
Chapter Eight

7:00 am







"Sweet Mother of God, you guys smell like failure" said Nic while covering her nose with her hand. "What happened last night? Did you even went to your homes?"

"He did, said Jacob, pointing at me while trying so hard to keep his eyes opened.

"I managed to send them home unscathed, thanks to Alex and his butler. You failed to mention that he lives like a crown prince," I glanced at him and only gave a faint smile in return.

Nic is on her phone typing so fast and looking pissed. She put it down and said "I don't want you guys present yourself reeking with alcohol. It's not appropriate. I just texted the Dean's secretary and told her we'll gonna be 30 minutes late. She agreed since he'll have time to rest after a breakfast meeting."

"Yes! Let's go grab some coffee first then," Jacob suggested as he started walking on.

"No. We're going to Alex's place and get you guys freshen up. The limo is on the way," Nic glared at us three.

"Great," Alex exhaled and rolled his eyes.

I forgot to mention that Nic and Alex are related. Cousins, I believe. Given that Alex is a crowned prince, Nic typically lives in a mansion as well.

Jacob talked too much whenever he's drunk.

The ride came and we all got in. Drove for about 15 minutes and we were welcomed by a ginormous gate with a spacious front lawn. I rolled down the window and left in awe. They live in palaces, indeed.

3 maids were waiting in the lobby as we got out of the vehicle. Nic walked in first, handling her small bag to one of them and followed her. Markus and Jacob on the other hand headed to the living room and dropped their bodies chest first, on both of the long sofa. Meanwhile I am left there, I dont really know where I should go being an outsider when Alex nudged me by the shoulder and gestured to follow him which I did.

We were walking to the circular staircase and I am only 3 steps behind Alex.

"Shirt blue pants black," Jacob murmured against the sofa.

"White sleeved," Markus added.

We reached his room right after the mini living room upstairs and his room alone measures our whole apartment. It has it's own sofa, a kind sized bed, a flat screen TV and those two aisles were his closet and bathroom, I suppose.

He lazily grabbed button up sleeved shirts accordingly to the color they both murmured. I hesitantly sat at the edge of his king sized bed and watch him select shirts from his closet which looked like a department store setting.

He grabbed clothes of Jacob and Markus as they requested and placed them in the bed. He then tossed one maroon shirt at me "It'll match your shoes," he coldly commented and walked towards the bathroom with his grey shirt.

I'll change my clothes here too, then?

I hurriedly undressed and put on the shirt and tucked it in. Theres a huge mirror nearby and so I checked my reflection and fixed myself. Minutes later, he came out with his all grey outfit. He looked like a teenager. With his appearance, you wouldn't thought he's super rich. He looked simple, but decent. Humble.

We both went down and saw the two watching TV. Alex throws their shirts at them and walked out without a word.

I took a seat at their living room, (ginormous, have I mentioned?) Markus and Jacob started changing right on their seat. I diverted my eyes but I still saw Markus' tattoos that runs through the side of his left ribcage. Jacob, on the other hand, has a scar on his lower back, as if a knife once ran through it.

I cleared my throat and focused on the TV. Their maid brought us some coffee and it tastes like 10 shots of espresso. Maybe more. I should know because I make coffees for a living once. I took a sip then Nic came in the living room while Jacob is changing his pants and Markus was tucking his shirt inside his pants.

"Zip it up, Jacob. It'll be embarrassing if we were to be late. Markus, its wrinkled," she pointed. "We don't have all day folks come on speed up!"

Jacob struggled by the pressure and I laughed at him. I stood up and head out while the both of them were struggling as they walked.

Alex was already in the car. I sat across him. Nic is beside him while Jacob and Markus were at my side.

We head out and by 10 minutes, we were at Medford.

I probably looked like a child in a museum as I adored the buildings we passed by. All the while we walk towards the office, all Nic do is babysit with Jacob because he keep on screwing on any woman he finds by engaging small talks and giving out random compliments. Nic just hides her face in embarrassment.

We met the Dean and thanked him and gave him our gifts (thanks, Alex). He did remind us that he'll look forward to our performance (pressure) and congratulated us.

It wasn't that long. A brief 5 minute, I guess.

"I know I've seen Mr. Davidson before. I can't quite point where," Markus said while we were at the gate.

"I was gonna say, too. I think I've seen him once in some parties," Nic added.

"Guys, I'll head out now. I still have to do something at Neon," I interrupted.

"Neon?" Nic asked.

"The bar he's working in," Alex said. "The place was nice, by the way."

I gave him a nod.

"Yeah I think we'll be there often. It was really my vibe, too." Jacob said while typing something. "Actually I was gonna head out too. I'll go and meet someone"

"Oh okay. I have somewhere else to be in, too," Nic said and put her phone inside her bag.

"Yeah I'll catch some sleep at Alex' place then." Markus then snaked his arm around Alex's shoulders.

"See you guys around, then." Nic said and brofisted us.

We all had our ways and when I arrived at Neon, I saw Sabby mopping the wooden floor. She was wearing headphones so I just gestured a Hi and went on inside.

I found Henley shaving her eyebrows and is struggling at it.

"Here, let me-"

"JESUS! You scared the hell out of me!"

"Sorry, I guess?"

She rolled her eyes and went back to what she was doing.

"Again, let me. I have steady hands," I offered.

She let out a breath and turned her chair towards me "You better not scratch my skin or else" she threatened.

I chuckled and grabbed her chin and tilted her head upwards, facing me. Her face is again inches away from mine.

I tried my best not to fan my breath towards her.

"I smell coffee. You didn't even brought some. I hate you," she complained like a child.

Too bad I failed.

I just left a chuckle as I carefully shape her eyebrows. Her bored eyes roamed and I know she's studying my face because that's the only thing she can see at the moment.

"Okay. All done. Let me see if it's okay," I said while gently turning her chin left and right.

She moved back and turned her chair to face the mirror. "Not bad for a straight man," then practiced her face expression by the mirror. I watched as she try to make funny faces out of herself.

"Its only 8 am. Why are you here early?" She asked while stretching her legs.

"Oh I just checked in to see what's up. I was out from the university for school stuffs"

"I see. Well, when's your school will start anyway?"

"It'll be in a few more months. We just met the Dean and thanked him for the scholarship."

"Mhmmm. Congrats. You need to treat me some time" she joked.

"Sure. Just give me a heads up. Anyway, I just dropped by. I need to check on my dad back home"

"Oh okay. We'll see you tonight. If you have the time, you better buy something that makes you less than properly clothed, if that makes any sense. I mean, I don't want to ruin another shirt," she smirked.

"Hah yeah I'll keep that in mind. See you later," I chuckled and head out and went home.