
FNAF: The yellow bear

It all happened so quickly. An FNAF 6/Security breach fanfiction. BEWARE: Genderbender and harem

Boots_ups_your_ass · ゲーム
2 Chs

The incident

It was a special day. It was for HER birthday. A party at Fredbear's family diner.

HER father...William Afton, his name once was. He wanted HER birthday there. SHE would never have gone there willingly. SHE hated it there, SHE was scared of that place. SHE died scared.

They put HER in there. If they had known what event HER death would have bring, they wouldn't have done it. They didn't know...they didn't know the failure of the SUIT.

It was like any other day, a supposedly special day. Instead, it was an unforgettable one. A quiet, happy place filled with magic and wonders turned into a horror house. The once quiet place was loud. Screams and yells flooded the restaurant. Soon the lights of red and blue came to the scene. This was that first incident. If only they knew that this was the beginning of Misery and Agony. That the death of HER would result in a trademark. Not one with a lovable bear with a bow tie.

But one with the loss of life and suffering of souls. I was one of the unfortunate to perish. But I came back as the one that took HER away. I was betrayed by HIM. HE was grieving, but HE took it too far. HE went too far.

I was HIS second victim, Charlie was the first. But HE didn't stop there. HE wanted to create and preserve life. HE did not ask for consent.

I...am going to find HIM, I don't where HE is. but following the trail of Freddy's, I will find HIM. HE will pay for his sins. I will SAVE THEM.

Thank you for reading. Future “chapters” will be longer, this is the only outlier so far. The update rate for this is unstable so don’t except it to be a weekly or monthly thing. The next chapter have been finished for months so I’ll just tweak with it a bit before releasing. While this is not the normal for my “chapters” please feel free to give commentary and review on my story.

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