
Flow of the

Waking up in a unknown place, Kalen faced danger amost immediately. Found his passion, awaken his energy . Walking toward the path of blood and gore. Will he escape it?

goffyboy · ファンタジー
3 Chs


Kalen was confused by the old man's words. ' What does he say about my name. Walker?' In his kingdom only noble family, royal and rich people can get surname.

"Hello. Can you hear what I just say?." The old man repeat. Kalen was startled. " Ahh.. right sorry about that I just wandering what do you mean the name Walker. I'm sure that I don't have surname."

The old man placed his hand on his chin and scratched " I see. I just assumed that your name must be Walker seen your adaptability were high." After thinking for a moment " Well, It doesn't matter. Do you want to know how you get here?" said with passionate.

" Yes, sir... Sorry what should I call you. My name is Kalen."

" You can call me Hector."

Kalen was shaken by the name. Hector was the last person who received " god " title. He was the hero who defeat the chaos race, the creation of darkness. The legendary hero of the children book. Kalen often heard about him in the brothel.

" Hector. Do you mean the hero Hector. " Kalen asked.

" Yes. Although I don't consider myself being hero. Yes I am that hector."

When that words strike Kalen, he immediately stand up and bow in commoner style. He can't let this disrespect manner impact on his life. What if Hector found his lack of etiquette frustration. But Hector stop his action with a single wave. Time seems to reverse soon he was sitting in the different chair.

Cool sweat start to form in his forehead. ' Amazing .'

" I don't like formal. Can you please act like yourself. I really hate watching people force to respect on me." Hector said with annoying voice. He seems to disturb with Kalen' action.

" Sorry. I thought that I need to bow. "

" Don't worry I don't mind such a thing. Well, what are we talking about?"

" You are saying that you know about my arrival."

" Yes . I know but I can't say all these information. This world's energy force me to keep secret about some things from you. Do you want to know the thing I can tell you about."

Kalen thought for a moment, ' What is so strange that even the world's energy seem to close the information. ' ' And what is that Walker. ' so many question and he need answer.

So naturally he say " Yes. Tell me everything you can say."

Hector change the environment again this time , the place is in the sky.

" Do you know chaos. "

Kalen answered with a obvious look. ' I mean who doesn't know about chaos race. They are born in darkness, consuming negative energy thrives to kill. Changing the world's energy into negative zone. The bearer of the flow technique and chaos race clash almost centuries.

" Yes. I know ."

" Do you also know that chaos was created by god."

" No. I thought chaos were created by negative energy. " Hector reply with a sigh. " Well, that is what the world's leaders told. They made me think that chaos were evil being. Listen carefully boy, chaos were born not created. They are born with unique blood. That's all I can tell you about chaos. Do you know the link between chaos and you."

"No" confused Hector revealed information. ' What does he mean ' create, unique blood? ' 'Does that mean the world's continent group lie the entire population. '

' Shit! If I know this kind of information, they will seriously put me in the list.' 'And what kind of connection did I have with chaos. I can't recall nothing. '

Hector laughed at Kalen worried expression. " Don't worry non of what you are thinking right now will happen." spoke with resume tone. " You're the one make the contract with that person. "

" Who? What contract? "

What the fuck is happening. I am so confused. I know what contract mean to flow user but I am not so this can't effect me unless someone forced me to take.

" If you don't know, I can't speak about it."

" So can you tell me everything you can tell . Please stop teasing about that I am dieing to know about it."

" You should walk the path of the adventurers. Fight for yourself. Be selfish. Know about your origin. " Hector stopped trying to hold back another unspeakable words.

" That's all I can tell. I'll drop you in capital of the Thevren country. Not your home town, got it. First take off your clothes."

" Why?" Kalen asked.

" To awaken your energy. It seems that your energy double normal people but compare to the flow manipulator you're nothing but ant."

" But I defeat your creation."

" Yes. But my creation does not attack you, you invade his territory. It is simply use your soul to counter attack you. Quite difficult to understand right." Hector smirked.

Kalen take of his shirt to reveal his skinny body. Heactor looked at skinny boy and said " You gotta train hard. With this body you can't cross the limit of human. Well, let get started. " Placed his hand on Kalen's left chest. It flowed out of Hector, puffing into the air, translucent yet radiant, like the color of oil on water in the sun.

The energy of god pushed his blocked flow easily. After a few minutes of checking his body.

Hector retreat his energy.

" Now, you're awaken one. How do you feel?" Hector spoke with a proud smile. " Nothing. " Hector's smile die the moment he heard this word. After pausing, the smile resumed.

Hector stood up from the chair and open the portal. The void. It seems to suck everything near. Kalen scared because he shared a happy moment with void like place. 'Not good. I must mustered courage. '

Kalen stood in front of the void portal. " Bye, Hector. Hope to see you again. " He walked through the portal. Like water covered his body, Kalen feel the certain changes in the atmosphere. The crack appear again but this time the crack regenerate only to crake again. His body absorbed the fiber of the crack.

The light enter his eyes. Nuisance started to kick in because of space distortion.

The dust flew by his side. Some people bumped his shoulder. " Watch it."

The snow rest in his black hair. There is a big castle in the center. Dragon was lying on top of the castle. This place is Thevren's capital city.

Kalen heard about this place. The place where adventurers are born and strength ruled. Beautiful princess waiting to marry worthy husband. Rich in culture and cruel place. The place where he start. " I ... "