
Flight of The Harpy's Heart

Realm of Holocene, a Game of Thrones-esque world with fewer politics and more creatures. Mystical and Believable. Aden El-Rahm, a young sellsword with a -cool, calm, and confident- demeanor who holds a debauchery secret, finds himself facing a fate worse than death – hard labor in the Empire's quarry. But when a desperate plea for help arrives from a village besieged by terrifying harpies, Aden is offered a chance at redemption. Join a ragtag group of knights and fellow convicts, fight the harpies, and earn his freedom. The mission is simple: survive until winter's first snow drives the harpies south. But nothing is ever easy in the Empire. Aden and his unlikely allies must battle not only the cunning and deadly harpies, but also dwindling supplies, internal conflicts, and the ever-present threat of betrayal. As Aden's skills as a warrior are put to the test, he discovers a strength he never knew he possessed and forms unexpected bonds with those around him. Amidst the chaos and carnage, Aden uncovers a deeper connection between humans and harpies, a secret that could change everything. Will he find redemption in this fight for survival, or will the harpies' reign of terror consume him and the village he's sworn to protect? Embark on an epic adventure filled with thrilling battles, unlikely friendships, and a touch of forbidden romance – prepare to take flight with Aden and discover the secrets hidden within the Harpy's Heart. Discord ID Channel for FOTHH: 1236952222302994472 FB page: Flight of The Harpy's Heart

HM_Rivers · ファンタジー
64 Chs

Courthouse 1

An hour after the harpy threat had been put on hold, the sun already set on the horizon. The bell of the courthouse at the center of the village tolled once again. This time it wasn't to fend off any more attacks, but rather to call all of the villagers together. The sound of its tolling could be heard from every home in the village and beyond.

The villagers and volunteers started flocking into the yard, gathering in an ever-growing crowd. The murmuring of voices filled the air as they conversed about what was happening.

"Gather around, everyone!" shouted Father Edgar in the front yard of the courthouse. The villagers were gathered in front of the courthouse. Father Edgar gave his spot to Captain Willem.

"People of Serendale! Listen up," Captain Willem's voice echoed through the crowd of people gathered around him as he stood atop a wooden crate for added visibility.

"My name is Captain Willem, we are from the Regalyon Empire reconnaissance division. we are here as the initial rescue party before our main unit arrives." The captain introduced himself with a loud assuring voice.

The flickering torches illuminated his determined face, reflecting the gravity of the situation. "We may have repelled the initial harpy threat, but make no mistake, our victory is but temporary. The harpies will return, and they will be more relentless than ever."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in, before continuing with unwavering conviction.

"Our priority now is to ensure the safety of the women and children. They will find refuge within the courthouse. The rest of us and the men of Serendale, will stand as their protectors. We will make camp around the courthouse, seal the windows, set up a barricade outside, fortify our defenses, and show those winged creatures that we are not to be trifled with."

Captain Willem's gaze swept across the faces of the villagers, filled with a mixture of fear and determination. "Our goal is simple: survival. We will hold our ground until the winter snowflakes begin to fall from the sky. Together, we will weather this storm and emerge victorious."

The villagers cheered and shouted in agreement, their spirits visibly lifted. Aden looked across the faces of his comrades and allies. He could feel the strength radiating off them as they prepared for battle with a unified goal.

"But first—" The captain's voice cut through the celebratory atmosphere. All the villagers went silent.

"We need every able hand to set up a barricade in front of the courthouse, Gather anything you can get your hands on - junk, objects, furniture - and pile it up as high as your eyes can see across the front yard," Captain Willem issued another command.

"Second, I need everyone in this village to take shelter here. Leave unnecessary belongings. We will provide medical assistance for the wounded and take care of your needs together. This courthouse shall be our stronghold and sanctuary for you. Father Edgar will take charge of your requirements."

"Now move! time is of the essence." The Captain dismissed the villagers.

"Volunteers! Knights! with me!" Corporal Knightly addressed the rescue party. Aden and the other volunteers followed the corporal to the pavilion in the backyard.

Captain Willem gathered the rescue party in the pavilion behind the courthouse. The pavilion, once used for welcoming esteemed guests, had now been transformed into a war room. The Captain was accompanied by Ser Parcival and Father Edgar Ashbourne, the village chief.

