
Flight of The Harpy's Heart

Realm of Holocene, a Game of Thrones-esque world with fewer politics and more creatures. Mystical and Believable. Aden El-Rahm, a young sellsword with a -cool, calm, and confident- demeanor who holds a debauchery secret, finds himself facing a fate worse than death – hard labor in the Empire's quarry. But when a desperate plea for help arrives from a village besieged by terrifying harpies, Aden is offered a chance at redemption. Join a ragtag group of knights and fellow convicts, fight the harpies, and earn his freedom. The mission is simple: survive until winter's first snow drives the harpies south. But nothing is ever easy in the Empire. Aden and his unlikely allies must battle not only the cunning and deadly harpies, but also dwindling supplies, internal conflicts, and the ever-present threat of betrayal. As Aden's skills as a warrior are put to the test, he discovers a strength he never knew he possessed and forms unexpected bonds with those around him. Amidst the chaos and carnage, Aden uncovers a deeper connection between humans and harpies, a secret that could change everything. Will he find redemption in this fight for survival, or will the harpies' reign of terror consume him and the village he's sworn to protect? Embark on an epic adventure filled with thrilling battles, unlikely friendships, and a touch of forbidden romance – prepare to take flight with Aden and discover the secrets hidden within the Harpy's Heart. Discord ID Channel for FOTHH: 1236952222302994472 FB page: Flight of The Harpy's Heart

HM_Rivers · ファンタジー
103 Chs

The Inquiror

Just a week after Inquiror Albert paid a visit to his old friend in the slum district, Inquiror Albert and his apprentice were having lunch in the Dancing Turtle tavern. They had just finished up a case of a missing person and they were discussing their main case the black widow reaping.The tavern was packed with the crowns and common folks as today was windsday, the third day of the week. On windsday, the Dancing Turtle tavern was having a special day of the menu, a game meat skewer, Skewers loaded with a mix of game meats such as venison, rabbit, and boar, grilled over an open flame. the sweet scent aroma filled the tavern hall and seeped out to the front yard inviting meat lover people to come in the Dancing Turtle and get a taste of their juicy fresh mixed game meat.It was a tradition in every tavern in the Wessen realm, especially in the Regalyon empire, to have a game meat skewer every third day of the week.It was packed with local crown officials, visiting inquirors, and travelers of the distant realm,unlike the Wessen region which only has dozens of ethnicities with relatively different cultures.when the Inquiror got a whiff of the game meat aroma, he couldn't help but turn to the Dancing Turtle instead of writing a report about the recently solved case of a missing person.The two crown officials arrived at the tavern where they were greeted by the double door made from reinforced steel wood in the tavern entrance the keeper kept the door open and only shut it down during a storm. As they stepped inside the main hall, they looked for a table by the windows of the tavern. There were nine round tables which were suitable for more semi-private talks. each table has three chairs on each side of the four wind except the wall side.the hearth was situated in the center of the tavern's main hall with six long tables spanning wide for the main banquet in the middle of the lowered ground. on the opposite side of the main door was a huge fireplace which has multipurpose use to either warm the hall or hold a huge barbeque in front of the big fireplace where they grilled game meats.They could never get enough of the marvelous architecture of this tavern with Naga-ri ethnics carving about dragons on every steel wood frame, pole, and pillar. The naga-ri consists of hundreds of ethnics contributed to the richness of their culture.by noon the Inquiror Albert had a spiced T-bone steak for his main course, skewered meat for his side dish, and a glass of Arum wine while the apprentice had an Ale-Braised Beef Stew and ale for the company. They sat on the table second to the eastern corner of the tavern hall.Inquiror Albert and his apprentice Lalisa reclined in the plush confines of the capital's most exclusive tavern, indulging in a well-earned respite. The morning had seen them embark on a frantic wild goose chase across the city - scouring every ruddy inch in search of a wealthy merchant's love-struck daughter who had gone missing two nights prior.It was only after an anonymous tip had them beating down the door of her paramour's ramshackle shack in the unkempt outskirts that the foolish girl was finally recovered, blushing and doe-eyed in the wake of her sordid tryst. The gratitude her mustached, portly father had effused knew no bounds, as evidenced by the hefty