
Flying flowers dance in the sky

Qi Jin accidentally rolled down the mountain while traveling in Tianshan, and by chance, he discovered a secret so big that it can't even be described as shocking. To this end, Qi Jin must call on the world to jointly develop earth civilization in order to reach the door to a safe world. But after entering the new world, we also face endless challenges...

20 Chs

Chapter 14 - Preaching

At the end of the scene, the jade piece flew back to Wang Xianying's hands. At this time, he had not come back to his senses, and was still thinking about the scene that had just appeared. How could it be so real and so terrifying! It was worse than Qi Jin at the beginning. A quarter of an hour later, Wang Xianying finally came back to his senses and couldn't help but take a step back and look at the jade piece in his hand in surprise.场景结束,玉片飞回王显英手中. 此时他还没有回过神来,还在想着刚刚出现的一幕. 怎么会这么真实,又这么恐怖! 比当初的齐晋还要惨. 一刻钟后,王宪英终于回过神来,不由后退了一步,惊讶的看着手中的玉片.  "This, this, this jade piece, it's so weird, it can be seen in the video, and it's so real, modern technology can't do it. Good baby, this is! But if the picture just now is real, then, it's impossible, is there really an immortal??? What kind of ability would the masters in the square do? Incredible!""这这这玉块,好诡异啊,视频里都可以看到,而且还这么真实,现代技术做不到啊,好宝贝,这是这个!不过如果刚才的画面是真的的话,那么 ",不可能,真的有仙人吗???广场上的高手们,会做出什么本事?不可思议!"  In a private house on West Street not far away, the two of them were equally shocked after reading the jade piece. They became more and more in awe of Qi Jin in their hearts.不远处的西街一处民宅里,两人看完玉片后同样震惊. 他们心中对齐晋越来越敬畏.  The next day, many people came to the square one after another, and the three people left behind yesterday came early before dawn. Qi Jin looked at the three of them, nodded and signaled, and then continued to meditate with his eyes closed. Because seeing the three of them was full of shock, that was enough. When countless people gathered in the bustling square, of course there were police, but most of the police were maintaining order. At this time Qi Jin spoke.第二天,不少人陆续来到了广场,而昨天留下的三个人,天还没亮就早早的来了. 齐晋看了三人一眼,点了点头示意了一下,然后继续闭目冥想. 因为看到他们三人充满了震惊,这就足够了. 当无数人聚集在熙熙攘攘的广场上时,当然有警察,但大多数警察都是在维持秩序. 这时齐晋开口了.  "This seat Qi Jin, you can call Taoist Wu Qi.""本座气劲,可称为吴气道人."  Queenie, Ayimu, and Wang Xianying immediately knelt down and shouted:奎妮,阿依木,王宪英立即跪下喊道:  "Immortal Qi is above, Immortal Qi is blessed and safe!""仙气在上,仙气加持,平安!"

  After Qi Jin heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched, his eyes were stunned, and then he regained his calm. He complained in his heart, It's too much, I just want you to call me Daoist Qi, not Immortal Qi.


  The next moment, he thought that he was going to make a high-profile appearance, but it was just right, and there was nothing wrong with it.

  At this moment, the unknown crowd also began to shout loudly:

  "Immortal Qi"

  This scene really made Qi Jin complain in his heart: It's so shocking, so scary!!!

  However, on the surface, he still pretended to be very calm, because Qi Jin was meditating with his eyes closed, covering up his nervous heart very well... After the wave of calls ended, Qi Jin began to preach after he worked hard to calm down.

  However, this scene had already been broadcast live by five or six live streaming hosts holding selfie sticks, and some people around took out their mobile phones to take pictures and videos for Qi Jin... But Qi Jin didn't panic at all, it didn't matter, it was up to you to increase your popularity!

  "This seat originated from the Heavenly Mountain Dojo and benefited from the preaching of the two immortals. This time, I came down the mountain on the orders of the two immortals to bring blessings to all the people of the world. Daoist Wuqi, is this the first stop when you go down the mountain?"

  After listening, everyone immediately understood Qi Jin's last sentence, and many people were excited.

  "Daoist Qi, please preach here! Immortal Qi, please preach!"

  Qi Jin's heart became more calm.

  "Well, this seat is so pious. I preach here."

