
Flight or Fight

Watch a fairy princess, who was brought up to fight her own battles, jump at the chance of a lifetime. She is set to marry the mystery prince of Zalidia, and man no one has ever met, nor do they know his name. Follow her as she meets him and uncovers secrets of her past. - Warning may contain mature content

Boo_Bunny83 · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Chapter 1 The Mystery

Drip… Drip… Drip… I feel the cold breeze roll over my skin. "Brrr" I shiver.

I moved to grab my blanket and cover back up, but looking over I notice my terrace doors are opened.

'No wonder I was so cold.' I think as I walk over to the terrace, keeping my blanket wrapped around me tightly.

"Hello, anyone out here?" I question as I step out onto the terrace. "If you are, either speak up or leave, I'm not in the mood to be bothered tonight."

I wait for a few minutes, getting no reply from whoever was intruding. All I can hear is the pitter patter of the rain and the wind rustling through the trees.

"Very well, don't speak to me. Just know that if you interrupt my beauty sleep again I will make you regret it." I turn and walk back into my bedroom, shutting the doors behind me.

Once I reach my bed I put my blanket back on the end of the bed and flutter my wings, getting all the water I can off of them.

There were no more disturbances the rest of the night, ensuring I slept peacefully until morning.

When I woke in the morning my maid, Maze, was standing at the end of my bed waiting for me to get up.

"Good morning Lady Jace, I trust you slept well. I have prepared a bath for you, if you'd please follow me." She turned and moved her arm in the direction of the door.

"Maze you know I've told you to when we are alone to call me Jace or JJ, I don't like formalities." I give her a teasing glare.

"If you say so, Jace. However I still need you to come with me for your bath." She smiled politely.I roll out of bed, rubbing my eyes, and follow Maze to my bath.

The bath was warm and comfortable, enveloping my whole body with its scent of roses. Maze always puts rose petals in my bath, she says it's because it makes me smell like a beautiful garden.

After admiring the room I finally disrobed and stepped in the bath. The water was just as warm as I thought and the rose petals gave off an even more luscious scent now that I was in the bath.

I relax into the water, careful not to crush my wings into the sides of the tube.

"I can feel you staring." I said to Maze, my eyes closed.

"How are you feeling, lady Jace?" her question shocked me.

Shooting her a playful glare I ask, "What do you mean Maze? You may speak freely."

"It is just that I overheard you are betrothed, to the mystery prince, nonetheless. Doesn't that scare you my lady?" her question was genuine, as though she feared for me.

"To be completely honest the thought of marrying someone no one know is, well it's daunting. Yet, at the same time I feel as though this is the adventure I've been searching for. I'm not scared of being hurt, nor neglected, but of what truths may lie behind the mystery prince of Zalidia." I explain.

"You truly are a reckless princess, you know that?" She giggled. "What if the truth is he is extremely boring, or that he acts as a child and his father is ashamed of him?"

"Well boring I could not see because there is no possible way someone who keeps their true identity a secret is boring in the least. As for the childishness, I think if he were truly childish and his father ashamed, then he probably would've given himself away by now. That or his father would have disowned him, or sent him for proper training." I said, my brows knitted together as I thought.

After grabbing the soap and scrubbing my scalp she spoke again. "I suppose that's true, but what if there is a much more dangerous reason no one knows him? What if his power is dark and dangerous enough that his father feared the peace of the kingdom, and how he could affect it?" her voice showed a hint of shakiness.

"That would be complete nonsense, Maze, you know the reason King Drazar's kingdom is so powerful is because of the power he wields. No one ever speaks of it, but the second he walks in a room you can feel the power emanating off of him."

"You're right, my lady."

"Stoooooop, I don't want to be called by formalities.The only difference between us is I was born into power. However, if you were to be right about our mystery prince then lets just say, I wouldn't be disappointed." I smirk and stand.