They were discussing the defense of the village and the evacuation of its villagers when the volunteers arrived.

On the table laid out before them was a parchment of paper, upon which a map had been meticulously hand-drawn. Alongside it were various markers and guideposts indicating important landmarks and other geographical features so it would be easy for them to find their way.

Captain Willem assigned tasks for each volunteer, ensuring that every aspect of the defense plan was covered. Old Man Jed, Gilbert, Hjalmar, Marcus, Victor, Oliver, and Phil were given the task of unpacking the siege weapon packages and Install them on the rooftop. Their mission was to strategically position the siege weapons on the four corners of the rooftop, ready to repel any harpy attacks that may come from above.

Captain Willem entrusted Father Edgar as the village chief to supervise the villagers in setting up barricades inside and outside the courthouse.

Martin, the mute lad was tasked to replace the steward for Father Edgar. He was ordered to help villagers set up barricades and tend the horses in the courthouse's stable.


In the midst of the bustling activity, the group operated as a well-oiled machine under the seasoned guidance of the old man Jed. His weathered hands moved with purpose, orchestrating the unloading of packages with a precision earned through years of experience. Gilbert, a fat lad known for his meticulous nature, took up a crucial role, diligently double-checking each component to ensure that the assembly process would be flawless.

Hjalmar, a behemoth of a man with immense strength, effortlessly hoisted the weighty pieces into position— from the pulley mechanics, his sinewy muscles flexing with each exertion, a testament to years of physical prowess.

Amidst the hustle, Marcus and Victor worked seamlessly in tandem, their camaraderie apparent as they swiftly followed the order of the Old drunk direction. Their synchronized efforts spoke of a partnership forged in the crucible of shared challenges. Meanwhile, the youthful energy of Oliver infused an infectious enthusiasm into the scene, as he darted to and fro, fetching whatever tools and equipment were needed with an eagerness that mirrored his youthful spirit.

The scene painted a picture of teamwork, where each member brought a unique set of skills and qualities to the table. It was a harmonious blend of experience, precision, strength, camaraderie, youthful energy, and silent understanding, converging to achieve a shared goal. The unloading process was not just a mechanical task but a testament to the diverse yet complementary talents that defined each member of the group.

While the team focused on the rooftop defense, the rest of the volunteers got another assignment after they helped with the barricade—sweeping the entire village and assisting with the evacuation.

Maeda and Phil took charge of the evacuation in Turnburn, the middle-class residential district situated next to the courthouse in the northeastern part of Serendale Village.

At the same time, Aden and Ethan were assigned to oversee the evacuation in Riverway, the simpler residential area located near the village entrance, adjacent to a tranquil river.

Aden was ready to start evacuation in the neighborhood with a sword by his side. Ethan himself only has a sword by his side and a cart which he got from the tool storage beside the stable.

Aden was wondering what the cart was for. They were headed out to start their task. Maeda and Phil followed with no cart.

As they walked toward the front yard they got stopped by a ruckus near the courthouse front yard. Aden looked around. It was a braided girl, about five years old, dragged by her mother. They wear fancy dresses. Indicated that they were highborn or a family from a wealthy background.

The mother was a tall well-proportioned lady, wearing a backless dress revealing her unblemished skin. Aden assumed she was just a bit older than him. She has a very sensual face and her sex appeal was off the roof. Her body language, her articulated speech, and her hourglass posture would boil any man's blood who saw her.

Even when her daughter caused her distress, she remained calm and composed. Her very presence seemed to cast a bewitching spell, leaving those who beheld her in a state of speechless admiration.

"Mommy, where is Fluffy?" The little girl with braided hair asked her mom about her firefox pet.

"Fluffy is safe, Sweetie." The well-proportioned lady assured her daughter.

"I want Fluffy," the little girl demanded. She never knew the dire situation.

"he will be united with us but first we must move to the courthouse with everyone else," The mother persuaded her.

"No, I want Fluffy. Fluffy is out there Mommy, who's gonna feed him?" The little girl worried about her pet.

"He can feed himself, Sweetie. Do you know when you let him loose a few weeks ago? he came back three days later all well? he will survive."

"but those bad-winged women are out there too." The little girl kept resisting.