  A wave of cries came after a wave:

  "Daoist Qi, Daoist Qi..."

  Qi Jin raised his hand and waved. A nameless heavenly book was in front of him, and Qi Jin officially began to preach. Spiritual power gathered, everything was silent, and the voice was invisible.

  "Dao can be Dao, very Dao. A name can be named, very name. The beginning of the nameless heaven and earth; the mother of all things with a name. Therefore, there is always no desire to see its wonders; there is always a desire to see it. The two come out of the same and have different names, and they are called Xuan. Mysterious and mysterious, the door of all wonders."


  "Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and all things are treated as dogs; saints are not benevolent, and people are treated as dogs. Between heaven and earth, what is it like? Empty but unyielding, moving and getting out. It is better to keep the middle."


  "Holding it and making it profitable is not as good as what it has been; if you are sharp and sharp, you cannot guarantee it for a long time. The house is full of gold and jade, and no one can guard it; if you are rich and arrogant, you will be responsible for it. The merit is to retreat, and the way of heaven is also."

  "What do you mean by this? In short, it is better to have a full range than to stop it in moderation. Sharp sharpness cannot be guaranteed for a long time. Full of gold and jade, it is impossible to keep it for a long time. Pride due to wealth will bring disaster to yourself. If you succeed, you will retreat bravely, which is in line with the natural truth."


  Qi Jin translated to the crowd while reading. Although there were some people in the crowd who didn't understand very well, there were some who did. How much they could understand was up to them.

  "That's all for today. Go back and digest it first. Come back here tomorrow to continue listening to the sermon."

  Everyone had no choice but to leave, but in the end, there were still nine people left, and there was a live stream in the distance. They refused to leave. When the four fields were silent, Qi Jin opened his eyes and saw that there were only nine people.

  "Very good, although there are not many people, there are also many. Yu Dao is destined. If you don't understand anything, you can ask it now, and each person can only ask two questions."

  Among the nine people, three were Queenie, Ayimu, and Wang Xianying. There were also two young policemen who talked yesterday, but the middle-aged policeman didn't come. Among the other four people, a woman was about 25 years old, with a quiet and gentle appearance, a sense of youth and beauty, and a slender and shapely figure of about 1.65 meters. A young man looked at Qi Jin nervously and muttered something from time to time. The other two were slightly older.

  "Hello Immortal Qi, my name is Yu Lian, and I am a florist. I have nothing to ask. I just listened to your sermon, and I have benefited a lot. At the same time, I also yearn for this natural feeling of heaven. Thank you very much." Yu Lian respectfully performed Taoist etiquette and said sweetly and softly.

  Everyone glanced at Yu Lian. At this time, the policewoman took a step forward and saluted respectfully before speaking.所有人都看向了于恋. 这时,女警上前一步,恭敬行礼,开口说道.  "Daoist Qi, you have extraordinary momentum and beautiful beauty. I hope you don't care about yesterday's rudeness. I apologize to you here, you have real talents and practical learning. I hope you will preach a lot to help the world.""齐真人,你气势不凡,美貌绝伦,希望你不要在意昨天的无礼,在这里向你道歉,你有真才实学,希望你多多传道,济世济世."  "It doesn't matter, this seat doesn't care much, and I won't care about you as a mortal." Qi Jin said indifferently,"没关系,本座不在乎,我也不会在意你这个凡人." 齐晋淡淡的说道:  Qi Jin really didn't care and was eager to come back a few times. Anyway, it doesn't matter...齐晋实在不在意,几次都渴望回来. 无论如何,没关系...  Qi Jin was afraid that the voice he heard was too low, so he deliberately used spiritual power to amplify his voice. However, due to the actions of the policewoman, thousands of waves were stirred up for a while, and the people who didn't believe in the live stream also became strange at this moment.齐晋怕自己听到的声音太小,所以故意用灵力放大自己的声音. 然而,因为女警的举动,一时间掀起了万千波澜,原本不相信直播的人们,此刻也变得奇怪起来.  "This is too much like that, can't it be true?""这也太像了吧,这不是真的吗?"  "It must be fake, this policewoman is also fake!""肯定是假的,这个女警察也是假的!"  "There can't be two policewomen, who dares to pretend to be a policeman?"   "But..." "But..."   "Although this Taoist Qi is very deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, I don't understand it either. Who knows if it is!"