
The Pantera Sandwich

First off, Excellent Choice.

Assembly is quite simple for this sandwich, making it an Icon almost immediately.

The First Sandwich I ever made that was truly "Beer Worthy"

In memory of Dime Bag.



■Two Slices of Texas Toast. (3/4in. bread)

■Pancetta Bacon - 1 slice per sandwich, any more is a bit too salty

■Peppered Roast Beef - to taste, usually about 3/4 cup's worth per sandwich

■Jalapeño Jack Cheese - 1 slice, thin.


1) Pan fry Pancetta. don't bother flipping it, its thin. It takes no time at all to burn.

2) Shred Roast beef, sear in pan and stack on top of still cooking Pancetta immediately.

3) Begin toasting bread

4) Flip meat over. with bacon on top. - 30 sec? ish.

5) place Jalapeño Jack Cheese slice on top of hot bacon till melted.

6) lift with spatula or slide onto toast.

Serve with Thick beer.