satchel of regal gold coins he'd pressed into Albert's waiting palms - no less than a hundred glistening pieces."Sir, I don't think it's right we take his gold," Lalisa spoke up hesitantly as Albert hefted the satchel with an appraising eye. "Aren't we prohibited from accepting such...gratuities from citizens?"The inquiror met her query with a bark of laughter, nearly causing him to choke on the hunk of the roasted beast he'd been masticating. "For the contrary, if that walking wine barrel hadn't rewarded us, I'd have socked him square in his bulbous nose!"He punctuated the declaration with a hearty swig from his goblet before spearing another savory morsel. "How dare that mustached lout send us on a merry chase from first light, disrupting our duties with his frivolous panic over a spoiled brat's folly!"Lalisa frowned, thoroughly unconvinced. "But surely this constitutes a violation of our sworn oaths? Gratuities and favors only breed conflicts of interest.""Let the Crown buggers sack me for all I care," Albert blustered with an airy wave of defiance. "After the endless headaches that blubbering merchant put me through, he's fortunate I don't demand a cut of his enterprises to preserve his silly daughter's reputation!"The sheer audacity of his declaration left Lalisa momentarily stunned into silence. Here was blatant corruption divulged without even the faintest hint of shame or remorse.Inquiror Albert knew his worth, for an inquiror who has the highest number of solved cases, hot or cold, the Crown wouldn't dare to touch him, even if he was a corrupted official, the Crown would turn a blind eye for he is a great asset to the Regalyon empire.Now, he can be focused on the black widow case.The inquiror already got a name, he was known as Ugly Don, growing up as a bully he became one of the Shadowsong ruthless debt collectors which later turned into cutthroat. the murderer suspect, Ugly Don, was well known to rape wives of the Shadowsong's clients, rival businesses, and debtors. He took personal pleasure in raping women due to his personal problem against women because of his appearance.Inquiror Albert already issued an arrest warrant for Ugly Don after he visited the Shadowsong boss. He made the Shadowsong boss lift their protection for the rapist-murderer. They flushed him out. it's a matter of time before Ugly Don made a flight for his life. there is no place in this megapolitan capital city of the Regalyon empire for him to sleep.work smart and street smart were his best allies.Now he went back to digging his mouthwatering medium-rare T-bone steak with juicy fat seeped out of the meat from the grill because he knew that sooner or later the murderer would make his escape the crown watches would get him in no time,It was still early noon yet they were already exhausted. no words were uttered, both of them quietly eating while listening to other officials at the next tables about talks and rumors. the end of the Leverette Revolt, the Regalyon main army marched north to meet the elven army, the dam broke flooding dozens of towns and villages, another piece of Valuel crown was rumored to be found, the flood invited saurians giving more problems for the empire, the Hollows, and many more.and yet nothing could topple the main topic of the tavern yarn, the black widows reaping.They have been very active for the last three years and need to be stopped. the reputation of the capital city's Garrison was at stake and the responsibility went to the Inquiror Albert's shoulder to carry.even Hannah, the tavern servant didn't ask, she didn't want to bother the meat-loving inquiror.The tranquil ambiance of the tavern was shattered by the forceful entrance of a young Crown's Watch - a fresh-faced lad no older than Lalisa herself. He barged through the doors, chest heaving from exertion as if he'd sprinted the entire way. Patrons turned in their seats, affronted by the raucous disruption to their indulgences."Inquiror..." he gasped between ragged breaths, causing Hannah the barmaid to rush over with a concerned look."Easy there, lad. Catch your wind," she soothed, placing a steadying hand on his shoulder as his wild eyes darted about the crowded hall. "Which inquiror needs addressing? We've dozens here on any given eve.""Inquiror Albert!" the Watch burst out, straining against Hannah's attempts to calm him. "I must speak with Inquiror Albert at once!"Lalisa exchanged a bemused look with her mentor, who continued methodically working his way through the platter of skewered meats and roasted beast laid before him. Swallowing an indelicate mouthful, she responded on his behalf. "I'm his apprentice. What's so urgent?"The young Watch's expression turned solemn, tinged with what seemed like...fear? When he finally spoke, his words came out choked, as if forcing themselves past a lump in his throat."We've arrested him, milady. The Black Widow's Reaper - we've caught the fiend at last."A hush fell over the assembled patrons, evidence that everyone present had borne witness to the Watch's proclamation. The Widow's Reaper - that elusive, sadistic butcher who had carved a bloody swathe of terror through the capital's most privileged social circles. Rumors and ghastly tales of his handiwork had fueled morbid fascination for months now.Inquisitor Albert carefully set down his meal, expression inscrutable as he locked eyes with the breathless messenger. "Tell me everything."