Aden looked around. there were no recon knights near them at the moment, nor Father Edgar who was supposed to deal with this kind of matter. They are the ones who have the authority to attend to the citizen's needs. so Aden must initiate on their behalf.

"Hi, we are from the rescue team sent by the empire." Aden greeted the well-proportioned figure lady.

"Hi, I'm Indry. I'm her mother." the mother introduced herself and reached out her hand followed by Aden who shook it. A nimble, soft hand with a golden ring on her fourth finger.

They both locked eyes, the shaking hand made Aden able to observe her to get a closer look.

Her visage was an exquisite canvas painted by the hands of the divine. Indry possessed a heart-shaped face, adorned with high, sculpted cheekbones that caught the light like polished marble. Her skin, a luminous canvas, was the hue of warm, sun-kissed honey. It seemed to glow with an inner radiance, inviting the caress of the sun's rays and leaving those who gazed upon her in awe.

"I'm Aden," He held her hand for a moment. See who's the one who disengaged their hand first. See whether she was one of them. She shifted her gaze down before slowly releasing her hand.

Aden turned to the whining little girl, "And what's your name?"

"Jasmine," the little girl answered —sulking.

"what's the matter, Jasmine?" Aden asked nicely.

"Fluffy is gone." She pursed her lips.

"who's Fluffy?"

"Fluffy is fluffy."

"He is our firefox pet." Indry helped her daughter answer Aden's question.

"Oh, you mean that cuddly critter?" Aden asked for further details about the firefox. "red copper fur with a long fluffy tail? face mask like a raccoon and squeak like a squirrel?"

"yes, that's the one," Indry relieved as Aden got the right picture about the pet.

"All right, where is your place?" Aden asked.

"The white mansion with garden in the back in the Turnburn residential district north part of this village." Indry described where their pet might be still around.

"This is Maeda and Phil." Aden introduced both of the fellow volunteers to the mother and the daughter.

"Hi," Phil greeted them while Maeda bowed his head down a bit. "I'm Phil and this one Maeda."

"They will find Fluffy and bring him to you. We are about to head out to help evacuate the neighborhood for the villagers who fall behind." Aden comforted the little Jasmine.

"You go inside and wait. Be a nice girl, okay?" He tapped on her head gently.

"Okay, uncle." Jasmine walked inside accompanied by her mom. The mom gave a smile before she turned and escorted her little daughter inside the courthouse.

Aden, Ethan, Maeda, and Phil stood by the steps in front of the courthouse before they left together when Ser Gareth who just listened to the conversation on the side joined them. He just came from the war room.

"Any problem?" Ser Gareth asked. He was tasked to stand guard at the front gate. The courthouse was only protected by a stonewall no higher than an adult's waist and the gate was no bigger than a tavern's door.

"No, nothing in particular. just a little girl who missed her pet," Aden answered the muscular knight.

"Akamado-ga, how it look?" Maeda asked slowly what the Firefox would look like. He only knew Firefox by name, Akamado, in Hi-on's tongue.

firefox is an animal believed to bring luck to the owner. due to its color red which means luck in Essen culture. Just like in Essen, only lords and wealthy merchants in Wessen were able to obtain and maintain the expensive upkeep of having a Firefox pet.

"Yes, I'm curious too. I've never seen one," said Phil as he prepared the torches lined up by the front door. He made a bit of tweak to the torches to make it last longer.

"If fox has a slick figure, this one a cuddly.. yes, cuddly. that's one word to describe it." Aden explained the Firefox to Phil and Maeda.

"if you saw a cuddly critter the size of a dog, walks like a bear with a fox-like color, it is it. it is firefox." Ethan added. "You can't miss it, trust me."

"It's like a stuffed bear, but this one is alive and breathes air." Ser Cedric added making it more vague yet simpler.

"Pfft," Ethan held his laugh the best he could.

"Oh, okay I get it." yet, Phil understood more with Ser Cedric's parable.

"And a very expensive one in the pet market," Ethan added.

Ethan was a Crown Enforcer in the Lyondyn before joining the band of smugglers. He knew the city people's lifestyle very well. city people would throw crazy amounts of regal gold just for unnecessary items, collectibles, and pets.

"Aye, you need to sell five Median horses to get one." Ser Cedric confirmed how expensive it was especially in the city's pet shops, the price would soar sky-high.
