
Chapter 4: Difficult to Argue_1

The service wasn't bad, but his eyes had a cannibalistic look to them, austere enough to make one's heart tremble. That was Zhang Ziwen's evaluation of Brother Shuai, the police officer.

Zhang Ziwen took a pleasurable puff, and blew three smoke rings, one fit into another, a spectacular sight. Soft Zhonghua, they actually brought back this brand of cigarette. Given that I was arrested last night without any purchases, I must have saved about 300. So, did I not make a profit? But wait, if they pin special services on me later, I might be fined to bankruptcy. I have only a little over 800 in my wallet, and my bank account is nearly zero. What if I don't have enough money to pay the fine? Will I be sent to a labor camp? Zhang Ziwen's mind began to wander.

"What are you thinking about? You've already finished your cigarette? Talk now." The policewoman cut off Zhang Ziwen's thoughts, questioning him with a calm yet stern demeanor.

Zhang Ziwen snapped back to reality, and shook his head wryly: "I'm sorry, I still can't remember."

Besides special services, what could possibly concern him? It's clear as day! What's the point of all these theatrics? Zhang Ziwen was a bit displeased with the policewoman.

A flash of anger appeared in the policewoman's eyes: "Zhang Ziwen, listen up. You'd better cooperate and not try any tricks because it is not in your best interest." Her voice raised about an octave, sonorous and pleasant. It's just, colder than earlier.

Zhang Ziwen found the policewoman quite amusing. Wasn't she blatantly threatening him? To turn a minor issue into a major one, did she think he was a fool?

Zhang Ziwen shrugged, indicating his genuine ignorance. Although Zhang Ziwen thought his shrug was quite stylish, hoping to leave an impression on the beautiful policewoman, it seemed to have no effect. Instead, the policewoman's face turned sterner.

Even when she is angry, she remains so beautiful. It's settled then, I am beyond salvation, he sighed.

"Bang!" The policewoman slapped the table hard: "Zhang Ziwen! I will have you know, your attitude is a problem. Do you need a hint!?" The policewoman's voice raised another two degrees; her emotions were somewhat stirred,

But Zhang Ziwen didn't hear any of this as his heart ached for her delicate hand slapping hard against the sturdy table. Was it not painful? Hadn't it turned red?

"Zhang Ziwen!"

"Yes!" Distracted Zhang Ziwen was startled by the policewoman's roar. He subconsciously tried to stand and respond sharply, but the restraints brought him back to reality. He grumbled to himself in discontent. What the hell is she making such a fuss about?

Before he knew it, the policewoman was right in front of him, her soft hands holding the wooden board, her stunning face closing in on him. Her angelic eyes sternly focused on him.

Zhang Ziwen managed to avoid the policewoman's stern gaze and glanced at her. Her crisp white uniform adorned with a black velvety triple-starred shoulder badge, a badge with the number 03586 and labeled 'Senior Inspector from the Major Crime Unit' hanging over her chest. Wu Min, now he knew her name. Zhang Ziwen was a little excited, he inhaled deeply and caught a whiff of the intoxicating scent coming from her body.

"Zhang Ziwen, it's not your first time in this office, is it? Your answers are just too polished." The policewoman's tone was no longer as excited as before, but instead seemed taunting.

A wave of warm, pleasant scent hit him, and Zhang Ziwen could identify a sweet smell from her breath. My God, his heart skipped a beat. She was too close. Zhang Ziwen could see her flawless white teeth through her rosy lips - so neat, so attractive.

Zhang Ziwen slightly tilted his head and matched her piercing gaze. Her pupil was clear and bright, her gaze making him uneasy, so he dared not look into her eyes for too long.

As Zhang Ziwen averted his eyes, a glint of complacency flashed across the policewoman's eyes.

You win, he sighed in his heart, she clearly thought that he was a guilty man.

"Speak up, don't just be stupefied there, I'm waiting for your answer." The policewoman's voice sounded quite triumphant.

A fragrant scent again entered his nostrils. With nowhere else to rest his eyes, they involuntarily found their way to her bulging chest. Below the small, collar-style uniform was a smooth, tender neck. With her body leaning forward, Zhang Ziwen couldn't stop his gaze from peeping into the 'V' neckline... the dark, embroidered bra… He could tell from just the sight of her cleavage how full her half-exposed breasts were. He began feeling stifled.

"You...wicked little guy...where do you think you're looking..." A shocked cry came from the policewoman. Zhang Ziwen's vision blurred as the policewoman retreated swiftly, her cheeks flushed red. She looked stunning.

