
Flirting With Fate: A sudden tryst

[ Mature Content. ] Daniel Sy, a wealthy playboy who has a one-night stand with a young woman named Aaliyah Mendoza. What was meant to be a fleeting encounter leaves Aaliyah with unexpected consequences and a life of hardship. Three years later, when fate brings them together again, Daniel discovers a shocking secret that Aaliyah has been keeping from him. As he tries to help her, his cousin falls in love with the young woman, leading to a dangerous love triangle that threatens to tear them all apart. This passionate and suspenseful tale explores the complexities of love, family, and secrets in a world where money and status can't buy happiness.

mskyot_11 · 都市
40 Chs

Chapter 29

Someone's Pov

Vince and Nik are nervous and almost restless while waiting outside the VIP room where Aaliyah is currently at her delivery of her child.

'Bro why is it taking so long?!' Vince asked Nik impatiently.

'Bro, it's really like that, isn't it Lyca, I almost went crazy waiting for that door to open.' Nik said to him as the two sat across from Aaliyah's VIP room.

A few minutes later,. The door opened and a nurse came out.

'You can come in, the delivery was successful' said the nurse so they wasted no time and immediately entered the room.

'Ali!' Vince worriedly said to Aaliyah who was now smiling while staring at her daughter..

'Congrats its a baby girl' the doctor happily said to both of them.

They couldn't contain the joy in their hearts as they stared at the beautiful baby that the doctor put aside..

'Are you okay, Ali?' Nik worriedly asked her.

'You made it.' Vince said smiling and happy to Aaliyah while stroking her hair.

Aaliyah nodded and simply smiled at them while there were traces of tears on her cheeks until she slowly closed her eyes.

'Doc?! Is she alright?!'' Vince and Nik asked the doctor when they saw that Aaliyah was unconscious.

'She's okay. We will transfer the baby in the nursery room and we will take care of her' the doctor kindly said to the two who are now worried about Aaliyah. left the room again while the doctors checking Aaliyah.

Nik was surprised when Lyca suddenly called. He immediately answered it.

'How is Aaliyah?! Is she okay?! The child? What now??! What gender??!' Lyca asked her husband one after the another.

Nik scratched his head.

'It's a girl. Baby Lian is already in the nursery room. And Ali is still being checked by doctors because she lost consciousness after she her delivery.' Nik explained to his wife.

You can see in the video Lyca's concern for her friend. She knows how difficult it is to give birth. She just went through it 7 months ago.

Yes. She has also given birth to a baby girl who is 7 months old, so she was not with her at the hospital when Aaliyah suddenly went into labor yesterday because she had to watch over the baby.

Nik and Lyca are married. When they arrived here in the states, it was only a few days before they got married. Only a simple marriage was perfect then. Nik family and Lyca came here to attend and witness the most important day of the two. Lyca and Aaliyah were supposed to get married at the same time in the Philippines and because of what happened, Lyca and Nik's wedding itself was also postponed and they wanted it to be done here in another country.

They hastily got married before just gave birth to their baby girl, lessandra.

They also don't want the wedding to be too ostentatious because at that time Aaliyah was wasted and almost take back her own life because of what happened to her and Daniel and the reason why they decided to stay away in the first place.

Even before, the two of them were considered more than sisters, that's why even though Lyca has a family of her own, now that she is married and has her own child, she still doesn't want to be separated from Aaliyah. This is also the reason why they are with Aaliyah and Vince here in America.

'Don't cry there! Vince and I are here so don't worry okay? Baby Lessandra might cry too, so that's enough okay?' Nik's wife now doesn't speak on video calls. She covered her face with his two palms and then ended the call.

She felt sorry for her friend Aaliyah.

This is a very kind person for his life to turn out like this.

For the second time, Aaliyah gave birth again without a father.

Her child die before, and her marriage got cancelled because she find out that the one she was supposed to marry is cheating on her.

