
Flight of The Harpy's Heart

Realm of Holocene, a Game of Thrones-esque world with fewer politics and more creatures. Mystical and Believable. Aden El-Rahm, a young sellsword with a -cool, calm, and confident- demeanor who holds a debauchery secret, finds himself facing a fate worse than death – hard labor in the Empire's quarry. But when a desperate plea for help arrives from a village besieged by terrifying harpies, Aden is offered a chance at redemption. Join a ragtag group of knights and fellow convicts, fight the harpies, and earn his freedom. The mission is simple: survive until winter's first snow drives the harpies south. But nothing is ever easy in the Empire. Aden and his unlikely allies must battle not only the cunning and deadly harpies, but also dwindling supplies, internal conflicts, and the ever-present threat of betrayal. As Aden's skills as a warrior are put to the test, he discovers a strength he never knew he possessed and forms unexpected bonds with those around him. Amidst the chaos and carnage, Aden uncovers a deeper connection between humans and harpies, a secret that could change everything. Will he find redemption in this fight for survival, or will the harpies' reign of terror consume him and the village he's sworn to protect? Embark on an epic adventure filled with thrilling battles, unlikely friendships, and a touch of forbidden romance – prepare to take flight with Aden and discover the secrets hidden within the Harpy's Heart. Discord ID Channel for FOTHH: 1236952222302994472 FB page: Flight of The Harpy's Heart