Alas, he sighed again in his heart. What's wrong with me? Why couldn't I keep my cool today? It's not my fault, right? Who sent such a beautiful policewoman to interrogate me? Can I be blamed for that?

"Slap!" Zhang Ziwen's head was hit with a forceful slap. The blow was fierce; he saw stars for a while before finally coming to his senses. Damn it, the thug police officer stroked again.

Zhang Ziwen was furious: "Fuck! I'm warning you, try to touch me again, see what happens?"

Apparently, Brother Shuai was unfazed by Zhang Ziwen's threats and scoffed: "You punk, quite arrogant now. I'll deal with you today, let's see how far can you go." He seemed ready to strike again.

"Enough!" The policewoman interjected in time: "Little Cao, you get back to writing the report."

The policewoman called Brother Shuai back and casually sat on the table. Brother Shuai huffed as he unwillingly walked back to the computer, still cursing under his breath.

Damn, if you dare lay another finger on me, I swear I'll have you picking up your teeth all over the place. You think this shitty chair can restrain me? Don't underestimate who I used to rub shoulders with! Zhang Ziwen was seething as he saw the look of frustration on the face of Brother Shuai, the cop.

"Zhang Ziwen, don't waste any more time here. Whatever you should say, it's best you come clean." The policewoman's voice cut through Zhang Ziwen's rage and dissatisfaction.

"Alright, ask away. I'll tell you what I know."

Just now, that punch from the cop Brother Shuai shattered Zhang Ziwen's good mood. He couldn't bear to waste any more time. He didn't want to stay in this lousy place for a second longer.

Seeing Zhang Ziwen's cooperation, the policewoman tried to keep her tone as soft as possible, "Very well, since you've made up your mind, let's get straight to the point. I ask, you answer. Understood?"

Zhang Ziwen nodded, showing his compliance: "Understood. Ask away."

"What's your relationship with the Black Dragon Club?"

"... Black Dragon Club?" That's not relevant at all. Zhang Ziwen was taken aback.

"Yes, the Black Dragon Club. Don't tell me you don't know about it." The policewoman's patience was wearing thin.

Zhang Ziwen shook his head with a bitter smile: "To tell you the truth, I really don't know anything about this Black Dragon Club. Never heard of it."

Zhang Ziwen's response irritated the policewoman, "Zhang Ziwen, are you planning to resist to the very end?"

Zhang Ziwen felt something was off and cautiously asked: "Officer, what does this Black Dragon Club do?"

"Zhang Ziwen! Are you seriously playing dumb?" The policewoman snapped, her fair, pretty face turned beet red.

Damn! What does one thing have to do with the other? Zhang Ziwen felt even more confused and hurriedly tried to explain: "Officer, I'm genuinely confused, did you guys make a mistake? Black Dragon Club? White Dragon Club? What's that got to do with anything?"

"Mistake? Would we mistake the location of your gathering today? Our Major Case team has been following you guys for more than a day or two. Don't play dumb with me. If you won't confess, that's fine, I have all the time in the world."

The policewoman didn't believe Zhang Ziwen's explanation and prattled on, "Zhang Ziwen, don't say you weren't given a chance. Confess your crime early, maybe we can still plead for leniency from the judge. If you insist on resisting to the end, fine, we'll just stick it out. We'll talk when you come to your senses."

After babbling on, the policewoman turned to Brother Shuai, who seemed to be recording everything: "Little Cao, let's go. Let him stay here." Brother Shuai, the cop, stood up without hesitating. He looked impatient, as soon as the policewoman said they were leaving, he didn't even want to glance at Zhang Ziwen.

Seeing them leaving, Zhang Ziwen hurriedly said: "Wait, I have something to say."

"Oh..... go ahead, why didn't you say it earlier?" There was a mischievous glint in the policewoman's eyes.

".....How long exactly are you planning to detain me for?" Zhang Ziwen had a foreboding feeling. He chose to ignore the mischievous twinkle in the policewoman's eyes.

The policewoman responded leisurely: "That depends on your behavior."

"That's not right, according to regulations, it shouldn't exceed 48 hours. I'm not wrong, am I?"

Do you take me for a fool who knows nothing about the law? Zhang Ziwen was annoyed.

"Is that so? You do know quite a bit, don't you? However.... you are a major suspect, so you might have to stay for a while longer."

Zhang Ziwen could hear the disdain and triumph in her voice.


I would like to state beforehand that this interrogation scene is purely fictional, there's no coincidence. I firmly believe that police officers would never conduct an interrogation in such a manner.