
Flow with the Water

The main character Jin finds his life boring after repeating the cycle of waking up and working. At work, he goes to the restroom accidentally hits his head on the sink, and finds himself in the middle of nowhere with only snow and an ice lake around him. Meeting an unknown creature to identify where he is he finds himself in the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Follow him on his journey to find something exciting in life. (AN) Hello, this is my first time writing a story so I might suck at stuff like explanations. I’m already lamenting this synopsis and how bad it is. So if you have found any bad stuff about it tell me about it. Also, give me constructive criticism, not some random crap. Thanks for reading the synopsis at least if the story intrigued you, add it to your library. I don't have a schedule of when I'll update so I'll update when I feel like it.

NuclearHeart · 都市
7 Chs

Chapter 3

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing media. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fan fiction.

Hakoda and the rest of the group brought Jin back to the tribe. During the travel back, Jin and Hakoda made some simple talk.

Seeing Hakoda being so nonchalant about everything, Jin wondered why his personality was different here than in the show. 'Even though he's younger it doesn't mean his personality has changed that much. It might've been the birth of Katara and Sokka that caused him to mature. What might have made an even bigger impact would have been the death of his wife, Kya.'

Jin is spurred out of his thoughts when they arrive at the village. Hakoda pats Jin's back and says "Alright, we're here. You're going to be living with me until you make your own tent or when you quit the training."

After hearing what Hakoda said, Jin gives a smile full of determination. "Don't worry sir, I won't quit that easy I'll make sure to finish the training and even become the best warrior in the world."After saying this, Jin shows a toothy grin and a thumb toward Hakoda.

Hakoda saw Jin's determination and was a little surprised. He gave a quick smile before saying "Alright young man, tomorrow is when you'll begin your part of the promise. So follow me home so that you can get ready for tomorrow."

On the way to Hakoda's home, he looked around the village. The village was filled with igloos and tents. The tents were light brown with the shape of the tents being a classic tent for camping seen in the modern era just more simplistic.

When Jin saw that Hakoda stopped in front of an igloo, he waited for Hakoda to enter before entering himself. Once Jin got inside the igloo, he felt a wave of warmth wash over him. He instantly started to relax from the warmth. 'I wish I could stay here and feel this amount of relaxation until the end of time.'

When the feelings of pleasure escaped him, Jin finally looked around and saw a young brunette woman with blue eyes in the igloo, making food. "This is my wife Kya and this is Jin, dear."

"Nice to meet you ma'am. I'll be in your service from now on." While saying this Jin did a little bow which Kya returned. "Nice to meet you too." A mature and gentle voice came from Kya.

Since the introductions were over Hakoda dragged Jin to the room he was going to live in. "This is going to be where you're going to sleep and rest from the work you do." Hakoda left the room after bringing Jin to his room.

Seeing that Hakoda left the room Jin started to inspect the room in more detail. The room was white with a tint of blue on the walls. The bed was a pile of fur on top of a wooden frame. There was a piece of cloth surrounding the fur so that it wouldn't itch. 'I doubt it's going to work though. At the least, I have a place to sleep for the time.'

Jin got on top of the bed and started to position himself in the middle of the bed and sit down in a meditating pose. 'Now for the part I've been waiting for! Will I have bending? This is a make-or-break moment. If I don't have the power to bend elements it will cause me to live at the absolute bottom of the food chain. However, even if I don't bend I'll still become the strongest so that I can have fun in this world.' After confirming his resolve, Jin starts to calm down his thoughts and thinks of nothing. He starts to try to feel the elements around him.

Jin first tries to sense the flame in the living room. 'Fire is an unpredictable force of nature. It consumes anything that you put into it. Although it could be seen as a form of destruction, it can also be seen as something that can create. Fire is something that can lead to the destruction of many or to the survival of the wise.' Even after focusing hard on the properties of fire, he still doesn't feel anything.

'Let's try the earth next.' Jin refocuses his mind on the earth underneath him. 'Earth is the vague term to describe the ground under us. It is rigid but malleable. It is the literal building blocks of the universe. It is as vast as the sky. It can be firm and discrete but it can also be loose and fluid.' Again, Jin was unable to sense the earth underneath him and saw nothing in his mindscape.

'What about the air.' After the first two failures he started to believe that he might not be able to have the ability to bend an element. He only had two elements left so he might as well try the rest. 'Alright, air is like a fluid. It can be treated the same as water. Almost every single law that water follows, air also follows. The air is free it takes no shape. It has no color. Nothing at all, however it could act as everything else. It could become a solid, a liquid, or nothing at all.' After glazing the air, Jin felt a little tug. He saw a little movement in his mind, but he instinctually knew that this felt wrong. This is not his element to bend but close.

'It's only water left. This is my last chance to become somebody who can instantly become somebody important.' This time the success he had with the focus on air had him a little hopeful. He started to shift around in his meditation. 'Jin, you need to focus. Calm down.'

Jin took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. He closed his eyes and focused on the element of water. 'Water is just like the air. It has no shape and is unrestricted. Although it is essential for the life of all the living beings in this world, it can be destructive also with the diseases it can carry. It can also be pressurized and more. Water can also be harnessed to heal the sick.'

Throughout his monologue, Jin slowly started to see a blue swirl in his head. It was at first moving slowly. But after focusing harder, even though it was a little bit, started to influence the swirl of blue light. After influencing the water for an unknown time, the blue swirl finally became a solid color in the center of his mind.

After accomplishing this, Jin opened his eyes and instantly saw something in his hand. It was a small water droplet slowly rotating in his hand. Even though it was something extremely small, it was evidence that he could bend water.

It was pure evidence that he could control estar. With this Jin could finally progress towards a life full of enjoyment and progress. All he needed to do is train this ability hard and he would succeed.


Sorry I haven't posted recently. Finals week is literally starting Monday. So I've been doing the final assignments and studying. And maybe playing a little bowsers inside story on my phone.

Anyways, I hoped I hyped up the water element up in this chapter decently. Since this is my first time writing a story I didn't know what to do to make this cool but i tried at the least.

In the end, if you enjoyed the story give me a kiss in the comments. If you didn't you can still give me a kiss since I have no enemies.

Anyways have a good day or good night for everybody wherever me you may be. See you soon.