
Flowers bloom, Petals fall

*** Strictly prohibited for kiddos below 18 **** A never-ending fierce battle between the Heaven Realm and Demon God, have made them expand their forces into the mortal world. Heavenly Realm collaborated with Olena, a kind-hearted human being. Demon God collaborated with Aliyah, a cruel human being. The battles developed an entangled relationship between Aliyah and Olena. They get involved in a cycle of reincarnation, mother and daughter relationship.

HL9900 · ファンタジー
50 Chs

Prologue - The Immortal journey to Mortal Realm

- In the year 1350 in Shilla Country (Mortal Realm) -

The moon illuminated the dark sky. A fire broke out in the Red Village. The massive fire unceasingly burns down the entire village. A few pillars of dense smoke escalated to the sky, making a hazy atmosphere. The villagers are running around in panic. Some villagers got trapped in their residences. A thousand grim reapers gathered around the village, waiting to claim for souls.

The boat docked at the border of the human realm. Master Woon bowed at the boatman to thank him for the ride. He left the village port to find his way back to his dungeon in the mortal realm.

He entered an alley. It was pretty dark. He reckoned the mortal has insufficient money to purchase candles and oil lamps.

As he walked deeper into the alley, he noticed a young boy hugging his knee and crying in a corner.

He walked the boy and squatted down before him. "Are you alright?" Master Woon asked.

The boy looked at Master Woon. Tears ran down his cheeks, muds covering his face. He is wearing plain dirty clothes, slightly torn. Master Woon grabbed his hand and noticed some burnt on his skin. The boy is afraid to speak.

"Where are your parents?. I will bring you home." Master Woon grabbed his hand.

The boy ignored but continued to cry. Seeing him in such a pitiful state, Master Woon becomes curious. He touched his head, trying to read his mind so he could find out the problem of this child.

A vision came into his mind.

Master Woon realized the boy's parents just died. They got trapped in a house burnt down by a fire. His father carried him out from the windows to let him escape and asked him to run for his life.

He looked in front of him. The souls of his parents were standing next to the boy, but the boy could not see them. Master Woon got the eyes of an immortal. He could see the ghosts.

His parents bowed at Master Woon to give respect. Master Woon gut tells him that this moment he encountered with the boy wasn't a coincidence. He knew the parents led the child to this alley. An informant must have told them an immortal will pass by here tonight.

Master Woon turned his head to look behind and glanced through the alley. "Come out! I know you are here!" Master Woon yelled.

The boy gasped in shock and got afraid. He thought Master Woon was one culprit who burnt down the village. He pleaded in a trembling voice, "My father died saving me and urges me to live a good life. Otherwise he will die in vain. Please do not kill me." he burst out in tears.

Two grim reapers appeared. They seemed nervous when they figured that Master Woon knew they were the informant.

They confronted Master Woon, "Master! This boy is pitiful. His parents could not rest in peace. Worried that they left him alone in the mortal realm. He has no other family members too."

Another grim reaper said, "The immortal from the heavenly realm gave him such a dreadful fate. Since you will be in the mortal realm, why not adopt this child?"

The boy's parents knelt before Master Woon, "Please do not blame the grim reapers. They told us the goddess of stars will appear in the mortal realm today. Please help us look after our son, Mori. We can then rest in peace, Master." They both weep and grasp Master Woon's hand.

Master Woon nodded with sincereness and looked at the Mori. "Mori, your parents are here. They are begging me to look after you."

The parents felt grateful and relieved when Master Woon promised them to look after Mori. The grim reapers took the parents away.

Mori believed him the moment Master Woon mentioned his name. He carried the boy back to his dungeon.

He helped Mori to clean his body and apply medicine to his wound. He gave him some clothes.

Master Woon put him to sleep and tug a blanket over him.

A moment later, Melvin appeared in the dungeon. Surprised to see a boy in the dungeon.

"Master...Oh... Master! I see you are becoming a father!" he chuckled.

"His name is Mori. Please have a look in the book of destiny, what kind of fate he has." Master Woon said.

Melvin nodded and took out his manuscript to find Mori's name. He grabbed the book of destiny containing Mori's information and glanced through.

He read out from the book of destiny. "In the past life, he has cultivated 900 years of medical skill. This life, he will be a royal physician and get married to the daughter of the king."

Melvin gasped as he read out a paragraph in the book of destiny."Master Woon gave him an elixir to commit suicide???"

