
Flight of The Harpy's Heart

Realm of Holocene, a Game of Thrones-esque world with fewer politics and more creatures. Mystical and Believable. Aden El-Rahm, a young sellsword with a -cool, calm, and confident- demeanor who holds a debauchery secret, finds himself facing a fate worse than death – hard labor in the Empire's quarry. But when a desperate plea for help arrives from a village besieged by terrifying harpies, Aden is offered a chance at redemption. Join a ragtag group of knights and fellow convicts, fight the harpies, and earn his freedom. The mission is simple: survive until winter's first snow drives the harpies south. But nothing is ever easy in the Empire. Aden and his unlikely allies must battle not only the cunning and deadly harpies, but also dwindling supplies, internal conflicts, and the ever-present threat of betrayal. As Aden's skills as a warrior are put to the test, he discovers a strength he never knew he possessed and forms unexpected bonds with those around him. Amidst the chaos and carnage, Aden uncovers a deeper connection between humans and harpies, a secret that could change everything. Will he find redemption in this fight for survival, or will the harpies' reign of terror consume him and the village he's sworn to protect? Embark on an epic adventure filled with thrilling battles, unlikely friendships, and a touch of forbidden romance – prepare to take flight with Aden and discover the secrets hidden within the Harpy's Heart. Discord ID Channel for FOTHH: 1236952222302994472 FB page: Flight of The Harpy's Heart

HM_Rivers · ファンタジー
64 Chs

Harpy Lullaby

Song Forest, a natural wonder in Stormstep Mountain, stood in stark contrast to its eerie counterpart, the Silent Forest. Serendale village, nestled in the heart of these enchanting forests, both forests acted as the village's natural barrier. The village separated the two forests and their opposing atmospheres. The Song forest is a realm of vibrant life and ceaseless activity, a testament to the lush beauty of the natural world.In this enchanting forest, the air was filled with the melodious symphony of songbirds and the gentle hum of bees darting among the colorful wildflowers. The canopy overhead, formed by ancient, towering trees, allowed just enough dappled sunlight to pierce through, creating a breathtaking dance of light and shadows on the forest floor. The trees themselves seemed to sway to an unseen rhythm, their leaves rustling in a harmonious choreography.This lively realm was home to a diverse array of animals, from playful squirrels that darted among the branches to majestic deer that grazed peacefully in the sunlit clearings. Butterflies of every hue fluttered about like living gems, while the forest floor teemed with busy insects, each contributing its own unique note to the symphony of life.As one ventured deeper into the Song forest, the babbling brooks and gurgling streams became more prominent. Crystal-clear waters cascaded over smooth rocks, creating miniature waterfalls that added their soothing sounds to the ever-present chorus. Here, fish darted beneath the surface, and waterfowl glided gracefully along the waterways.Even the trees seemed to communicate with one another. Their leaves rustled in the breeze, creating whispers that told stories of centuries past. The bark of the ancient oaks bore the scars of time, etched with the memories of generations of forest inhabitants.The Song Forest was a realm where every step was a journey through a living, breathing symphony of nature. Its vibrant beauty and abundant life were a stark contrast to the eerie stillness of the Silent Forest, making Serendale village a place where one could experience the extremes of nature's wonders, both tranquil and mysterious.Yet, amidst this idyllic tableau, a sinister presence lurked, a thorn among the roses. The Song Forest was the favored haunt of the harpies. Their ethereal form belied the lethal talons and piercing shriek that could render even the bravest soul into quivering submission.To venture into the Song Forest was to tempt fate, to dance among the haunting melodies and vibrant hues while risking an encounter with the harpy's wrath. It was a place where nature's wonders intertwined with its dangers, a realm where every step could lead to either enchantment or peril.For the denizens of Serendale village, the Song Forest and the adjacent Silence Forest offered a stark contrast, a duality of nature's extremes – one bursting with life, the other shrouded in eerie stillness. It was a reminder that in this world, tranquility, and mystery often walked hand in hand, and those brave enough to venture forth might glimpse the true majesty and terror of the natural world.⁕⁕⁕After rescuing the wyvern youngling, the young harpy made sure that they were safe. With no sign of the alpha wyvern in sight, she decided to land in her secure hideaway.The youngling was fast asleep when she landed on the hollowed tree bark below. It seemed as though he had fallen asleep from sheer exhaustion during their journey looking for a safe place to rest. As she watched him, peace and contentment filled her heart; she knew that here, they were both finally safe.The harpy's heart swelled with a sense of responsibility as she vowed to protect the youngling from the perils that awaited them. Her maternal instincts kicked in, driving her to shield him from harm and provide him with a nurturing environment.it was a joyful day for the young harpy as she flew around the forest song looking for a critter to prey upon. She saw