
fellow captain

Perhaps the explosion had merely been the result of a faulty fuse or something similar. "Report."

"We encountered resistance near the northern border of the city, sir. We dispatched our patrols to deal with it. There weren't many of them, just four or five. We brought back six prisoners, including the leader of their band of rebels." One of the soldiers lowered his head respectfully. "The rebel leader has proven to be quite troublesome, however. I believe he might pose a serious danger to the general peace if you allow us to question him. He refused to provide any answers and attacked me when confronted." Another soldier shook his head. "I do not know how to describe him, sir. In addition to being extremely skilled in martial arts, he possesses incredible strength and speed."

"Hmm…" The soldier frowned. It sounded like the man was an expert swordsman, one who was highly proficient in both combat and martial arts. However, his ability to control his power wasn't enough to make up for the fact that his opponent seemed too intelligent and powerful, considering his own circumstances. The soldier doubted that his men had been able to take him out easily. Perhaps that was why their capture attempt had failed, despite the impressive odds stacked against them. "Bring me to him."

"Captain Coden!" A another captain called him with a bright smile outside of the house. "You're finally here. How did the meeting go?"

Coden smiled and replied, "It went well. We found a number of rebels and secured five captives. There are six others we haven't identified."

The captain nodded with a grin. "Good job, sir. What's next on your agenda? Any new recruits to add to your squad?"

"...No. There will be none," Coden answered. He felt slightly guilty when he thought about the poor boy who'd been recruited, especially after seeing the condition he was in. Still, it wouldn't do any good to show any signs of remorse or pity.

However, Coden didn't miss how his subordinate's expression darkened at the mention of new recruits. "How'r yer other two squads doing?" Coden asked, trying to steer away from the topic of recruitment. After all, the other squads he had been assigned to were the ones who'd been successful.

His friend grinned again. "Great! You'll definitely want to check it out next time you leave. They've got the recruits all packed up and ready to go. They're waiting right outside the gates."

"Alright. I'll get going now. Thanks for telling me about my new squad members, Captain." Coden flashed his friend an encouraging smile before walking past him.

His fellow lieutenant nodded. "I hope you enjoy training under them. See ya later, sir! Have fun with your new batch of guys!"