She knows all about the pain and hardship that her friend went through. That's why during their first days in America, Aaliyah was wasted, crying every night and rarely eating.

She just reminded her of the child in her womb that's why she somehow forced herself to eat and get stronger.

There were even a few nights when she caught her drinking alcohol even though it would be bad for her pregnancy. One more time, she had spotting when she is four months pregnant, so she had to be taken to the hospital. We thought that the child would die because there was one night that no one knew that Aaliyah went out alone and Vince found her in the middle of the rain.

In our minds, Aaliyah really wanted her child to disappear. :(

That's why they all did their best, to stop and protect her. Especially Vince.

Good thing Vince was there by her side to take care of her while her belly grew and until she gave birth. He's always there.

There is nothing in return but the sacrifice and love he gives for Aaliyah is too much even if there is nothing else in return.


'What do you think you are doing?!' Vince shouted. to Aaliyah. He grabbed the wine she was drinking and held it up while she was carrying the baby that had just been born in one hand.

'Its mine!' Aaliyah begged him to return the bottle of wine.

"ali. Enough please..,' Vince begged her in return as his eyes spoke.

Aaliyah put the baby on her bed and came to Vince to get the wine again.

'Mine' she said calmly Aaliyah while her eyes were staring blankly at him.

But Vince didn't give in. They fought over the wine until it fell on the floor causing the baby to wake up and cry.

Aaliyah ignored her crying daughter. She looked at Vince who was now comforting the crying child who had woken up.

'Why are you stopping me?!!! Of course, Vince, I just want to drink, what's your problem!!' She screamed, but Vince ignored her until the child settled down and fell asleep again.

He pulled Aaliyah by the arm and took her out of the child's room so she wouldn't wake up again.

'Have mercy on the child at least a little! You drink next to the child! What do you really want to happen?! How many times have you tried to die?! Do you think they will feel guilty over there in the Philippines if you die?! No! That will be fun for them! Then your child? When Daniel finds out that you had a child, Lian will probably be taken! And what will happen?! Who will take care of her?! Her step mother who stole her father?! Help yourself Ali please!!!' Vince screamed and a long litany to her that's why tears fell in her eyes one after another.

'Don't you really want to help yourself?!' He added.

'Are you tired?! Are you tired?!!! Because I'm like this?!!!!! Because I don't care!!! Are you tired of me!!!!! Answer!!!!' Ali shouted at Vince in between crying.

Vince caught off guard and suddenly took pity on her while she was crying in front of him so he hugged her and locked her in his arms.

'Leave me alone!!! Leave me alone!!!! I don't want to live anymore! Leave it to me! Especially every day it's hard to live! You don't know the feeling! I was fooled! I'm ready to forgive him! I'm waiting for him!! I'm going to make a fool of myself!! For him!!! I went to him but he just pushed me away! he has been married for only a few months!!! Fuck! It's so painful!! Here!!!! Here in my fucking heart!! Very heavy!!!' Aaliyah let out a cry of anger while pointing to her heart.

'I'm crushed Vince! You don't know how I feel right now! All of you know is that I am hurt! Yes I suffer! But the way I feel now is that I want to die so that I can't feel what I feel now!' she added while hitting Vince's chest to release her anger. She fell to the floor like a lost child.

Vince suppresses his feelings at this time. He can't see the girl he loves doing this but he can't do anything to make her feel better.

Meanwhile, Lyca couldn't handle what she witnessed and heard from Aaliyah, so she secretly returned to her room while Nik followed her and made her cry.

She is so sorry for her friend. In her mind, even if she put herself in this situation, she might not be able to handle it.


Aaliyah's Pov

Every day I have a hard time waking up. I thought when Vince and Lyca offered me to go to another country, I would be okay and forget about it, but shit, as time goes on, I don't know if I can handle it. Sometimes I look at my daughter and try to take courage from her.

But instead of gaining strength, I feel weaker.

