
Flight of The Harpy's Heart

Realm of Holocene, a Game of Thrones-esque world with fewer politics and more creatures. Mystical and Believable. Aden El-Rahm, a young sellsword with a -cool, calm, and confident- demeanor who holds a debauchery secret, finds himself facing a fate worse than death – hard labor in the Empire's quarry. But when a desperate plea for help arrives from a village besieged by terrifying harpies, Aden is offered a chance at redemption. Join a ragtag group of knights and fellow convicts, fight the harpies, and earn his freedom. The mission is simple: survive until winter's first snow drives the harpies south. But nothing is ever easy in the Empire. Aden and his unlikely allies must battle not only the cunning and deadly harpies, but also dwindling supplies, internal conflicts, and the ever-present threat of betrayal. As Aden's skills as a warrior are put to the test, he discovers a strength he never knew he possessed and forms unexpected bonds with those around him. Amidst the chaos and carnage, Aden uncovers a deeper connection between humans and harpies, a secret that could change everything. Will he find redemption in this fight for survival, or will the harpies' reign of terror consume him and the village he's sworn to protect? Embark on an epic adventure filled with thrilling battles, unlikely friendships, and a touch of forbidden romance – prepare to take flight with Aden and discover the secrets hidden within the Harpy's Heart. Discord ID Channel for FOTHH: 1236952222302994472 FB page: Flight of The Harpy's Heart

HM_Rivers · ファンタジー
103 Chs


With the break of dawn, the recon knights exchanged exhausted yet resolute glances. The night's trials had tested their mettle, but they had stood firm. They survive with minor incidents the first night they set camp on the Stormsteps mountain outskirt. They didn't plan to spend another night in the wilderness, they had to push through as soon as possible to the harpy-infested village.

The party prepared to resume their journey, knowing that the challenges ahead would be formidable. The harpies awaited, and it was their duty to confront the looming threat and protect the village nestled within the mountain range.

the skies were cloudless amid a cool breeze, and Aden felt a wave of optimism wash over him. Beside him, the prisoners had managed to find some solace in such trying times; their newfound bond with one another was an invaluable source of comfort in moments like these.

Captain Willem and Corporal Knightly looked out at the group, their eyes filled with conviction. "We stride forward together, united against the danger that lies ahead. Everyone has a part to play in this journey, and our mutual objective will serve as our guide."

The group, fueled by newfound purpose and determination, prepared themselves for the arduous journey ahead. Their hearts were set on the mission, their eyes fixed on the horizon where danger awaited. The promise of freedom and the chance to make amends drove them forward, as they embarked on a perilous quest to vanquish the harpy menace and bring tranquility to the troubled mountain range.

The prisoners were dressed in the standard Regalia prisoner uniform. The uniform symbolized their captivity, but now it acted as a unifying factor between them in this new alliance.

The knights were unpacking the camp while the old man inspected the siege weapon before the group resumed their journey to Serendale Village.

Aden and Maeda sought out a peaceful corner to offer their morning prayers to their respective Gods. Both were filled with a feeling of inner peace as they knelt down in reverence and offered up their thanks. The warm sun bathed them in its glow providing an incredibly serene atmosphere for both of them to connect spiritually with the divine.

The others are preparing themselves to resume the journey by foot because the road to Serendale village is full of obstacles and uneven difficult terrain, they would wear out the horses faster than they could anticipate.

"How is the condition of the hwachas, old man? We need them properly working by tomorrow," Captain Willem asked the old man, his tone filled with a mix of urgency and worry as one of his responsibilities is to make sure the siege weapon working properly when the time comes.

Jed, the old man who possessed a wealth of knowledge regarding the maintenance of the siege weapons, sighed and adjusted his worn-out spectacles. "It's Jed, young captain, not old man," he corrected with a touch of annoyance. "Have some respect, for I am the only one who knows how to fix and maintain these siege weapon babies."

Captain Willem vexed, he was not in the mood to have argument in early morning. "Whatever, Jed. We appreciate your skills, and we need those hwachas in optimal condition for the battle ahead. The village's safety depends on it."

Jed huffed, a mixture of pride and irritation evident on his weathered face. "Well, you better make sure the knights assigned to me follow my instructions to the letter. These girls are delicate, you know. One wrong move and they could misfire or break apart. We can't afford any mishaps during the battle."

Captain Willem assured him, "I've handpicked the most skilled and disciplined knights to assist you, Jed. They understand the importance of your work, and they will follow your guidance diligently."

Jed's stern expression softened slightly as he realized the captain's trust in his abilities. "Very well, Captain. I'll ensure those hwachas are in top-notch shape by tomorrow. But remember, a siege weapon is only as good as its operator. Make sure your knights handle them with care and precision."

