
Flight of The Harpy's Heart

Realm of Holocene, a Game of Thrones-esque world with fewer politics and more creatures. Mystical and Believable. Aden El-Rahm, a young sellsword with a -cool, calm, and confident- demeanor who holds a debauchery secret, finds himself facing a fate worse than death – hard labor in the Empire's quarry. But when a desperate plea for help arrives from a village besieged by terrifying harpies, Aden is offered a chance at redemption. Join a ragtag group of knights and fellow convicts, fight the harpies, and earn his freedom. The mission is simple: survive until winter's first snow drives the harpies south. But nothing is ever easy in the Empire. Aden and his unlikely allies must battle not only the cunning and deadly harpies, but also dwindling supplies, internal conflicts, and the ever-present threat of betrayal. As Aden's skills as a warrior are put to the test, he discovers a strength he never knew he possessed and forms unexpected bonds with those around him. Amidst the chaos and carnage, Aden uncovers a deeper connection between humans and harpies, a secret that could change everything. Will he find redemption in this fight for survival, or will the harpies' reign of terror consume him and the village he's sworn to protect? Embark on an epic adventure filled with thrilling battles, unlikely friendships, and a touch of forbidden romance – prepare to take flight with Aden and discover the secrets hidden within the Harpy's Heart. Discord ID Channel for FOTHH: 1236952222302994472 FB page: Flight of The Harpy's Heart

HM_Rivers · ファンタジー
64 Chs


ReadyIn the afternoon, the party soon reached the outskirts of Serendale Village, it was grim and dim during daylight but eerie at night which made them a little tense.Aden looked up above where two birds of prey circled above the sky. They must be the harpies. they have long legs, unlike any other birds of prey. He walked faster to the front to tell something to Captain Willem who rode a horse."What is it, Aden?" Captain Willem asked before Aden spoke up."Captain, It looks like we are not the only one doing reconnaissance here." Aden subtly pointed out his spear toward the harpies above to warn Captain Willem."I think we should expect something in a moment," Aden expressed his concern over the matter. The ruhimi went back to the rear caravan.As the party continued on their journey, they found themselves facing an unexpected roadblock just after the desolated caravansary and kiosks.Captain Willem told the party to stop at a safe distance and sent someone to observe the roadblock with him.Maeda volunteered, and the samurai cautiously approached the roadblock. He could see that it was makeshift, constructed from a pile of miscellaneous junk and debris in small pieces – broken branches, old planks of wood, and other oddities. It seemed to be most likely created by goblins instead of harpies or humans.Captain Willem stepped forward and addressed the Essen man with a questioning look. "What is it?" he asked.Maeda shook his head and looked down at the ground before speaking."It's them," he said in a low voice, gesturing to the pile of boulders littering their path ahead."Goblins -- made this roadblock they have."Captain Willem inspected the roadblock. It was safe, there were no traps anywhere but the roadblock. although simple-minded, goblins were able to set up a trap or make a roadblock from trees or junk.Goblins were opportunistic creatures and were often drawn to the allure of abandoned places. They pose a potential threat if left unchecked. The desolate mountain and empty road attracted them in no time.With subtle hints from his fingers, Captain Willem gave signals messages to the party behind him to be ready. They have no choice but to move forward, the rescue party must reach the village before dark.Marcus and Victor quickly pick up the signal given by the captain. They relay it to Corporal Knightly."Men, ready your arms," said Corporal Knightly to the party in a hushed voice. The dark-skinned knight dismounted from his horse unsheathed his sword, and raised his shield, followed up by the rest of the knights and the rescue party.The knights secured the horses and tied them tight by the wagons."Martin, you stay close to me." Corporal Knightly commanded. Martin the mute was not a fighter until they reach the village, the mute would only be a burden for the rescue party in a fight."Whatever happened do NOT leave the party, do you understand?" The corporal made sure again then followed up by a nod from the mute."Hu uh," The mute answered yes.After he made sure everyone was ready, Corporal Knightly said firmly, "onward."The rescue party caravan starts marching towards the roadblock.When the party was about to reach Maeda and Captain Willem, Out of nowhere, more than a dozen vicious goblin bandits descended upon the party, launching a surprise attack from both sides of the road."Ambush!" Every