

There is a beautiful woman in the Philippines whose job is as a painter, she loved a man and loved her too, and because of that love they got married, but when she got married, her husband changed and abused her. (She promised herself that she would never love again.) And because she was abused, she separated from her husband and went to Russia, a few years later she returned to the Philippines to face her ex-husband. But she did not know herself, that she would love her ex-husband friend, she was afraid to love again, she was hurt by the love given by her ex-husband. P.S Names, characters, places, and events may be the work of the author's imagination or mere fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or local or human, living or dead, is purely coincidental. PLAGIARISM is a CRIME!

_everlastinhdexft_ · 若者
6 Chs


~Trixibelle P.O.V~

Today I'm leaving and I'm wandering around the mansion, I'm sure I'll miss it here, even now I miss it, I took my cellphone out of my pocket to check the time, It was 22:38 (10:38 pm) and I went to the van my luggage is already there.

A few minutes later the van stopped, meaning I'm already here at the airport, I got out of the van, Xavier didn't come with me because he said he still had a lot to do, I was with two bodyguards, while I was waiting to call the Philippines, I was looking for a seat because I needed it.

~A few minutes passed~

I heard that the Philippines had been called so I got up and went to the airplane.

We looked for our seat, and when we were about to sit down, I suddenly felt like urinating

I turned around to look for the Stewardess, and when I saw her, I stood up and walked over to her and asked.

"Извините, мисс, где здесь туалет? (Excuse me, miss, where is the Restroom?)" I told the stewardess when I got close to her.

And she stood up and she said "Пожалуйста следуйте за мной (Please, follow me)"

She walked away and I followed him, and we are in front of the Restroom.

"Спасибо, мисс (Thank you, Miss)" I said to the stewardess and she said "Пожалуйста (You're Welcome)".

When the Stewardess left, I entered the Restroom and I washed my hands and soaped, after that I walked and entered a cubicle and urinate, and after that, I washed my hands again and used soap.

Then I walked in and left, when I got out I looked around to find my two bodyguards, and when I found them, I would have gone there but I collided with something and I almost fell down, it's a good thing that he caught me.

I looked at him, everything suddenly stopped, and my heartbeat is fast, because the person i bumped is handsome, the thick eyebrows, the beautiful eyes, sharp nose and reddish lips, what is happening to me? even with Knox I haven't felt it yet, I don't want to fall in love again, I'll just get hurt, and so was he, the two of us stared at each other.

Until a woman spoke in a fierce voice "ZACC, ZACCHAEUS!!" and because of that I parted from him, the woman and my two bodyguards quickly approached us, my bodyguards knew that when there was a fight with a woman, they wouldn't join, unless I got hurt, that's what I told them, and as the people were already looking at us, I looked at the girl, she was beautiful.

"WHAT DOES THIS MEAN ZACC?" The woman said in an angry voice, I didn't know his name yet, but with the guy I bumped into, Zacc? Zacchaeus? is probably his name, That's what the woman calls.

"Not now Yesha" Zacchaeus said that he would soon be angry as well, Yesha is her name "WHO IS THIS WOMAN!?" Why is she so angry, it's like her boyfriend betrayed her— wait, is this her boyfriend? why does my heart seem to be breaking, I think I have a heart attack, and why do I care? "Not now Yesha, we just collided" Zacchaeus said calmly.

"COLLIDED? WHY ARE YOU STARING AT EACH OTHER AH?! AND WHY IS YOUR HAND ON THAT WOMAN'S WAIST!?" He stopped talking for a moment and looked at me carefully I didn't notice that his hand was still here on my waist, so he quickly removed his hand from my waist.

"AND WHO ARE YOU WOMAN!? YOU DON'T KNOW THAT YOU'RE FLIRTING WITH MY HUSBAND!?" And because of what she said, my world seemed to stop again when I heard that he was his HUSBAND.

Before I could speak, the stewardess spoke "Простите, мэм, не ругайтесь здесь, в самолете, кто-то снял видео.

(Excuse me ma'am, don't fight here on the airplane, someone taking a video.") Yesha looked around and I also turned around, and the stewardess was right when she said that someone had taking a video, and focused on us.

Before Yesha could speak, I preceded her, she's annoying, my ears are irritated because of him "If you don't want anyone to come near your HUSBAND, keep an eye on him, it's easy, right? you can bring your staff to stalk your husband until you get what you want and your HUSBAND gets hates you more and more" I say that in every letter, there is an emphasis and sarcastic, before I left I walked over to her and whispered.

"Watch your HUSBAND if you don't want anyone to flirt with her" and after that, I left with my bodyguards, and went to my seat, and when I got to the seat, I just heard him shout, because I was irritated by his shout, I wore a headset and played songs and I slept too.

~A few Hours passed~

Finally I'm in the Philippines now, I miss here so much, it's been five years, I haven't been here for five years, that woman didn't even rush me. Is the name Yesha? yeah right Yesha.

"Please get me my luggage and put them in the van right away, thank you" I said to my two bodyguard "Ok, the van is in the parking lot, ma'am" said one of my bodyguards, I got out of the airport, I was about to go to the parking lot but someone suddenly grabbed my arm and made me face him.

"What are you doing?" I said nervously and I looked at who suddenly took my arm and he was the man! what was his name again? yeah right Zacchaeus.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry about what my wife did to you earlier" he say.

"It's ok" I said, and we stared again "Can you let me go?" I said, as I realized we longer stared, and he let me go, when I said that, I went to the van and entered then sat down, a few minutes later they were here with my luggage "I'm hungry, let's go to a private restaurant" I said "Ok" the driver said.

~Few Minutes Later~

I'm in the Lana's Restaurant now, I go to the available private table, and I ordered as well.

"You can also eat." I told them

"No thanks" they said, and I stopped talking and continued eating.

~After 7 minutes~

I finished eating and I went out to the private table and I paid as well, I would have gone out of the restaurant but I met the woman on the airplane,

It's Yesha

"What a small world!" she said sarcastically, I ignored him and walked away, she would have grabbed my arm but my bodyguard preceded him, maybe my bodyguard thought they would hurt me, I turned to him and said "What's your problem?" I said to him with impatience.

"Don't you know me? I'm Aye—" "So? should I get to know you?" I said, I don't make him finish what she says next "HOW DARE YOU BITCH!!!" she said, and pulled his hand on my bodyguard's hand, and she would have slapped me but someone stopped his hand and I saw his husband.

"Ayesha.Farooq" Zacchaeus said that in each letter there is an emphasis, he pulled his wife away from me "HEY! LET ME GO I HAVE TO TEACH THAT BITCH!!!" Yesha shouted at Zacchaeus, I just ignored him and the people looking at me and Yesha, it's a good thing no one taking a video, I continued to walk and went to van.

"Let's go to the Mansion" I said to the driver, and I fell asleep because I was tired from the trip and from arguing.