
Flight or Fight

Watch a fairy princess, who was brought up to fight her own battles, jump at the chance of a lifetime. She is set to marry the mystery prince of Zalidia, and man no one has ever met, nor do they know his name. Follow her as she meets him and uncovers secrets of her past. - Warning may contain mature content

Boo_Bunny83 · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Chapter 7 Fury

Xera's POV

I took Jace's sword and pulled her into a tight hug. Before letting her go I make sure to tell her that I will be here if she needs me.

Watching her walk away I could feel my anger starting to rise. My best friend, who is like a sister to me, who I love more then my life, had just left with a man she only met once before. This was nothing like her, she had always stayed away from outsiders and strangers.

After the passing of her mother and my parents both of us didn't trust a soul, we only trusted one another, Maze, and her father. Yet today I saw a side of Jace I never knew she had, a fearless side that jumped at the chance to interact with a man she knows nothing about.

'Does he have something on Jace? Is he threatening her? Who am I kidding if he messes with Jace in any bad way she'll take him out. Why am I so worried?'

Once I finally saw Jace and Mr. Mystery walk away I turned to the soldiers and guards that were standing near, the ones who had been watching Jace and I. I watched as many tried to turn and walk away, in fear of the words I was soon to speak. There were some who stayed watching me curiously, waiting for my words.

"Do any of you want a sparring partner or are you all going to gawk at me?" venom laced my voice as I spoke.

At first no one spoke up and some were even seemingly frozen as they stood there staring at me. A few of the guards and soldiers had slowly slipped away from the crowd, trying their best not to be spotted.

"Very we-"

A soldier interjected. "I will spar with you General Xera."

I tilted my head in curiosity at the man, usually no one agrees and I have to force someone to train with me. However the man standing in front of me now spoke up in front of everyone and agreed to spar with me.

"Really…" I stared at him. "Alright, but why?"

"You look like you need something to release your pent up energy and I think you will be perfect practice for me." He said nonchalantly.

"Thank you, I will not be going easy on you though." I walked over to him and handed him the sword that I had taken from Jace before she left.

"I would expect as much from the General of Blood, just don't kill me and we will be fine." He smiled in an ominous way.

"I haven't seen you around here before, are you new?" I questioned him once I realized I had never trained with him before.

"Something like that." was all he replied before asking "Are you ready to spar General?"

"Always!" A smile crawled onto my face.

Being able to spar against him will help me get rid of some of my pent up anger leftover from watching Jace leave with that man. 'How could she just leave like that? How could she just leave me alone?'

Caught in my thoughts of anger and feelings of hurt I move to swing at the man in front of me without thought. I didn't even register when he easily blocked my attack and swung back at me, making me only able to avoid the attack by millimeters.

Realizing my error I start to focus more on the fight and less on my emotions. Letting my emotions get the best of me is the reason I have never been able to beat Jace.

I take a deep breath and swing at him, suddenly feeling the overflow of my rage again. This sudden burst of emotions makes my fighting even more sloppy than before.

'What's happening, why can't I calm down?'

I continued to fight against him for another ten minutes before I stopped.

"Stop, I am not a match for you." I say to the man.

"What are you talking about, you have lasted far longer than any person I have ever battled? You could honestly beat me if you used your power to its full extent." He lowered his sword.

"I may not know who you are, but I know strength when I see it. You not only have brute strength but a dangerous power, if I'm not careful I could end up dead." I walked to the armory on the side of the training mat and put my sword away. "Besides I was able to vent the anger I needed, but for now I want to go for a walk. You are free to join me if you wish."

I turned to see him putting his sword away as well, something about him just feels off. Being near him gives me a feeling I've never had and it's not good. 'I have to keep my eye on this guy.'

"Are you sure you are okay with me walking with you, General?" He looked me in the eye.

"Yes, better to keep my eye on you, that is since I have no clue who you are, what you want, or why you are here." I stated simply.

"As I thought, you are always thinking things through. Very well, I will walk with you."

"Good, now as for the audience we seem to have kept," I turned to the soldiers and guards around us. "I would highly suggest you scram. That is, unless you want to spar against me and be demoted."

At the sound of my words each and every one of them made a swift exit, making sure to avoid crossing paths with me as I am walking towards the exit of the training grounds. When I reached the exit I looked behind me to see if he was following me and sure enough, not two steps behind me, there he was.

I turned to face forward again and began walking. "Since we are going to be spending a bit of time together may I at least know your name?"

"Elijah." he replied.

In silence we began to walk to the castle, heading towards the kitchen for refreshments. The silence was only filled by the light humming that came from Elijah, for the strong silent type he sure could hold a tune.

Not only was he a person of few words, but he was the type that looked as though you would not want to talk to him even if he initiated the conversation. His ominous aura mixed with his strong build and facial features made him scary. He has very defined facial features, such as his jawline, nose, and lips, however his eyes are very delicate. Staring into his silver eyes gives one the feeling of… of something I can't quite place.