I only remember Daniel when I see her. That's why I prefer to get drunk every day so that I can fall asleep quickly at night.

Daniel, was the one I got the strength to get back to life when Liam died.

But I didn't know that he would be the reason for me falling down now and breaking my heart.

When I injured myself once, I could hardly feel the pain, the pain inside me was more dominant. It's so heavy that I can't carry it.

Especially when I remember the day before we left the Philippines, how Daniel pushed me away...

Flashback one year ago..

I've been waiting for Daniel for several days but he still hasn't shown up to me . I also tried to go to his office but he told me that he still hasn't come to his office and that they don't have any news about him.

I'm confused.

All I know is that we are okay. In an instant why are we like this?

What is going on? I'm sure Daniel loves me. I know he loved me. Something must be wrong. He can hardly be contacted, even Nik, he doesn't talk to him anymore.

That's why I went with Nik to his condo, but he wasn't there either.

And the last one was in their mansion. The guard immediately let us into the mansion because Nik was with me.

We met a car that was familiar but didn't care.

When I got out of the car, Nik immediately asked the maid where Daniel was, and pointed out the garden behind the mansion, so Nik and I immediately went there.

I'm nervous. As I was walking, my heart was pounding.

Until I saw his back.

That's him.

I can't make a mistake, I knows behind his back. I tightened my grip on the ultrasound picture I brought to show him.

I slowly walked towards him. He looked into the distance while drinking wine.

I was surprised by his sudden turning.

He was obviously surprised to see me now in front of him.

But he put the glass he was holding on the table and was about to leave to leave me but I stopped him.

'Talk to me please. I know you received my messages. Why are you not answering my call?' I begged him. He stopped but still turned his back on me. He doesn't want to see me.

'Let's talk please, huh? At least for a moment' I said.

The tears that I had been holding back started to fall..

'We don't have anything to talk about anymore. We're done' he said without even looking at me. He tried to walk away again but I grabbed his clothes from behind to stop him.

'Please Daniel! What is your problem? What have I done? Why don't you want to talk to me? I'm ready to listen to what you have to say, to your explanation, I know, I know she just twisted you, right? Is it not?! Come back please..' In my whole life, I never knew that I would beg like this for a man.

I thought he would at least feel sorry for me.

But he violently pulled his arm back from me causing me to fall on the grass and startled.

'Leave and don't come back here ever. I don't need you and I don't want to see you. We're over' these words almost pierced my heart and made my knees weak.

I was looking at him stupidly while he was getting smaller and smaller in my sight.

I looked in the distance, Daniel's mommy and Trixie while both smiling and happily happy with how Daniel treated me like trash.

'Ali let's go' Nik said to me. I didn't realize that I was in Nik's car and we were driving away from him..

End of flashback



A few months after we went here to the states with Lyca, Nik and Vince, we heard the news that Daniel and Trixie got married while she was pregnant with their child.

While she was pregnant, I was also pregnant with our child but he chose that girl and their child more.

So every day my life was miserable. I don't want to live anymore. I also tried to abort the child I was pregnant with because I believed it would be better for her. She is a child without a father and one day she will know what her father did to us. I don't want her to experience what I'm going through now.

'Ali, eat, then take your medicine' I didn't realize that Vince was already in the room with a tray of food.

'I'm leaving now, because there's a sudden problem with the company,' he said so I just nodded and simply smiled. Because Vince's company has a branch here in America, and another one is here, and we are now staying at his house. it's so big that why we've all been staying here even though Nik's house also is here in the states.

'lian seems to have a fever earlier, but now she's okay,. I'll go ahead' he said and left the room.

I suddenly felt pity for my child.

I don't go to her room very often. I feel even sadder when I see her. Another thing I was avoiding, I might just do something bad, but now because of what Vince said, I thought I'd take a look at her for a moment.

I slowly approached her and held her little hand.

She is sleeping peacefully.

I feel sorry for her. She won't even recognize her father.