knight, Maeda, at the front and Aden in the rear shouted almost in unison. Captain Willem swiftly drew his sword, his eyes locked on the approaching attackers. Aden, positioned at the rear, raised his sword in readiness. The party braced themselves for the imminent clash."hyeaa..hyeaa!"With a bloodcurdling screech, the goblins lunged forward, their weapons raised high. The rescue party was ready to meet them on their ground. Swords clashed against swords, metal meeting metal in a symphony of battle.The knights, displaying their honed skills, countered each strike with calculated precision. Maeda's swift movements and deadly strikes kept the goblins at bay, while Aden's sturdy defense protected the group from rear assaults.The fight erupted into a chaotic dance of blades and arrows. The recon knights deflected incoming arrows and stones with their shields while retaliating with swift sword strikes.Marcus, with his swift reflexes, unleashed a flurry of dagger attacks, finding the weak points in the goblins' defenses.Martin the mute held up to the horses and never left Corporal Knightly's side. The goblins prioritized the horses as their target.Phil, though underestimated, fought valiantly, kicking and punching the human-like creatures lesser than his size while using his agility to evade the goblins' attacks. repelled each one of them with a round shield.Victor accompanied Oliver and fought off the goblins with his sword in the middle of the caravan. He made sure the goblins didn't get near the kid. The flamboyant actor-turn-smuggler blocked any goblins who wanted to attack Oliver from behind. He also released arrows to the goblins he saw nearby. He was the busiest man in this fight.Oliver was the nimble one, unleashing rocks with his sling from a safe distance. When a goblin managed to slip into the defense line, he used a short sword against one goblin and managed to kill it by stabbing its heart until it stopped moving.Gilbert poked every goblin with a stick he found inside the wagon.Aden repelled any goblins who tried to sneak attack from behind. Stabbed them with his spear protecting the rear from their reach. just as he expected, the goblins were aiming for the rear wagon as they thought the rear was unguarded with all their roadblock and ambush in the front caravan. protecting the rear and swiftly assisting the vanguard was his job as a light cavalier. It was in his blood.On the side of the road, Hjalmar fought multiple goblins at once using only a wooden plank. Crushed one of the goblin's heads with just one hand, and bashed it to the mossy boulder at the side of the road. His prowess was extraordinary, he lived up to the name of a Vjordic berserker.At the front, Maeda's eyes narrowed as he faced a goblin wielding a katana, a kind of blade familiar to his homeland. He lunged forward and engaged it in a single combat.The goblin swung the curved blade with a reckless gesture, its movements lacking finesse and precision. Maeda, on the other hand, moved with the grace and fluidity of a seasoned warrior.Dancing around the goblin's wild strikes, Maeda expertly parried each attack with his own weapon, a longsword of Wessen standard craftsmanship. The clash of steel resonated through the air, a symphony of blades in the heat of battle. With every parry, Maeda could feel the goblin's frustration growing, its lack of skill becoming its downfall.In a swift and calculated maneuver, Maeda saw an opening. He deftly disarmed the goblin, sending its katana clattering to the ground. Seizing the opportunity, he grabbed the katana and swiftly closed the distance between them, his own blade gleaming in the dim light. With a single, decisive strike, Maeda dispatched the goblin, severing its head from its body.Maeda felt an odd sense of familiarity as he clutched his katana. The feel, the smell, and memories of past battles flooded his mind. He knew he had no time to lose and with a swift motion, wiped the blade clean and returned to the fight. The battle around him still raged on.The samurai looked around, when it came to fighting, Goblins don't like facing someone stronger than them. They fight with the same ferocity as a child wielding a stick. After five of their own were killed, they quickly decided to flee the scene with empty hands.