Master Woon looked at Melvin, "I just saved the boy, and in the future, I will kill him?" He snatched the manuscript from Melvin and read through. "He is a kind and righteous man. If he has done nothing wrong, why do I ask him to commit suicide for?"

Master Woon looked at Mori. He was sleeping with teary eyes.

Melvin knocked on the table, "I came to inform you. Rachel, the queen of the wolf, wanted to enrol Asuna's child into the School of Immortal."

Master Woon raised his eyebrows and looked at Melvin, "Asuna's child? I thought Asuna had gone missing?"

Melvin nodded, "Yes, I could not think of a master to recommend them. Moa and Rachel brought the boy to the heavenly realm today. When I asked him a question, he replied me WA! WA! WA! WA! WA! God knows what he is talking about."

Master Woon chided. "The jungle realm is our alliance. We have to help them. After all, Asuna's son is the future ruler of the jungle realm."

Melvin interjected, "I have taken the best masters to meet Ahmed. The masters have rejected, they traced demonic energy in him. I told Rachel and Moa we have to reject the boy because he has been practising witchcraft!"

Master Woon sighed, "We need to eliminate the demonic energy in him." Master Woon gave a deep stare at Melvin, "If he is practising witchcraft, then our prediction is right. He will turn into a demon god."

Melvin responded, "I told Rachel we have to eliminate the demonic energy in him. Both the lion king and the wolf queen are in a dilemma."

Master Woon groaned with his mouth wide open "Arghhhhh".

Melvin quickly grabbed this opportunity to put an elixir into Master Woon's mouth. He smacked his chest to make him swallow in the elixir.

Master Woon felt that he had swallowed something. He asked, "What is that?"

Melvin chuckled, "It's not poison! Don't worry! I have to go now!"

In a blink of an eye, Melvin vanished from the dungeon. Master Woon walked toward the bed and slept next to Mori.

He felt a positive energy in the boy and wondered why Mori died for him in the future.

The golden medallion is shining gloriously in the sky, but the dungeon is still dim.

While Master Woon is still sleeping, Mori wakes up and gets out of the dungeon.

He walked toward the well to get some water. He chopped the firewood and made a fire.

He pours the water into a pot and boils them. When he felt the water was warm enough, he brought them to the dungeon.

Master Woon saw him coming in with a pot filled with warm water.

He put the pot down and knelt before Master Woon.

"Good morning, Master. Thank you for saving my life."

Master Woon grabbed a box from the messenger bag and gave it to Mori.

"These are acupuncture needles, and this is a manuscript for you to learn medicine."

Mori was surprised when Master Woon gave him the manuscript and acupuncture needles. He wondered how he knew his desire to become a physician. "Thank you, Master."

He made some tea for Mori. They drank tea together. Master Woon knew the boy was hungry, "Let's go for some food!" They left the dungeon. Master Woon took him to a restaurant.

They rest in a restaurant. Master Woon ordered plenty of dishes for Mori.

Mori looked at Master Woon, "You seem to know all my favourite food, and you even know I wanted to be a physician. Are you a mind reader?"

Master Woon chuckled. He took out some silver coins and gave it to Mori, "Here are some coins. Find a school you wish to enrol. Learn some words. You can come back to the dungeon and stay with me."

Mori's eyes welled up with tears. "My father and mother are poor. They can't afford to pay for my school fees, can't afford to buy me nice food or clothes."

Master Woon pats on Mori's shoulder. "Your parents came to me for help. They can't rest in peace, leaving you alone in this world. It was destiny for us to meet. Always be grateful to them."

Mori nodded his head, "I don't hate my parents. I know they always give their food to make sure that I eat well. I hate myself for not being able to return their favour."

Master Woon nodded. "Your parents may die for you, but you will save many people in the future. They will reincarnate to be happy, healthy and wealthy. Don't worry!"

Mori's lips curved a smile.

The server walked towards them to serve the food. Mori ate like a horse. Master Woon chuckled and used the chopstick to get more dishes to put on Mori's bowl.

Master Woon said, "After you finish your meal, go look for a school to learn some words."

Mori nodded. When his bowl is empty, Master Woon dug out a jade pendant from his messenger bag. He tied the pendant on the belt of Mori. It's dangling around his waist.

"Master, I do not deserve more gifts. I am grateful for the food, clothes and shelter." Mori said.

Master Woon chuckled, "This jade will help you when you can't find your way back to the dungeon."