I remembered again what I read the other day which was an article where there was a page in a magazine and the content was the happy family of Daniel and Trixie. A picture of the three of them with their daughter who is almost the same age as Lian. Trixie's smiles show joy.

I clenched my fist without realizing it.


Flashback one year ago

Side of the story

Daniel's Pov

Almost two weeks before I was discharged from the hospital because of the accident.

I also had no memories for almost a month and became obedient to mom and Trixie. I believed everything they said to me. Even the reasons why I was in the hospital and had minor memory loss.

Trixie is pregnant and she lives here in the mansion. We also had a date to get married and almost because I lost my memory, everything went according to her plans.

Our upcoming wedding are on social media.

Fortunately, before it got worse, all my memories from the beginning came back.

Nik, Vince and I met secretly and found out that Trixie was actually planning something. I also found out that Liam, my son's death might have a connection with her and that's what I intend to find out, that's why even though my memory came back, I didn't tell them the truth, not even my mom. I pretended to still have memory loss.

I also don't believe that I am the father of Trixie's pregnancy. I won't be able to get the child to have a DNA test because it's still in her womb that's why I wanted to know the truth by deceiving her.

Adriane has also caught some news since I did a background check on Trixie.

She underwent a psychiatrist. And because of that, I'm afraid for Aaliyah's condition, Especially when I found out that she's now pregnant with our baby.

One of my fears is my mom. She doesn't like Aaliyah from the start and she's happy with my situation right now because trixie and I are going to get married and Aaliyah is now out of the picture.

Even though it hurt, I stopped myself from going to see her . Her safety is more important to me. I don't want her to suffer more and lose our child a second time.

I will protect her and our child this time.

I decided to do a fake marriage with Trixie and follow their wishes as long as Aaliyah is safe. I asked Vince and Nik to take Aaliyah and take her to a safe, while I learned all the truth.

My life is miserable every day, it's hard to wake up in the morning and Aaliyah is the first thing that comes to my mind.

I sipped my wine. I'm currently in the back garden because it's the only place in our house where I don't pretend. This is where I always vent my anger while sipping my wine.

Adriane just left because I have him to do some things behind my mom and Trixie.

I poured wine into the glass again and drank another one until I felt like there was someone around that's why I turned my back.

But I made a big mistake. Because of that, I can ruin all my plans in an instant because I saw the face of the woman I love.

Shit why is she here?!

I turned my back on her and was about to leave but she spoke.

'Talk to me please. I know you received my messages. Are you not answering my call?'

I didn't look at her because I know if I did, I might just hug her and hold onto her.

'Let's talk please, huh? Just for a moment' she said and I know she's crying.

Aaliyah please don't do this to me!

'We have nothing more to talk about. We're done' I pulled out all my strength and courage to speak harshly to her and was about to leave when she suddenly grabbed me.

Fuck Ali! I still didn't look at her..

'Please Daniel! What is your problem? What have I done? Why don't you want to talk to me? I'm ready to listen to what you have to say, to your explanation, I know, I know she just twisted you, right? Is it not?! Come back please..'

I feel that any time, especially when I see her crying while begging,

I will give in..

I pulled my arm back from her but because of the force I did, I make her fall down..

I closed my eyes as I closed my fist.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

I wanted to look at her and pick her up myself, hug and kiss her but I thought I had to do something first so I held myself.

It was for them. For her and for our child.

'Leave and don't ever come back here. I don't need you and I don't want to see you. We're over' I was hurt more by what I said to her.

I'm sorry baby... I apologized to her in my mind.

When I entered my room, I immediately punched the wall until my hand bled. It hurts but what I did to Aaliyah hurts more and I know she will never forgive me for what I did.

I washed my face and leaned against the wall while my knees were weak so I sat down.

Nothing will hurt more than what Aaliyah feels right now.

'I miss her so much..' I whispered as I cried in pain..


To be continued...