⁕⁕⁕The party stood victorious, chests heaving with exertion and adrenaline coursing through their veins. They took a moment to catch their breath, their eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of further danger.The echoes of the skirmish faded, leaving behind only the silence of the forest and the faint rustle of leaves in the wind. The party shared glances of relief and satisfaction, knowing they had successfully repelled the ambush and protected their comrades."Good job, everyone," Captain Willem said, his voice tinged with pride."Anyone hurt?" the Captain asked loudly for all ears."No," Marcus answered after he checked on his smuggler friends."No sir." all the recon knights got no serious wounds from the goblins."All good," Aden reported in."Just some cuts and bruises," Hjalmar replied to the captain."Martin?" the Captain specifically asked the mute's condition.Martin shook his head as a no. he showed his back, it had only a few scratches and torn cloth."Good, we may have faced a surprise attack, as you see if we stood united we would emerge victorious." The Captain remarked."Made quick work of these goblin bandits, it seems," Maeda remarked, wiping the sweat from his brow as he approached Captain Willem. His voice carried a hint of amusement mixed with satisfaction.Captain Willem nodded, a wry smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Indeed, Maeda. These goblins were no match for us. It seems they prefer easy prey over a true challenge."Aden's eyes scanned the defeated goblins scattered around them. "They fought like reckless children, swinging their weapons without strategy or finesse. It's no wonder they quickly retreated.""Truly they underestimated us," Captain Willem replied, his voice tinged with a touch of arrogance. "They thought they could overpower us with their numbers, but they were sorely mistaken."A faint chuckle escaped Maeda's lips. "The hard way, lesson they learned, I suppose. Flee, our enemies do, when realizing they cannot beat us."⁕⁕⁕The rescue party tended to their wounds, the adrenaline of battle slowly subsiding as they cleaned and dressed with superficial cuts and slashes. Though battered, none had sustained any serious injuries in the skirmish against the goblin ambushers.Aden wiped down his spear, clearing it of foul goblin viscera before turning his attention to the rear supply wagons. He methodically inspected each one, keen eyes scanning for any signs of pilfered goods or sabotage in the wake of the attack."Hey, Aden!" The proud, slightly tremulous voice of young Oliver cut through the murmurs of the caravan. "Did you see? I killed one of the goblins!"Aden's gaze fell upon the fresh-faced boy, taking in the way Oliver's hands trembled violently despite his excited demeanor. The lad had clearly tasted the harsh realities of combat for the first time that day."Aye, I saw your work out there," Aden replied, his tone even and appraising. "Though you'd do well to ensure your foe was well and truly slain before turning your back."Oliver swallowed thickly, steeling himself. "I...I stabbed it through the heart. Kept driving my blade in until it stopped moving.""Your first kill then?" The question was rhetorical, but Aden posed it anyway - forcing the boy to acknowledge this grim rite of passage aloud."Y-yes," Oliver admitted, shame and a hint of nausea warring within his expression as he stared at his bloodied, shaking hands.Aden placed a reassuring hand upon the lad's shoulder. "Don't fret over the shakes, boy. You'll grow accustomed to such deeds all too quickly on the road ahead of us."For an untested youth to have held his own against the ferocious goblin raiders was, in itself, an impressive feat deserving of respect."Where is the old man?" Corporal Knightly asked Victor the last man seen with the old man Jedd. The old man had been by his side a moment ago, but now he was nowhere to be seen."I don't know, I was busy fighting off the goblins," said Victor looking around in confusion."Did he..don't tell me he was abducted by the goblins." Corporal Knightly started to lose his patience."Everyone spread out! Search for the old man." Captain Willem ordered the party.The Party split up to search for the old pervert in the ruins, the woods nearby, and the bridge. After a while, all of them but one returned with the same answer. The Old Man couldn't be found anywhere.The scene was tense, with Captain Willem and the knights feeling vexed and frustrated. They couldn't fathom how to install and operate the hwachas without the guidance and supervision of the consultant, who had gone missing. Their frustration mounted until Gilbert's sudden shout pierced the air, "In here!"The party rushed toward Gilbert's voice, only to find the old man Jed nestled among the ruins of a caravansary kiosk. He was sleeping soundly, hugging a bottle of wine he had likely scavenged from the ruin. Corporal Knightly couldn't believe his eyes, "Has he been watching us fighting for our lives from the sidelines this whole time?"Gilbert shook his head, "I'm pretty sure he slept through all of it."Aden's disbelief was palpable, "Unbelievable."Corporal Knightly wasted no time, calling out, "Hjalmar! Come here, quick. Pick this old drunk and put him in the supply wagon." Hjalmar hurried over and carefully lifted the old man, gently placing him in the supply carriage.As Hjalmar settled him in, the jostle roused Jed from his slumber. "Ouch," he grumbled, rubbing his head where he had bumped against a crate. "What's happening? Can you lads be more gentle?"Corporal