
Followers of the Demon God

After her caravan was ambushed by a group of bandits. Jaycee sprinted into the forest. She found a cave and hoped to use it for shelter. Once inside she found there was an altar and instructions on how to summon a god! After praying for seven days a devilishly handsome man appeared! Giving her the blessing of the system. The story revolves around this god and his journey to increase his follower count!

ga143 · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Golden Wisps

With the sneak attack against the rabbit god successful, he fell to one knee. On his chest was only one hole. After the rabbit sent him flying the first time, he substituted himself for a clone while he hid and waited for an opportunity. Still the wound was not small, but he was not worried.

When he was summoned by Jaycee, his mind was immediately filled with basic knowledge of himself and gods. One of the bits of information he got was what happens when a god kills another.

Golden wisps of light started to emerge from the rabbit's corpse. They floated in the air for a moment before flowing into Detan's chest. The hole in his chest started to recover. Muscle forming and skin growing until he was as good as new, but there was still plenty of golden wisps to absorb. They continued to shoot into him, filling his body with power he hadn't felt before. His limit was increasing.

In the world of gods there were only three ways a god could be categorized. They could be low, middle, or high tiered. This referred to their follower count and not their strength. So a goddess of farming that is praised by tens of thousands of farmers would be ranked as a high tiered goddess, but her combat power would likely not be that good.

In order to increase a god's power they have to kill other gods and absorb their divinity. This is what Detan was currently experiencing. He could feel the amount of energy in his body rising.

Meanwhile in the center of camp the battle came to a close. The zombies had utterly destroyed the trust and teamwork the bandits had. Jaycee shot out her knives picking them off, while Gerald ran over and started to get revenge for earlier. He was truly in dire straits. He had sword marks all over his chest and arms. Mina's healing magic was holding him together while he pummeled the bandits into the dirt.

Lith stayed back with Jaycee and Mina, seemingly paler than before.

Once Gerald had slashed the last bandit in half, the battlefield became quiet. Corpses were scattered in a circle around them as the last of their blood flowed out onto the grass.

Jaycee turned to look back toward the rabbit monster and saw Detan kneeling before it's impaled body. Tears swelled in her eyes as a smile bloomed uncontrollably on her face. 'He's alive!' She knew it! He could never be beaten so easily by that monster! As the first tear rolled down her cheek she was about to run to him when Mina let out a sob. "Detan are you okay? You're not hurt anywhere are you?"

Jaycee's eye twitched as she looked at the little girl in annoyance. 'It's me that's the eldest disciple yet you're trying to steal my moment? Keep dreaming!'

Mina and Jaycee started to walk toward him. When one sped up, so did the other. Both of them wanted to be the first to reach him. They both had the same goal in mind, and neither were willing to concede.

Detan saw them racing toward him with their sobbing faces. They were moving toward him, but their eyes were locked on each other in a fierce battle. What situation was this? He didn't know what to do. He looked toward Lith and Gerald that were trailing behind for help. They just shrugged their shoulders with sorry looks on their faces. 'What does he want us to do? He dug this hole for himself.'

The girls finally reached him and took this opportunity to feel all around his body. "Are you okay? I saw you get stabbed by that rabbit's horn. If you want, I could ask junior sister to use some healing magic for you?"

Mina heard her shameless words. 'I'm right here! He doesn't have to ask you for the favor, he can just ask me!' She looked at Jaycee out of the corner of her eye and said, "I can heal you but in order to get the most effect out of the spell I'll have to... make contact with the wound." Her face blushed as she snaked her hand in the hole on Detan's robe. However there was no blood like she was expecting. It was smooth and hard. Her hand felt around, partly looking for a wound, and partly because she couldn't stop herself.

Detan looked at the two girls. His face was blank but on the inside he was shocked. 'It must be the adrenaline from the battle they just went through... yes, that must be it. They were never this bold before.' A memory flashed in his mind. The night they had spent in the village elder's home he was sitting near the fireplace. Mina came out from the room and practically announced that she was in love with him. 'So... maybe she was always this bold?' That means they're taking advantage of me!

When this realization dawned on him he pushed Mina's hand away. "I was careless." When he had scouted the night before, the rabbit god didn't show itself only to reel him in to it's trap further. He should have been more careful. His carelessness almost ended in their deaths. If it wasn't for Lith being willing to become a necromancer the ending might have been different.

"It's not you're fault master. We're holding you back." Gerald and Lith had walked over by now. "During the fight, if it wasn't for the buffs you gave us, we wouldn't have been of any help."

Detan looked at his disciples trying to console him, and felt that this scene was backwards. He was supposed to be consoling them, not the other way around. He stood up and switched gears. "This is only the beginning of our journey. When we get back to the village I'll make you two some weapons. Then the real training will begin."

Now that Detan was fine and the battle was over the girls had to stop their antics. Everything was over. They got their revenge and the village was safe. They wanted nothing more than to run back to their friends and see the looks on their faces when they told them the news. Even Detan wanted to return quickly to rest, but before they left he grabbed a few bones from the dead before he asked Lith to have his zombies clean up the rest.

Lith had just switched to this class. Detan had found that aside from Lith's higher dexterity stat, he is a rather talented necromancer. So in the future Detan was going to have him choose between an assassin class or a necromancer. However, he was forced to make that decision early due to the circumstance.

Since he had just become a necromancer he can only control ten zombies right now. So out of the fifty or so bandits he could only keep ten.

Lith gave them orders to bury the bodies he couldn't use and to clean up the camp. Detan had him do this because he thought that they shouldn't impose on the old man much longer and should move out. When they do, they can move here.

The group left the zombies to clean as they headed out toward the main road. Then they walked along it in the direction of the village. While they walked on the dirt road Jaycee realized something. "Detan, I gained a few skill points from that fight, what should I put them in?"

When she asked this everyone's ears perked up. They all had gained levels and weren't sure how to spend them. Detan said, "As far as skill points go, there are no wrong answers. Everyone of the skills in your menu were made by me, and everyone of them has a use. Just choose the ones you like."

Mina looked up and asked, "I don't like hurting people. When everyone was fighting I was so scared, I don't think I could do that. Is it okay if I put all my points into that healing spell?"

"Well, you can do that, but you should try to have more than just one spell. In a fight, if you just use the same one or two moves over and over again, you become predictable. So for the sake of being unpredictable you should branch out and go for a few other spells too."

The group had pulled out their systems and were looking through their skill trees when another group approached them from the opposite direction. They had very few possessions and were moving at a quick pace.

As they came closer Detan got a good look at them, it was the group of caravanners they had saved.