
Chapter 193: Re-encountering Xu Xue'er

Su Ruoxi had also heard that cold snort and knew what was going on, she believed in her brother, he definitely wasn't the kind of person to bully others, surely it must have been something inappropriate her sister said that led to her being hit, although it wasn't very gentlemanly.

Huang Tingting had heard it too, Su Ruoxi had told her about the incident, and since they were both close friends, she didn't want to take sides. What if she favored one and upset the other? Moreover, today Xu Yue'er's sister, Xu Xue'er, was also present, so it was best not to bring up that matter.

Huang Tingting had a total of five bridesmaids, naturally including Su Ruoxi and Xu Yue'er, and then there was Xu Xue'er. There were originally only supposed to be two bridesmaids, but after some thought, she decided to have more, hence she invited her sister as well, and one more was her boss — Xia Qingyi.

The last one was her cousin, Song Yanwu.