Knightly's exasperation was evident, "Where have you been, old man? We were looking for you like crazy."Jed yawned, unfazed, "I'm looking for a safer place away from all of this violence."Corporal Knightly scoffed, "Don't be ridiculous, old man. Violence is part of your job."Jed shook his head, "I'm a lover, not a fighter. I'm not a violent person."Victor couldn't contain his frustration, berating the old man, "I'm a lover too, but when it comes to kill or be killed, I prefer to stand my ground and fight with everyone." He grumbled, mocking Jed's self-proclaimed perks, "Strength of a thousand men, my ass."Despite the mockery, the old consultant wore a smug smirk, well aware that his expertise was still needed. The rescue party begrudgingly prepared to continue their march to the village, with the perplexing old man in tow.Maeda ventured to the rear of the caravansary's kiosks and discovered a skeleton of a samurai on the ground. It was accompanied by a short curved sword and scattered harpy remains, leading Maeda to believe that he had died while in a fight against a harpy.Maeda picked up another blade, the wakizashi, from the skeleton warrior, it is shorter than the katana and it is usually paired with a katana. Maeda unsheathed the blade, it glimmered with light. It was still in great condition despite it had been neglected for a while.Maeda wore sashes he found with the skeleton around his waist, just like the skeleton warrior would. He secured both blades on his left side.Maeda bowed to the skeleton with parting greetings and gratitude before leaving the stall and resuming the journey to Serendale Village.In the Essen region, specifically in the land of the Rising Sun where Maeda originated, goblins roamed unchecked and rampant. Unlike in the Wessen region, where the presence of predators such as harpies served as a natural population control for these creatures, the absence of such predators allowed the goblin population to thrive without restraint.Maeda knew all too well the perils of dealing with these cunning and mischievous creatures. Growing up in Hi-on, he had encountered goblin bands more times than he could count. Their relentless mischief and constant troublemaking had earned them a fearsome reputation among the locals."Everyone good?" Captain Willem checked the party once more, "Let's regroup and resume our journey. We cannot afford to let our guard down, there are more to come."All the rescue party regrouped and continued their journey.Maeda walked along with Captain Willem who rode on a horse. The captain is curious about how Maeda accurately guessed the culprit who made the roadblock."Hey, samurai." Captain Willem called upon Maeda. although Maeda was technically a ronin, a masterless samurai, the captain still addressed him as a samurai. Honoring one's title is a small gesture that leads a long way."Hai'," Maeda replied with yes."How do you know it was a goblin trap?" The captain asked."In Essen, constant nuisance goblins are," Maeda explained to Captain Willem as they marched along the road. "Goblin's favorite trap the roadblock is and small objects the junks are."Maeda suggested that the roadblock was a favored trap of goblins, as it was made up of small junks and debris, only something smaller than humans could gather them."Harpies, goblins' enemies. No harpies, no enemies. They go get women, breed, multiply fast, and cause havoc on many villages." Maeda gave a piece of his knowledge about goblins back in his homeland.Captain Willem listened intently, his brow furrowing with concern. "That must make life quite difficult for the people living in Essen. How do they manage to deal with such a relentless threat?"Maeda sighed, his gaze distant as he recalled the struggles of his homeland. "learned to adapt the Essen people have to. Fortify their villages, set traps, and form specialized goblin-hunting teams.""It's a constant battle to keep the goblin population at bay, but they do their best to protect their homes and ensure the safety of their loved ones."Maeda spoke a bit louder to the point Aden could hear him by the rear caravan. The ruhimi was amazed that the samurai could speak with correct sentence structure sometimes.Captain Willem nodded, his expression grave. "It sounds like a formidable task. We must remain vigilant as we travel through this mountain range, for we may encounter goblin bands along the way. Our skills and experience will be put to the test."Aden marched by the rear as the rescue party had resumed the journey and when he looked up to the sky, the harpies were no more.Aden could only assume the harpies had something to do with the goblins.Were they working together or the harpies were just inspecting them?They are both sentient beings and it was not a farfetched thought that both of them were able to work together for a common goal. Either way, the rescue party foiled the goblin's plan to ambush them.⁕⁕⁕