"Hahaha... Well altleast its better than nothing. Contact him and prepare a contract as well"

"Yes sir"Maniel replied while walking out the room

Mansour walked back to his desk, grabbed a new ciggar and lit it. After taking a few smokes he thought to himself

'Things are finally looking up'

--10 minutes later. Alexander POV--

I was just lying down on my couch going through news feed on City

'Still nothing new' I thought

I got up to get a beer from the fridge to try and calm my frustrations, I had just opened the fridge when my phone buzzed, quickly my attention shifted to what had appeared on the screen, it was a notification from gmail. I was honestly confused as I had no idea who had sent me if all people an email.

To satisfy this curiosity of mine I quickly opened Gmail on the phone and looked at the most recent email I had recieved, clicking on it I looked from the sender of the email and I was in shock it was from Manchester City representative, it took me a few seconds to recover from the shock I had recieved but when I did I continued to read the rest of the email, once turned to twice, twice turned to thrice, thrice turned to 4 times and I still couldn't believe what I saw.

Manchester City! My dream club!Had sent me an offer to become their head coach!

No words could explain how I felt at that moment , I quickly called the number at the the bottom of the page, the phone rang for a couple of seconds before someone finally answered.

"Good afternoon" I started

"Good afternoon.Who am I speaking to" a femenine voice said over the phone

" Yes.My name is Alexander Shaw, I was told to call this number after recieving an email from a Mister Maniel Estiarte"

"You are the call Mr. Estiarte is expecting" the woman said

"Please wait a minute while I connect you with his office line" she continued

After a few minutes of dead silence a voice of a person that was old enough to be my grandfather came through.

"Mr. Estiatre?" I asked trying to confirm the old man's identity

"I am he" the voice confirmed

"And I take you to be Alexander Shaw" he continued

"I am"

"Its good to meet you Mr. Shaw.I can understand that me recieving this phonecall means you are interested in the job offer" he enquired

"Yes sir" I responded enthusiastically

"Okay then, we shall be exspecting you at Laco Café & Bistro at 9 am sharp"

"What do you mean by 'we' exactly" i asked hoping to clear up my confusion.

"Of course it me and the Club's President and majority share holder Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan"

After he said the call was immediately cut and I was left alone with my emotions in disarray.