in the distance a black figure descend into the Silent forest followed by another one. She flew closer only to see a horrific battle between wyverns. A big male wyvern killed another male wyvern as the female and the youngling watched.She decided to land as quietly as possible and observe from a hidden spot. If anything happened she could fly low between the trees to shake off the wyvern. She and her harpy sisters did love doing fly low although the queen harpy always told her not to follow her sisters' reckless behaviour because it was very dangerous.She watched the scene unfold before her. The alpha wyvern challenged the female in an intense and violent battle, resulting in her untimely death as she was impaled on a lifeless tree. After that, the alpha pursued the youngling with relentlessness. She was befuddled as to why he was so fixated on this small creature; it seemed unlikely that it could ever even cause him any harm.At the end of the chase, the youngling was cornered. The angry wyvern would definitely kill the defenseless youth. She has no heart to even imagine the horrific sight of the youngling being killed.The alpha wyvern opened his maw ready to cast a deadly lightning bolt at the defenseless youngling, who had lost both its parents. Bracing herself for the fight, the young harpy tensed her legs, spread her wings, and propelled towards the raging wyvern with her talons outstretched.She had never failed before; she had caught countless critters in flight maneuvers with ease. Her confidence was unwavering as she arrowed towards him with one mission in mind - to end this horrifying sight.She never regretted the decision she made.Now here she was, with the youngling wyvern she just saved who slept peacefully like a chick, a baby harpy.A day and a night have passed, the youngling still in its deep slumber.The next day the youngling showed a better condition, he yawned and opened up his eyes."Eek!" the youngling startled, jumped back to the tree bark. He was afraid as he opened his eyes when he woke up to a winged creature in front of him.He was filled with terror, having been abruptly snatched away from the alpha's grasp. He could recall the roar of agony and then a sensation like he was flying before consciousness faded away. Even after waking from his deep slumber, he felt exhausted, hurt, and famished.He trembled, his tail tightly tucked beneath him as he crouched within the hollowed trunk of an ancient dead tree.He had just seen his parents murdered in front of him and he had nearly been killed by the Alpha Wyvern. Now he found himself in the presence of a creature that he had never before encountered. Understandably, given all that he had endured, his emotions were running high.It took a while for the youngling to realize she meant no harm to him.He took a good look at the winged creature. She was different than the youngling's kind. she has no scales, instead, she has soft skin and feathers, she also has wings but they are covered in feathers, not in webbing.Her face was both hauntingly beautiful and entirely endearing, resembling that of a rabbit with huge, beautiful almond-shaped eyes, a small nose, and irresistibly cute lips. She looked like a bunch of humans that her mother drove away when the humans ventured deep into the Stormsteps mountain. He had never seen a harpy once before as he lived in the Silent forest where no harpy was around.The young harpy flew off and left him on his own until he had collected himself enough to process his situation.⁕⁕⁕The youngling took stock of himself, his bruised and charred wings, a broken thigh that still ached as he stirred from his deep slumber. He looked around him, taking in the hollow tree bark which he was inside. It was huge and ancient, despite its lack of life. It was surrounded by tall trees with a hole in the base that had been blocked off from the outside world —the only exit being through the roofless tree bark.and yet, he felt safe for a moment.At high noon, the young harpy returned to him with a freshly caught rabbit. She swiftly prepared it with her alula claws on her wings, neatly slicing the creature into pieces and placing a generous portion of meat in front of the youngling.Despite his hesitation, the youngling's hunger ultimately overcame his fear and he began to consume what she had provided.The young harpy smiled happily to see him eat the whole rabbit in a matter of moments.The young harpy extended her wing, attempting to stroke the youngling's head, but it quickly shrunk back and curled up in fear. It had yet to trust the harpy and so she maintained her distance, not wanting to further terrify the helpless wyvern.As darkness descended, the harpy nestled into the opposite side of the young wyvern, both resting in the hollow within a tree trunk. The harpy was eventually roused from her sleep by his soft mumblings. She glanced her green eyes over to check on him, concerned for his wellbeing.The youngling wyvern lay there, trembling and consumed by the horrors of his nightmare. His body was wracked with fear, his wings quivering uncontrollably as he struggled to break free from the clutches of the terror that haunted his dreams. Every fiber of his being urged him to escape, to flee from whatever unseen force pursued him relentlessly.Tears streamed down his cheeks, mingling with the sweat that coated his scales. He whimpered softly, a sound of despair that echoed through the hollow tree where he sought refuge. In the depths of his despair, he felt a sense of hopelessness, knowing that no matter