Maze turns and grabs a towel, walking over to me after I step out of the tube. She begins to dry my wings for me, then lets me dry the rest of myself off.

"Thank you, Maze. I appreciate everything you do for me ." I place my hand on her shoulder and smile.

"No need to dote on me, Jace, I'm just doing my job." her voice showing full sincerity. "Now, let's get you into your room so that we can prepare you for training."

We walked back to my room and two other maids were waiting, Lilian and Vera. One had a beautiful gown and the other training gear.

"Good morning lady Jace, we trust you had a nice bath." Lilian, the one holding the training gear said as she and Vera bowed

"Yes, my lady, we hope your bath treated you well." Vera smiled looking up from her bow. "I have a message from your father, King Alaster."

"Do tell Vera."

"He wishes you to have breakfast with him, he says you have much to discuss with your upcoming wedding." fear traced her voice.

"Very well, does he expect me to miss training today?"

"Well, he said it would be postponed for the afternoon. He also wanted me to inform you that he has a new sparring partner he wants you to duel." She glanced at me, trying to read the expression on my face.

"Did he happen to mention the name of my new sparring partner?" Curiosity filled my features.

"Killian, ma'am. No mention of a last name, only the first." she moved towards me to begin dressing me.

"Very well, Lillian could you please place my gear on my bed so it is in here when I am ready to change for training?" I glanced at her.

"Indeed my lady." She set the training gear on my bed and walked over to me.

Together the three maids dressed me in my most beautiful and colorful gowns. The shoulders were open, sleeves going down to my wrists. My chest is fully covered as the neck of the dress goes over my chest and around my neck. My back is open, the dress exposing the place my wing protrude from.

I step in front of my mirror, admiring the beautiful dress. The colors compliment my emerald eyes and amber hair perfectly.

With my wings being a translucent white they go with anything. My wings are big, they curve at the bottom and come to a point at the top. Most other fairy wings resemble that of butterfly wings or even birds, however mine are something completely different.

There is a legend that follows the wings of fairies. It says that when a fairy finds their soulmate that their wings change to something more beautiful than anyone could describe, and that each partner would be granted the power of the other to hold and wield as their own.

Finally, coming to my senses after admiring myself in the mirror for a few minutes, I turn to my maids.

"Lead the way Vera." I follow her out of my room.

We walk through the long hallways of my castle and to the courtyard. Once we reach the courtyard Vera shows me to the garden on the left side of the castle.

"King Alaster wishes you to meet him at the center of the maze. However, he said he wants you to walk it rather than fly there. He has a surprise for you along the way and he does hope you like it. He will be waiting for you and breakfast will be served as soon as you arrive." She bowed and took her leave.

'This isn't like father, he never makes me walk the maze like this. At least he hasn't since mother passed. Well I better get on with this before I get too hungry.'

I enter the maze and make the first left, since I know the maze this won't be too difficult, just tedious. Making my way through the maze I hear rustling come from one of the bushes.

'Oh great, I'm gonna get mauled by a vicious bunny', I thought to myself sarcastically.

I continue to walk through the maze, ignoring the sounds coming from behind me. As I walk I admire the holly scattered throughout the maze, one of my mothers favorite plants when she was alive. My father couldn't bear the sight of it for years, but then one day he decided no matter how much it hurt he wanted to be surrounded by the things she loved so he could feel more connected to her.

She was beautiful, my mother. Her name was Julia, she had amber hair, bright green eyes, small features on her face, and the most beautiful freckles that covered her face. My father has always told me that I am a spitting image of her, that is except for my wings. Unlike my white translucent wings, my mother had sapphire blue wings that shone bright as the moon.

Suddenly I feel someone grab my arm, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Who-" I was cut off by a hand covering my mouth.

"Well hello, Princess." they smirked before releasing my mouth and grabbing my wrist.

"You…" was all I could say before they pulled me further into the maze.

Welcome! If you are reading this story, thank you! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

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