
Flight of The Harpy's Heart

Realm of Holocene, a Game of Thrones-esque world with fewer politics and more creatures. Mystical and Believable. Aden El-Rahm, a young sellsword with a -cool, calm, and confident- demeanor who holds a debauchery secret, finds himself facing a fate worse than death – hard labor in the Empire's quarry. But when a desperate plea for help arrives from a village besieged by terrifying harpies, Aden is offered a chance at redemption. Join a ragtag group of knights and fellow convicts, fight the harpies, and earn his freedom. The mission is simple: survive until winter's first snow drives the harpies south. But nothing is ever easy in the Empire. Aden and his unlikely allies must battle not only the cunning and deadly harpies, but also dwindling supplies, internal conflicts, and the ever-present threat of betrayal. As Aden's skills as a warrior are put to the test, he discovers a strength he never knew he possessed and forms unexpected bonds with those around him. Amidst the chaos and carnage, Aden uncovers a deeper connection between humans and harpies, a secret that could change everything. Will he find redemption in this fight for survival, or will the harpies' reign of terror consume him and the village he's sworn to protect? Embark on an epic adventure filled with thrilling battles, unlikely friendships, and a touch of forbidden romance – prepare to take flight with Aden and discover the secrets hidden within the Harpy's Heart. Discord ID Channel for FOTHH: 1236952222302994472 FB page: Flight of The Harpy's Heart

HM_Rivers · ファンタジー
64 Chs

Harpy Roost

High above the Stormsteps mountain range, where wispy clouds danced betwixt towering, snow-capped peaks, lay a singular mountain shrouded in an aura of profound mystique. This was the fabled Harpy's Roost - the sacred nesting grounds of the ancient, winged predators that had haunted these merciless crags since time immemorial. Jagged sandstone spires thrust defiantly toward the heavens, their razor-edged silhouettes seeming to grasp at the very stars burning in the inky firmament above.These ancient mountains were a true masterpiece of nature's artistry. Towering pillars of carved rock stood as eternal sentinels, while verdant alpine mosses blanketed every available surface in a lush, viridescent tapestry. Clusters of rare mountain blooms peeked forth from every crevice, their delicate petals painted in vivid hues that appeared almost surreal against the stark, mineral backdrop. An ethereal, enchanting beauty cloaked the Roost's treacherous slopes - but it was a beauty that merely masked the untamed peril lurking within this unforgiving domain.Tucked into the most precipitous and inaccessible heights, the harpies' nest itself was a sprawling, chaotic construct - an ever-evolving labyrinth of tangled branches, scavenged debris, and dislodged boulders cannibalized from the mountain itself. Yet despite its seeming ramshackle appearance, the nest exuded an unmistakable aura of territorial dominance, a clear warning to any lesser creatures to stray far from this forbidding eyrie.And here, sharing uneasy residence within this feathered apex predator's domain, flittered a whirling cloud of smaller avian forms. Scores of martins, their sleek plumage flashing iridescently, wove through the tangled nest in an intricate aerial dance. These diminutive songbirds fearlessly shared roost with their larger, terrifying kin, coexisting in a symbiotic mutualism.The martins' incessant twittering provided a discordant counterpoint to the shrill cries of the harpies, their high-pitched chirps somehow managing to be heard over the raucous shrieks and spine-chilling screeches echoing from the nest. They darted amidst the larger raptors with an almost contemptuous nonchalance, snatching up the shed feathers and stray bits of detritus to reinforce their own intricately woven nests tucked into the harpy's own ramshackle constructs.In this harsh, unforgiving peak, such uneasy alliances were the key to survival - strength tempered by guile, ferocity by prudence. Only the most cunning and merciless hunters could hope to endure and reign supreme over Harpy's Roost.From the horizon, a silhouette of a giant avian creature appeared- it was Wingclaw, the formidable harpy who had helped the young harpy slay the hobgoblin in the seaport. With each powerful thrust of her wings beating against the wind, Wingclaw ascended higher and higher into the sky.She was heading back to Harpy's Roost, the harpy nest on top of the misty mountain, where an ancient altar stood. It was a sacred place for forgotten people, a site of great power and significance yet unknown to the harpies. They just loved the place as it had a strategic position and was suitable for them to make it their nest.As Wingclaw approached Harpy's Roost, the air carried a haunting melody—a symphony of the harpies' haunting calls. These calls echoed through the valleys and cliffs, announcing the presence of the winged creatures that had made this realm their dominion. The nesting sites, perched precariously on the steepest ledges, were hidden behind veils of cascading waterfalls and swirling mist.The nests themselves were masterpieces of avian architecture, woven from the finest branches, moss, and feathers. They clung to the cliff faces like nature's ornaments, overlooking dizzying heights. The harpies, with plumage the color of storm clouds and eyes gleaming with