
Again in trouble

There was a derelict building in front of the road. He entered the building and was finding Deeto everywhere. It was dark inside the building. After a few moments he noticed that a strange looking girl was following him. At first he thought that she was a beggar. But then he realized that odd looking girl was going to attack him. He ran away from the building and suddenly saw his cousin Deeto. He went closer to Deeto and hugged him. He was telling that he searched everywhere but couldn't found him. Tujo was hiding his tears. Thereafter Tujo looked into Deeto's eyes and they were red colored. The odd looking girl was about to attack Tujo, but luckily he moved forward with his cousin and left that place in a taxi. He was afraid and looking back over and over. The girl was still following the taxi. At that time he ordered the taxi driver to drive fast. When he and his cousin brother came home it was the beginning of the night. Tujo entered the house and saw Deeto was already sitting in front of everyone and all of the family member was talking care of him. Tujo was shocked and afraidly looked beside him. Then he realized that no one is with him, he didn't bring Deeto back and Deeto was already came back home. Nobody was noticeing him and with a bad mood he entered his room and fall on asleep. In the middle of that night he woke up from his sleep and felt very hungry. As he was sleeping without eating his supper he felt like an idiot. When he opened the freeze in order to eat something his sense was gone by seeing into the freeze. There ware blood and flesh everywhere. Nothing to eat. He was about to cry but all of a sudden his family members came there and no one seemed to be normal. He felt all of the family member will eat his flesh. He ran away from the house and slipped his leg and again fall into the pond.