how hard he tried, he could never outrun or evade the nightmare that pursued him.The young harpy, her heart heavy with empathy, watched the youngling's torment unfold before her eyes. She too had witnessed the brutal demise of his parents, and she understood the depth of his pain. With a heart of empathy, she approached the youngling, her wings outstretched in a gesture of solace.Gently, the harpy enveloped the quivering youngling in her wings, creating a cocoon of warmth and safety. She radiated a comforting presence, her touch a balm to his wounded spirit. As she held him close, she began to sing a gentle harpy lullaby, her voice a soothing melody that resonated through the hollow tree."Coo~," The youngling snuggled as he felt more comfortable in the wrap of the harpy's wings.Slowly but surely, the youngling's trembling began to subside. The harpy's lullaby, filled with love and compassion, worked its magic on his troubled soul. The nightmares gradually lost their grip, fading into the recesses of his mind. The youngling found solace in the embrace of the harpy, his fears gradually giving way to a sense of calm.It was a sight that defied the natural order of things, two creatures who were considered natural enemies finding solace and comfort in each other's presence. The hollow tree became a sanctuary, a haven where the boundaries of species and rivalry dissolved. In that moment, the youngling and the harpy shared a profound connection, united by their shared experiences of loss and the healing power of compassion.As the youngling nestled against the harpy's chest, finding solace in her embrace, a glimmer of hope flickered in their hearts. They knew that the road to healing would be long and arduous, but they also knew that they were not alone. Together, they would navigate the darkness, supporting each other through the trials that lay ahead.In the hollow tree, the youngling and the harpy found a sanctuary of understanding and compassion. And as they clung to each other, their bond grew stronger, a testament to the resilience of the heart and the transformative power of empathy.The rain fell.⁕⁕⁕The rain intensified, each droplet echoing through the forest like a whisper of nature's symphony. The harpy guided the youngling deeper into the shelter of the ancient tree, where its sturdy branches provided a natural canopy, shielding them from the relentless downpour. The rhythmic sound of raindrops on the leaves created a soothing lullaby, calming their restless spirits.As the harpy nestled beside the youngling, their intertwined presence formed a symbol of hope amidst the uncertainty of their world. She watched over him, her eyes filled with unwavering devotion and a fierce determination to keep him safe. The bond between them grew stronger with each passing moment, an unspoken understanding that they were each other's protectors and companions in this vast and enigmatic realm.Time seemed to stand still within the embrace of the ancient tree. The harpy and the youngling found solace in their newfound sanctuary, where the harmony of nature and their shared strength provided respite from the turbulent world outside.As the rain continued to fall, the youngling wyvern nestled closer to the harpy, finding comfort in her presence. They would weather the storm together, their fates intertwined amidst the mysteries of the forest. The harpy's golden eyes gazed out into the rain-soaked world, filled with determination and an unwavering resolve to protect the youngling with every ounce of her being.In this hidden corner of the woods, they found a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness, a testament to the power of compassion and the enduring spirit of unity. The bond between harpy and wyvern, forged in the face of adversity, would guide them through the trials that lay ahead, illuminating their path as they navigated the intricate tapestry of their intertwined destinies.As the night drew late, the young harpy heard a distant lullaby. It was a song of their kind, a mesmerizing call for humans, and a stark warning to their enemies.The lullaby reminded her of the warmth and safety of her nest, the comforting presence of her sisters, and the watchful eye of their queen harpy. The harpy's nest was situated high up on a cliff face within a large crevice or small caves, inaccessible to anyone nor anything without wings.She knew by heart the harpy queen would not allow her to bring the youngling with her into the nest, for they were long-standing adversaries of their kind.Harpies are fiercely loyal to each other, even when traveling in small flocks. They always look out for one another, and the harpy queen never stops searching until she finds her missing daughter. Their bond is strong, like family; if a harpy ever strays away for even a single day, they will do whatever it takes to find them.The young harpy was not just concealing the youngling from the alpha wyvern, but also concealing him from her fellow harpy sisters. This location was perfect for escaping both of them and ensuring that the youngling stayed safe.This area of forest was claimed by the harpy, however, they rarely visited due to their preference for harassing humans in the nearby village.All she had to do was wait for the wyverns to migrate first, and then the harpy next. She determined that while the other harpy flew south for their annual migration, she would remain behind and find a suitable home for her youngling. She decided would stay with him rather than follow her sisters to the Siren's Sanctuary.⁕⁕⁕