Captain Willem nodded, still with a vexed expression in his eyes. "I trust in your skills, Jed. Your contribution to this mission is invaluable, and we are grateful to have you on board."

With a sense of purpose and determination, Jed turned his attention back to the siege weapons, inspecting them meticulously. Very contrary to his attitude toward the captain earlier. The flickering light of the campfire danced across his face, highlighting the lines etched by a lifetime of experience.

"Wait, you mean our lives depend on this old drunk?" Phil protested, his voice filled with concern and disbelief, as he pointed a finger at Jed.

he couldn't help but overhear the conversation between Captain Willem and the old man Jed.

Captain Willem, maintaining his composure, replied, "Not on this old drunk, but on these siege weapons."

The prisoner crossed his arms, clearly unconvinced. "Yeah, sure... but he's the only one who can repair and maintain the siege weapons, right?"

Captain Willem nodded, acknowledging the truth in the prisoner's statement. "Yes, that's correct. Jed is the only one with the expertise to handle these machines."

The prisoner let out a defeated sigh, realizing the gravity of the situation. "So, it means our lives depend on his drunk hands? By Aione, we're doomed."

Captain Willem, trying to lighten the mood, flashed a reassuring smile. "No, no, we're not doomed. As long as the siege weapons and the old man remain intact, we have a fighting chance."

Hjalmar, the tattooed Vjordic prisoner couldn't help but chuckle at the captain's attempt to downplay the situation. "Well, I hope this old drunk's hands stay steady then."

Captain Willem joined in the laughter, relieved to see the tension ease. "Indeed, let's pray that his hands find their balance amidst the occasional sway of spirits."

The group, now aware of the importance of Jed's role, continued their preparations for the battle with a renewed appreciation for the intricate mechanics of the hwachas and the indispensable knowledge that Jed possessed.

Corporal Knightly got back from the supply carriage with a crate full of mantels. He stood before the weary group of prisoners and motioned for them to gather around.

Captain Willem joined in the center.

"take off your cloaks and put them on." said the captain as he stood behind the crate of mantels and weapons of such swords, spears, and some shields both round and kite-shaped.

His words, spoken in a voice both firm yet empathetic, cut through the chill morning air.

"Choose whatever weapons suits you," he said urgently.

"We must move now before we're sand-bagged by its icy blast." He glanced up at the looming mountain tops whose jagged edges were just visible in silhouette against a stark black sky that promised no reprieve from an impending snowfall.

"It will be freezing up there," said the Captain before he followed up with a hushed tone, "The winter wind is coming."

Each of the prisoners took their weapon of choice, most were swords as they were more familiar with it. Aden and Hjalmar chose shield and spear as their main weapons until Captain Willem told them to also take the extra swords for backup.

While everyone donned the mantle the knights had given them, Gilbert couldn't help but notice when Aden took off his cloak he was wearing a necklace with two plaques - one gold and one silver - both engraved with an elephant. Gilbert was familiar with the symbol.

As the sun rose up, the sounds of Jed tinkering with the siege weapons mixed with the distant howls of wolves and the occasional eerie call of the mystical creatures. With each adjustment and repair, Jed's expertise breathed life into the silent machines, preparing them for the ultimate test that awaited them on the morrow.


The party started to get back underway. Every knight saddled up their horses and wagons, checking their equipment to make sure everything was in order. After a few more minutes of preparation, they set off on the mountain road ahead.

As they resumed their march, their footsteps echoed with determination, each stride bringing them closer to their destined encounter with the harpies. The night's ominous symphony remained etched in their memories, a reminder of the perils that lay in wait. But they pressed on, united in purpose, ready to face whatever trials awaited them in the realm of the harpies.

The winding road to Serendale Village curved and climbed, presenting an enjoyable challenge for those brave enough to traverse it. Despite the incline, the journey was still easily manageable and offered stunning views of the countryside.

It was still early morning on the mountain road yet Gareth, the muscular knight, already grumbled, "Ugh, it would be nice if we still had wyverns. We wouldn't have to worry about these winged abominations!"

Aden, Hjalmar, and Gilbert nodded along in agreement as they marched behind the second wagon in the rear of the caravan.

"All we need is for the Crown to send off their wyvern squadron in the morning," Gareth continued fervently, "destroy the harpy's nest, and come back before lunch."

"We are the proudly named Wyvern Reconnaissance Unit of the Holy Knight Regalyon Empire, and yet here we are, climbing steep mountains to reach a village infested by flying women...on foot," Gareth addressed the irony as he trudged up the slope.

The muscular knight sighed, "Unbelievable."

"We heard you, ser," Hjalmar tried to console the fellow muscular man.

Aden and Gilbert chuckled, looking at how the mountain path torturing the muscular knight.