⁕⁕⁕Inquiror Albert, Lalisa, and the grizzled Crown's Watch Captain advanced down the garrison's corridors with purposeful strides, their boots striking the flagstones in a rhythmic cadence. There was an urgency to their gait that hinted at a significant breakthrough."Got the bastard trying to slither out the eastern gatehouse," the Captain growled, his words clipped as he matched Albert's pace. "Big ugly brute, just like the witnesses described - built like an ox, a face only a martyr could love, and not so much as a single tooth in that gash he calls a mouth."Albert offered a curt nod of confirmation. "Our quarry then, without doubt. But I'm stunned you ran him to the ground so swiftly - that snake has been more elusive than a greased eel."A self-satisfied smirk played across the Captain's weathered features. "Had ourselves a little...anonymous assistance, shall we say."Lalisa arched a querulous brow. "An informant's tip?""Aye, a rat sang sweetly as a songbird once we acquired the proper leverage," the Captain revealed, rubbing his whiskered jaw. "Turned out the twisted bastard had an accomplice - some sniveling pissant caught in Ugly Don's vicious web twice before."Albert's penetrating gaze bored into the older man. "No more riddles, Captain. Give it to me straight."The Captain sighed, recognizing the futility of evasion. "This 'Rat' admitted to aiding the butcher, but under duress mind you. Seems Ugly Don fancied playing his wicked games - took a singular liking to the snitch's beloved mutt."Realization dawned across Lalisa's delicate features, soon curdling into a look of sheer revulsion. "He threatened the dog's life to coerce Rat's obedience.""Struck a devil's bargain alright," the Captain confirmed with a dull nod. "Promised to return the poor beast once Rat served his foul purpose, which was directing that diseased mind towards his escape route through the sewers after each...incident."Albert's hand drifted towards the hilt of his sword, knuckles tightening. "Yet I sense there's more to this sorry tale than a simple betrayal of trust.""'Course there is," the Captain spat bitterly. "Ugly bastard double-crossed Rat after securing his cooperation - killed the dog in cold blood, nothing but a sick jape to that blackened soul."Fire flashed in Lalisa's eyes as the pieces fell into place. "So to avenge his furry companion and spare himself further torment, Rat turned rat. Erased every marker Ugly Don left behind to track his exit from the sewers, leaving the eastern gate as his sole remaining egress.""Smart lad," the Captain grunted in grudging respect. "Knew we'd be hunting that devil's trail soon enough after the hornet's nest got kicked." His eyes flicked meaningfully towards Albert.The Inquiror allowed himself a thin smile. "If I hadn't gone prying where the Shadowsong didn't want me, that Widow's Reaper may well have stayed tucked away in whatever cesspit they were sheltering him.""Their loss in the end," the Captain said with a derisive snort. "Even snakes like the Shadowsong felt compelled to cut that filth loose when the heat grew too intense."He shook his head in disdain. "Shows you just how deep in depravity Ugly Don had sunk, that even the underworld's slimiest princelings wanted no part of his business. When the knives came out for him, he hadn't the wits to grasp the blade properly.""Thankfully," Albert mused darkly, "what passed for intelligence in that degenerate's skull was pitifully underwhelming." His tone took on a rare hint of praise as his gaze fell upon the Captain. "You did well flushing that rat from its nest. The Black Widows' pet butcher won't be terrorizing anyone else now that he's in our custody."As the three refocused on the path ahead, Lalisa felt a longing for the simpler days of her apprenticeship's beginning - when good and evil were clearly delineated, with no moral ambiguities to wrestle over. But this case had dragged them into the blackest depths of human indecency, forcing them to navigate an underworld where even the most steadfast codes were merely illusions shattered without a second thought.If those who dwelled in the eternal darkness had so eagerly sacrificed one of their own, what horrors had Ugly Don perpetrated to warrant such universal revulsion? She shuddered to imagine what fresh nightmares awaited them once they at last came face-to-face with the Black Widow's Reaper himself.⁕⁕⁕