
Flight to Angkor

 The sound of birds flying through the forest, the trees of the forest, the branches of the trees, the branches of the trees, the branches of the trees, the branches of the trees, the branches of the trees, In the same house, but in the early morning, beauty turns into another kind of beauty. .... Looking at the garden, I saw flowers growing, racing, beautiful, butterflies were flying from one pollen to another. The light of the sun kept on appearing until the roosters crowed. The sound of ox carts passing in front of the house where farmers are likely to return from farming, where Khmer ancestors used to get up before sunrise Farm in the morning like this because it is cold. On the other hand, he is satisfied with his sleep and wakes up to save time. In the early hours of the morning, he returned from the field and woke his children to clean the house and cook. He also has the responsibility to mobilize pets from the barn, such as cows to graze, and ducks or chickens to graze on the premises. After taking care of the pet's children, Pharaoh led the dogs to the farm until the afternoon, when he returned, leaving the children to take the rice to the farm for him to eat. The life cycle of my ancestral farmer confirmed that he was a man of strength, perseverance, and exemplary character.

 The three returned after waking up and looking at the lives of the people of this day, and then returned home to discuss their mission.

Puthirakreach: Captain and aircraft fuel production strategy is complicated and if we do, we have to find a lot of difficult things, but on a page that I read last night, they show the chain of production of gasoline for an aircraft. Such an easy way. "We can mix natural oil into jet fuel," he said. Yes. That natural oil, we must extract from sunflower seeds, because it can be something that we can easily find because it is something that can be grown.

Captain: Okay! So we tried to ask the victorious commander Go and see if he can find it

Yuth: That ... That is like the commander, did you come here? Moderate. 

All three: We respect the army!

General Pichey: Yes, hello to all dignitaries! It was very good together before, I had a business from the village That royal order. But even though he was not in the capital for another eight days, he returned home. 

Yuth: Where did the King battle go to the army?

General pichey: Your Majesty went to dry the navy at the fort and also inspected the well-being of the people. So, I would like to let you go to work on the outskirts of the city first.

 After the commander left for a while, the three of them separated and went to visit the village. Yuth and the captain walked out of the compound together. As for Puthirakreach, he was carrying a book and walking towards the back of the house, wanting to read a book there. Because there is the shade of big trees with many flower bushes, it is desirable to admire, there is a forest accompanied by vines in the sky, thick trees, the smell of flowers is pouring lightly as it swings. Was Reading a book paying lots of attention at that time, the loud voice is singing a very beautiful song, sweet, listen for a long time to be able to hear the meaning of that song clearly. This song seems to be very sweet, along with the meaning that seems to describe the forest morning in detail with a good melody, Chuan Ronthom is really sympathetic to the song. But ... the more you listen, the more sure it is that when it is sweet because of the juices of the singer's voice, this melodious tone also drifts a little farther, as if the singer is moving farther.Puthirakreach could not stand the tone and followed the source of the tone until a flower was found in a beautiful garden with almost all kinds of flowers. The garden is full of flowers of all kinds, with a stream small enough to flow through the garden, which has clear water, many small fish are swimming in the water, releasing small grass growing at the bottom of the stream. The sound of flowing water, the sound of singing, especially the voice sung by a woman who...