The animated conversation from the back of the caravan caught the attention of the blond-haired smuggler boy walking in front. He slowed his pace and tried to get close enough to listen as Gareth, the muscular knight, voiced his grievances.

"Ah, ser Gareth, you speak of a distant era," Gilbert began his speech, his tone tinged with a touch of wistfulness. "Wyverns, they were the true equal to the harpies, soaring through the skies with grace and skill. They were the few creatures who could face these winged adversaries on equal footing."

Gilbert paused briefly, his gaze turning distant as he reminisced. "But alas, the days of wyvern and their riders have become but faded echoes in the annals of history. The last recorded wyvern rider in the Regalyon Empire is said to have existed more than a century and a half ago. Their presence, once revered and feared, has become a mere legend."

"and why was that?" Oliver, the blond-haired smuggler boy expressed his curiosity. History wasn't on his best side as he grew up in a small town with no learned people around.

The aspiring scholere continued, his voice carrying a mix of admiration and regret. "Maintaining and supporting a division of wyvern riders was a costly endeavor for the empire. These majestic creatures required extensive care and resources, demanding a heavy toll on the empire's coffers. When the financial crisis struck, the empire was forced to make difficult decisions, and the wyvern division became a casualty of those circumstances."

The knights around them listened attentively, their expressions a blend of fascination and melancholy. The idea of wyvern riders, once symbols of power and might, now relegated to the pages of history, struck a chord within their hearts.

Gilbert concluded with a sigh, his tone heavy with a sense of loss. "So, we find ourselves in an era where the wyvern riders are but a distant memory, their tales passed down through generations. We must rely on our own skills and strategies to face the harpies, knowing that the legends of those who rode the mighty wyverns are all that remain."

"Yes, Gilbert is right," Aden, with a gleam of mixed nostalgia and trauma in his eyes, shared the tale of the wyvern riders' illustrious past.

"Once upon a time," he began, "wyvern riders were the epitome of military superiority, soaring through the skies as the vanguard of our forces. The awe-inspiring sight of wyverns in flight struck fear into the hearts of our enemies and instilled a sense of pride and confidence within our own ranks."

His heart suddenly raced fast just by talking about the wyvern that almost got him at the battle of Al-Ard. Fear struck him straight to his heart. The memory of blazing fire, the burning sand, scorching corpses, and roaring wyverns made his mental state a little bit shaken.

He gripped his spear more tight as he tried to calm himself down and with a bit of raspy voice, Aden continued, "However, as warfare evolved and new challenges emerged, the role of wyverns on the battlefield transformed. No longer solely focused on engaging in aerial combat, they began to serve as more versatile assets. Wyverns, with their remarkable speed and agility, were ideal for reconnaissance and swift strikes against enemy positions. They became the cornerstone of our light cavalry, a force that excelled in hit-and-run tactics and guerilla warfare."

Aden explained the gradual evolution of the Jinn, the renowned warriors of Median, which was originally composed of wyvern riders. "The Jinn, initially formed as an elite unit of wyvern riders, adapted to the changing dynamics of warfare. As the need for ground support and control became evident, the Jinn expanded its ranks to include skilled light cavalry riders. These ground units worked in harmony with the wyvern riders, securing perimeters, creating landing zones, and providing critical support on the ground."

He continued, "The synergy between the wyvern riders and the light cavalry proved to be a winning combination. The wyverns, with their aerial advantage, scouted the battlefield, identified key targets, and initiated devastating aerial assaults. Meanwhile, the light cavalry, swift and nimble, complemented their efforts by engaging in ground-based combat, securing strategic positions, and disrupting enemy movements."

Aden concluded with a sense of pride, "In this new era of warfare, the Jinn has become a formidable force, combining the strength and agility of the past wyvern riders with the versatility and mobility of light cavalry. Together, they embody the spirit of adaptability and resilience, ensuring our dominance on the battlefield. The wyvern riders, though their role has shifted, remain a symbol of our military prowess and the legacy of their aerial superiority lives on."

As he finished his tale, a renewed sense of determination swept over the gathered ragtag people. The spirit of the wyvern riders, with their daring maneuvers and indomitable spirit, resonated within each of them. They knew that in the face of any challenge, the Jinn would rise to the occasion, combining the might of wyverns and the prowess of light cavalry to secure victory for the Median Kingdoms.

Aden's voice carried a hint of nostalgia as he spoke of the Jinn's transformation. "The days are gone when wyverns ruled the skies alongside our warriors," he explained. "In recent times, the Jinn has undergone a significant change, bidding farewell to the majestic creatures that once soared with us in battle."

He continued, "With the shifting tides of warfare, the Jinn has recognized the need for a different approach. The absence of wyvern units has given rise to a new era, where our strength lies primarily in our skilled and adaptable light cavalry. The wyverns, although majestic and fearsome, have taken a step back from the forefront of our military operations."