primal intelligence, guarded their nests with fierce and territorial pride.Harpy's Roost wasn't merely a mountain; it was a realm suspended between earth and sky, a place where mythology and reality converged. Its slopes, though treacherous, were adorned with the bones of unfortunate adventurers who dared to challenge the harpies' dominion. The air, thick with the scent of mountain flowers and the musk of feathers, seemed to pulse with the magic that bound the harpies to this sacred peak.For those brave enough to ascend, the summit offered a panoramic view of the world below—an expanse of forests, rivers, and distant cities that seemed miniature from such heights. The harpies, with wings outstretched against the vastness of the sky, would soar and circle, claiming the heavens as their own.Harpy's Roost, with its majestic yet perilous allure, stood as a testament to the delicate balance between the terrestrial and the mystical, inviting both awe and caution to those who dared to venture into its realm.When Wingclaw was about to land at the nest, She could see the other harpies circling in the sky, their cries echoing through the air. They were preparing for the arrival of the queen harpy, a powerful and revered figure in their harpiries.Wingclaw landed on a nearby slab rock, her favorite place to perch, her eyes scanning the area for any sign of unwanted danger. She knew that the harpy queen was a fierce and formidable leader, and she didn't want to risk angering her.As she waited, Wingclaw could feel the tension in the air. The other harpies were mixed with nervousness and excitement, their wings flapping with anticipation.And then, she appeared. The reigning queen harpy broke through the veil of fog, her statuesque and regal figure filling the sky. Her beauty was captivating, her presence a force of power like nothing else. Her yellow-striped wingspan spread majestically behind her like a cape, while her tailfeathers billowed in the air like an elegant drape. She was truly majestic and awe-inspiring in every way.As she landed on the ancient altar, the other harpies bowed their heads in reverence. Wingclaw followed suit, her heart pounding with awe and respect.The harpy queen stood before her flock, a vision of ethereal beauty and grace. Despite being no larger than her second-in-command harpy, Wingclaw, her regal presence exuded authority and power. Her slender frame was elegantly adorned with a tiara-shaped crown of grown feathers, standing proudly atop her head between her siren-styled hair. The feathers were a striking contrast of pure white with delicate yellow streak accents, catching the sunlight and reflecting a radiant glow. Her golden skin seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly glow, adding to her captivating allure.Her wings, as wide as her second-in-command's, were a mesmerizing display of skill and strength. Each wingbeat was fluid and graceful, propelling her effortlessly through the skies. Her movements were like a dance, every motion deliberate and controlled, displaying her mastery of flight. The wind seemed to caress her feathers as she glided through the air, her presence drawing the admiration of all who beheld her.Beneath her feet, she displayed sickle-shaped talons, each one a sharp and deadly weapon. These formidable talons were a testament to her strength and prowess in hunting and protecting her flock. Yet, despite her intimidating appearance, there was an air of elegance and poise about her that made her all the more alluring. The harpy queen was a true embodiment of beauty and power, a leader who commanded respect and admiration from all who were fortunate enough to be in her presence.After she had stretched her wings, the harpy queen surveyed the area, her eyes scanning the nest. There were dozens of wounded harpies and dead ones laid before her eyes on the nest. She didn't expect there would be this many casualties as they wage war against the human.They were riddled with arrows, some even had a dozen arrows on one dead harpy.She leaped and landed smoothly near the wounded, she inspected all of them, consoled them, and grieved those who fell in the war against the humans.Her heart rendered with this view.She was a fierce and formidable leader, known for her wisdom and her ability to lead her people through even the toughest of times. Yet, she was also very compassionate for her kind.Wingclaw watched in awe as the harpy queen addressed her people, her voice ringing out through the air. She spoke of the challenges that lay ahead, of the dangers that threatened their way of life.But she also spoke of hope, of the strength and resilience of the harpy community. She urged her flock to stand together, to fight for what they believed in, and to never give up in the face of adversity.As Wingclaw listened to the harpy queen's words in a knocking sound, she felt a sense of pride and belonging. She knew that she was part of something greater than herself, part of a community that had stood the test of time and would continue to do so for generations to come.And as the harpy queen finished her speech, Wingclaw felt a surge of determination. She knew that the road ahead would be long and difficult, but she was ready to face it head-on, knowing that she had the strength and support of her people behind her.⁕⁕⁕*clack!*clack!