"Are you going to continue staring at me out of the corner of your eyes, or start a conversation?" he asked nonchalantly.

"Sorry, I am still a bit suspicious of you." I looked forward and opened the door to the kitchen as we arrived.

"It's something more than that, but you already know so I don't need to tell you." He stated.

"I have no clue what you are talking about, but babble away good sir. Maze, come here please." I called to Maze as I saw her enter the kitchen.

"Hello Lady Xera, what may I do for you?" She smiled at me.

"It's been a long time, Maze. I hope you are doing well."

"I am, Lady Xera. I hope the same for you." Her smile grew at my greeting.

"Could you please fetch me and sir Elijah some refreshments, we just finished training and I'm famished." I gave her a polite smile in return to hers.

"Yes my lady, right away. Please if you could find a seat in the seating area outside of the gardens I will bring them to you." I stared at her quizzically, and as if to read my mind she said. "The dining hall is being prepared for the princesses dinner with the prince and the garden itself is off limits at the moment, for reasons unknown to me."

"Thank you Maze, I will see you out there then." I turned to leave to room, Elijah merely a few steps behind me.

"Why were you so kind to that maid?" He questioned me.

"That maid took care of Jace and I when we were little, and is one of the few people we trust." I stated simply.

"But she only looks a few years older than you."

"Not that it is any of your business, but she came here at age sixteen because she had lost her family and needed to support her brother." I sneered.

With him I cannot hide my feelings, for some reason they overflow near him causing me the inability to hide what I am feeling. It's as though my emotions are amplified ten fold when he is around.

'He must have some type of emotional manipulation power, if not then I am losing my edge.'

We finally reach the seating area after a long walk in uncomfortable silence, sitting on opposite ends of the table. Right as we sat down I could see Maze with our refreshments walking out of the archway entrance of the castle. She briskly walked to us, setting our refreshments on the table.

"Here you are, My lady." Maze said as she bowed at us.

"Thank you Maze, we will be finished with this shortly." I nodded to her.

Seeing my nod she turned and walked back into the castle. I watched her frame as she glided back to the castle, when I saw her fully walk through the archway I turned my attention towards the refreshments that were laid out.

I grabbed my glass of water and brought it to my lips, feeling the cool water glide down my throat helped calm my nerves. Finally coming to my senses and getting my wits about me I look to the man in front of me.

"So, when are you going to tell me your business in the castle?" I keep a dull expression as I study him.

"Eventually you will find out of your own accord, besides what would be the fun in telling you outright?" He grabbed the glass next to his plate of cheeses and meats.

"Fair enough, but go causing trouble and I will put a stop to it swiftly." I warned.

"I am here for the opposite reason, trouble is the last thing I want." His voice sounded sturn, yet sincere.

"Then we see eye to eye." I replied, grabbing a my fork to stab some of the cheese.

Taking a bite I averted my eyes from his as I could feel his eyes start wondering over me. Moments passed as he continued to watch my every move in silence, as though he was searching for something not visible to the naked eye.

My emotions begin to build back up as he continues to watch me, eating at a painfully slow pace. I finished my plate well before him, but didn't dare break the silence. Luckily I didn't have too though, as I saw Maze walking towards us.

"Hello My lady, I am here to take your empty dishes and inform you that her highness Jace has been spotted leaving the gardens." She smiled at me. "She should be exiting to the west any moment now."

"Thank you, Maze." I said as I stood and turned to face Elijah. "If you will excuse me I have business to attend to."

"I also have someone I need to check on." he stood. "I hope to be seeing you around."

I nodded and then turned to leave. The walk to the west entrance of the garden feels like an eternity, every step as though I am walking in place. When I finally see Jace leaving I bolt towards her, not caring for who might be watching me.

"Jace? Jace is that you?" I yelled as I ran towards her, saying "Where is the creepy maze guy?" when I finally reached her.

"He was just here, but left when he saw you." She smiled at me. "Oh, and he isn't just a creepy maze guy, he is the prince of Zalidia."

"HUH?!?!?" my eyes felt like there were about to pop from my head.

Jace pulled a letter that she had seemingly stored in the band around her waist. After pulling the letter from her waistband she handed it to me so that I could read it. I snached it from her hand and quickly began to read every word written on the parchment.

"He gave that to me once I told him to prove his identity to me, on the front of the letter you will see the king's seal showing it is a real letter from king Drazar." She informed me.

"So is that why he thought he had the right to interrupt us, because he is some damned prince with power?" The fury I had felt when I first saw his face filled my body once again, but as it was Jace in front of me I tried to play it down.

"Calm yourself Xera, I think there is more to it than that. Now we can talk later, I have to prepare for dinner with the prince." She stated, turning to leave me once again.

I watched as she nodded to me and glided away, being left by her twice in one day didn't feel good. I am now the most alone I have been in years, even my best friend doesn't want my company.

Can anyone relate to the lonelyness Xera is feeling? I know I can and it sucks, but you get through it.

Boo_Bunny83creators' thoughts