Aden's gaze shifted to the dedicated riders who formed the core of the Jinn. "Our riders, mounted on swift and resilient steeds, have become the backbone of our forces. They excel in maneuverability, striking with precision and agility. The light cavalry's speed and flexibility allow us to swiftly engage and outmaneuver our enemies on the ground, proving that we can achieve victory without relying on aerial supremacy."

He emphasized the advantages of this new approach, saying, "While we may lack the awe-inspiring presence of wyverns, the light cavalry's versatility grants us the ability to adapt to various terrains and combat scenarios. Whether it be swift charges, hit-and-run tactics, or flanking maneuvers, our riders are trained to exploit any weakness and seize the advantage."

The old man Jed sat up from the rear wagon and interjected unexpectedly, now his voice filled with wisdom and experience. "Let us not forget the impact of the hwacha, my friends," he said, drawing the attention of those marched by the rear of the caravan. "That formidable weapon," The old man pointing out his thumb the first wagon in the front,"..introduced to us from the far east Essen, has forever changed the dynamics of warfare in the Wessen continent."

The old man adjusted his seat and continued, "These hwachas, with their ability to launch a barrage of projectiles simultaneously, serve as both an anti-air unit and ground-to-ground unit siege weapon. Its devastating power and ease of installation have rendered the wyvern units, once synonymous with aerial superiority, obsolete on the battlefield."

He emphasized the significance of this technological advancement. "In the face of the hwacha's range and precision, the wyvern unit's dominance in the skies is no longer unchallenged. These ground-based weapons have leveled the playing field, enabling our forces to strike at enemy targets with unprecedented accuracy and force."

Jed's words resonated with Aden and the men by the rear caravan, who nodded in understanding. The once-mighty wyverns, while majestic and formidable, could no longer hold sole claim to aerial supremacy in the wake of this new invention. The introduction of the hwacha had ushered in an era where the skies were no longer safe havens for the wyvern riders.

Oliver listened to Jed attentively as he loves stage plays and stories, especially the one with wyvern. The only story he remembered vividly was the Clash of Wyvern Claws in the first crusade era where a series of colossal wars of the Wessen Triarchy against the Median army of Ruhim, fought by hundreds of thousands of men on both sides and hundreds of wyverns dancing on the sky ripping each other to gain aerial superiority for their respective army.

The old man's voice carried with conviction as he continued to share his wisdom. "Let me impart another crucial aspect of the hwacha," he said, capturing the attention of those gathered. "One of its greatest advantages lies in its ability to utilize piercing arrows. These specialized projectiles are designed to penetrate even the toughest defenses such as armor or wyvern's scale."

He emphasized the cost-effectiveness of the hwacha compared to maintaining a robust wyvern unit. "From a financial standpoint, the hwacha proves to be a more favorable option. The empire's strained finances are a direct consequence of their diminishing wyvern force, a casualty of the relentless onslaught brought forth by the hwacha. They have lost more wyverns than they could ever hope to replenish."

The old man Jed concluded in a dramatic theatrical way,"..and so The Clash of Claws era is no more."

Aden was amazed by the old pervert's deep knowledge of history, military, and politics. He might have been coming from a highborn society. He also noticed the blonde boy who walked in front of him was glooming.

Oliver looked disappointed to hear that the era of wyvern riders already ended. All he desired was to behold a wyvern in its majesty, to caress its scales and feel the warmth of its breath on his skin. He longed to experience the sheer power and grace of this stunning creature up close, and it was a dream he never thought possible.

The impact of this revelation resonated with the listeners, their expressions reflecting a mixture of concern and realization. The loss of wyverns not only held implications for their aerial dominance but also put a strain on the empire's financial stability. The expense of acquiring and training new wyverns had proven to be a burden too heavy to bear.

Jed's words served as a stark reminder of the grim reality they faced. The once-mighty wyvern units, symbols of their military prowess and prestige, were being decimated by the piercing arrows unleashed by the hwacha. The empire's financial crisis further highlighted the devastating consequences of this imbalance.

It became evident that a strategic shift was necessary. The Jinn and other military institutions, ever adaptable, acknowledged the need to focus on alternative approaches. They would have to rely on their ingenuity and resourcefulness to counter the piercing arrows and find ways to neutralize the hwacha's impact.

As the discussion continued, plans were made to allocate resources more efficiently, investing in defensive measures to mitigate the damage caused by the hwacha.

It was clear that a new era had dawned, one where the empire's financial stability and military might hinge on their ability to adapt and overcome the challenges posed by this formidable weapon.

The talk between them along the tiring and chilling mountain road made the journey a bit more bearable. But as they approached half the way to the village, the mist thickened, and all fell into silence once again.