*clack!The queen harpy clacked her tongue solemnly, and her followers responded in kind. Each harpy clacked out their own tribute to the fallen, creating a harmonious chorus of mourning. It was a befitting farewell for the departed harpy family.The harpies possess some unique gifts granted to them by nature itself. The first one was known as vibratone. They would click their syrinx, a vocal organ inside the base of her neck, to find an object obstructed beyond another object, like a see-through ability. Much like sea creatures dwelling in the depths of the ocean such as dolphins, whales, and their sister the siren of the sea— mermaids.Harpy's clacking interval was not as rapid as bats, they only use it to scan distant places and objects. They can use vibratone in the dark but prefer not to fly in the dark. Flying through the forest during the day, dodging between trees and branches, was like a human performing extreme acrobatics to them. It was very risky for them.Their second unique gift was the vibrasense, the ability to sense and navigate using the earth's magnetic field. Every avian creature has it. Just as the sun guides the day and the stars light up the night, the earth's magnetic field is an invisible force that surrounds them, aligning with the planet's poles.The earth was like a powerful, extraordinary magnet with a north and south pole. Much like the creatures of the sky, such as birds, harpies possessed an innate sense that enabled them to connect with this magnetic field. They could feel the tug of the earth's invisible strings--just as one would feel a soothing hand leading them through darkness.With these extraordinary abilities, the harpies not only find their way through the vast skies but also communicate with one another. Their unique language, resembling the sound of knocking on doors, serves a dual purpose. Not only does it allow them to converse, but it also acts as a form of echo-location, akin to the songs of the whales that reverberate through the oceans.Just as the whales and dolphins use sound waves to navigate the depths of the sea, the harpies use their knocking language to gauge the environment around them. It allows them to understand distances, obstacles, and even the shape of the land below.During this somber occasion, they used their vibratone as a way to express their sorrow. It was a bridge between the living and the dead, leading those who had passed into a better place in the comforting embrace of the mother sky.⁕⁕⁕As the harpy queen addressed every harpy in the nest, Wingclaw listened intently. She knew that the queen's words carried great weight and that her leadership was crucial to the survival of their community.But as the queen finished her speech, Wingclaw couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness and loss. She had seen many of her fellow harpies fall in the raid on the village, and she knew that their losses would be felt for a long time to come.She looked around the nest, her eyes scanning the area for any sign of the young harpy with green eyes. But she couldn't see her anywhere.The harpy queen noticed Wingclaw's distress, and she asked her about the young harpy with green eyes."Wingclaw, where is Lunabunny?" she asked for the young harpy, her voice filled with concern.As the harpy queen worried about the safety of the young harpy during the conflict with the humans, Wingclaw reassured her that the young harpy was safe for now. She explained that the humans were busy protecting their village and that the young harpy had wandered further than the human settlements."The young harpy is safe for now, Your Highness," Wingclaw said, her voice calm and reassuring. "She has wandered further too close to the human settlements, but they are too busy fighting us to notice her."The harpy queen breathed a sigh of relief, her eyes worried sick about her kind, especially the young ones. She knew that the humans were a formidable enemy and that they would stop at nothing to protect their way of life.But she also knew that her flock was strong and resilient and that they would do everything in their power to protect their own. And with Wingclaw's reassurance, she felt a sense of hope and determination."We must continue to watch over her and protect her," the queen said, her voice firm and resolute. "She is one of our own, and we cannot let her fall prey to the humans or any other threats that may come her way."She remembered Lunalapin, Lunabunny's mother, was one of her Alulas against the wyverns in the previous war. A bloody war between her kind and the stormwing wyverns. The Queen Harpy couldn't forget how a wyvern ripped apart Lunalapin's body in two while it was supposed to be her. Lunalapin lunged herself between her and the wyvern. Sacrifice her own life for her queen.The harpy queen's eyes narrowed as she lamented, her teeth clenching with anger. "We cannot afford to lose any more of our sisters," she said, her voice firm and resolute."We must find her and bring her back to the nest, no matter the cost."Wingclaw nodded, Wingclaw refrained herself from telling the queen that the young harpy has a fledgling wyvern company. She knew that the harpy queen was right and that they had to do everything in their power to protect their kind and bring them back to safety."Yes, my queen." Wingclaw bowed.The other harpies nodded in agreement, their eyes gleaming with fierce determination. They knew that the young harpy was a precious member of their community and that they had to do everything in their power to protect them.⁕⁕⁕