HM_Rivers · ファンタジー
64 Chs


The lightning storm that the wyverns had invoked was a force of nature unparalleled in its intensity. It unleashed its wrath upon the Stormsteps, lashing out with blinding bolts of electricity that seared through the air. Thunder echoed continuously, its deafening rumble drowning out all other sounds and shaking the very souls of those who dared to bear witness.The storm showed no signs of abating. It seemed as though the heavens had been unleashed, and the tempest would rage on for days, weeks, or even longer. The once serene mountain range was now a volatile cauldron of elemental chaos. Torrential rains poured from the darkened skies, obscuring the landscape and flooding the valleys below.The lightning storm cast an ethereal beauty upon the Stormsteps mountain range, transforming the mountains into a realm of both awe and terror. The jagged peaks, now veiled in mist and shadow, stood as silent sentinels, witnessing the clash of forces far greater than themselves. The very air was charged with anticipation as if nature itself held its breath in the face of this immense spectacle.As days turned into weeks, the lightning storm continued unabated. Its ceaseless fury became a constant presence, a reminder of the indomitable power of the stormwing wyverns and their ability to manipulate the very elements. The inhabitants of the Stormsteps had no choice but to adapt to this new reality, their lives forever shaped by the relentless storm that engulfed their homes.The lightning storm became a source of both fascination and trepidation. It was a testament to the primal forces that governed the natural world, a reminder of the delicate balance between chaos and order. The stormwing wyverns, with their awe-inspiring power, had unleashed a phenomenon that would be remembered for generations, etching their mark upon the Stormsteps and leaving an indelible legacy in the annals of natural history.And so, as the lightning storm raged on, the inhabitants of the Stormsteps endured its wrath. They bore witness to the unyielding power of nature, marveling at its splendor and trembling in its presence. The storm became a symbol of both the untamed forces of the world and the resilience of those who dared to call the Stormsteps their home.⁕⁕⁕Days had passed since the young harpy had rescued the youngling wyvern. She had tended to his injuries with care and compassion, nursing him back to health. His broken thigh bone had fully recovered, and his torn webbing had been mended. Wyverns were renowned for their remarkable ability to heal quickly. However, despite his physical recovery, his spirit remained shattered.The youngling regained his spirit but still suffered from nightmares, the memories of his parents' brutal demise haunting him every night. He would toss and turn, his body wracked with fear as he struggled to break free from the clutches of his nightmares. But every time, the young harpy's lullaby would calm him down, soothing his troubled soul with its gentle melody.The young harpy had become a source of comfort and reassurance for the youngling. Her presence alone was enough to ease his fears, and her lullaby had become a lifeline for him in the darkness of the night. She had become his protector, his nurturer, and his friend.The youngling's heart was a fragile thing, its light dimmed by the wounds of a cruel world. Yet, the young harpy remained steadfast, a beacon of compassion in the midst of his suffering. With gentle wings and a voice as soothing as a summer breeze, she enveloped him in her embrace, offering a sanctuary where his broken spirit could begin to mend.Time passed, measured in the rhythmic beating of their hearts and the whispers of the forest. Slowly, cautiously, the youngling unfurled like a bud emerging from the depths of winter. His nightmares, once a relentless torment, became less frequent, their grip loosening with each tender lullaby the young harpy sang.Their bond blossomed like the first blooms of spring, nurtured by the young harpy's unwavering love and patience. They became inseparable, their lives intertwined like the vines that clung to the ancient trees. In her presence, the youngling found solace, his fears ebbing away as she wrapped him in the warmth of her embrace.Together, they danced through the forest, their laughter mingling with the melodies of the songbirds. The young harpy taught him the secrets of the woodland, guiding his footsteps along paths dappled with sunlight and lined with wildflowers. In turn, the youngling brought a renewed sense of wonder to her world, his eyes sparkling with the untainted joy of innocence rediscovered.As the seasons turned, their love deepened, transcending the boundaries of blood and species. The youngling saw in the young harpy the mother he had longed for, her wings a comforting shelter against the cruelties of the world. And she, in turn, regarded him as her own, a treasure to be cherished and protected with every fiber of her being.In those moments, when the forest stilled and the world seemed to hold its breath, the young harpy would sing her lullaby. Her voice, rich and pure, carried a message of hope and resilience, a promise that no matter how dark the night, the dawn would always break anew. And in her arms, the youngling would find peace, his weary soul soothed by the melody that bound them together, heart to heart, in an unbreakable tapestry of love.⁕⁕⁕The morning sun cast its golden glow upon the forest, and a heavy fluttering sound reverberated through the sky. The sheer magnitude of the sound shook the ground, causing trees, branches, and foliage to tremble in its wake. Massive shadows cast by the flying creatures covered the forest, one after another, dozens of them creating an atmosphere of awe and trepidation.Sensing the imminent danger, the young harpy and the youngling wyvern hurriedly sought refuge inside the hollow of the dead tree. The youngling cowered within, his wings covering his head as he curled his body in a trembling embrace. He knew all too well what could produce such a thunderous sound—it was the unmistakable presence of wyverns.The ground rumbled beneath them as the fluttering sound gradually subsided. With bated breath, the young harpy cautiously emerged from the safety of the dead tree. She climbed to the top of the tallest nearby tree, her eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of the wyverns.In the distance, she spotted a sight that both relieved and intrigued her. Dozens of stormwing wyverns were soaring toward the southern hemisphere, their powerful wings carrying them on a migratory journey. It seemed that they were making a temporary departure from their current territory, perhaps in search of better hunting grounds or new breeding sites. But Stormsteps Mountain will always be their home. they will return after the winter surely.Unlike other animals, Wyverns didn't hibernate during the winter to make it through. Instead, they adapted their behavior and lifestyle, developing innovative ways to survive in even the harshest of conditions.flamecrest wyverns, the most common wyverns in the realm, have a fire sack organ system which lets them self-regulate heat inside their body and blood. Frostwind wyverns can survive in the most freezing part of the realm such as the Norden region and polar area. Sunfire wyverns glided on the sky so high they stayed there for the winter to pass. While the stormwing and other wyverns prefer to evade the winter altogether by migrating annually to the equator part of the Holocene realm.The young harpy continued to survey the surroundings, her gaze sweeping the horizon once again to ensure that no wyverns remained. She lingered atop the tree, observing the skies with a mix of caution and curiosity. It appeared that the wyverns had departed, leaving behind a sense of both relief and uncertainty.As the young harpy perched on the tree, she contemplated the implications of the wyverns' migration. It could mean a temporary respite for her and the youngling, a chance to explore the forest without the constant threat of their formidable presence. However, she also understood that the wyverns' absence could be temporary, and they might return in the future.With a sense of vigilance, the young harpy remained watchful, keeping a keen eye on the skies and the surrounding landscape. She knew that the forest held its own secrets and dangers, and she would need to be prepared for whatever challenges lay ahead.The young harpy gracefully descended from the treetop, her wings gliding through the air with a sense of purpose. As she reached the hollow tree, she found the youngling wyvern still cowering, curled up at the end of the tree floor, his fear palpable.With a gentle voice filled with compassion, the young harpy called out to him, her words carrying a soothing melody. She approached him, extending her wing to touch him in a gesture of comfort and reassurance. The youngling, sensing her presence and understanding the genuine care behind her actions, rushed into her embrace.At that moment, the language barrier that had once separated them seemed to dissolve. Words became unnecessary as their connection transcended mere verbal communication. They understood each other through their actions, their gestures, and the unspoken bond that had formed between them.The youngling found solace in the warmth of the harpy's embrace, his trembling body gradually relaxing. He felt a sense of safety and security, knowing that he was not alone in his fears and struggles. The young harpy, in turn, held him close, her wings enveloping him with a protective embrace.For now, the young harpy and the youngling found a moment of reprieve, a brief respite from the ever-present fear that had haunted them. They would cherish this time, using it to strengthen their bond and prepare for the uncertainties that awaited them in the vast expanse of the forest.The wyverns have departed and the mountain storm has quieted, yet the harpy melody remains, washing over the mountains and forests like a gentle lullaby. It was as if it lingered still, a reminder that no matter how dark and tumultuous life could be, there was always hope in its beauty.⁕⁕⁕