
Flight of The Harpy's Heart

Realm of Holocene, a Game of Thrones-esque world with fewer politics and more creatures. Mystical and Believable. Aden El-Rahm, a young sellsword with a -cool, calm, and confident- demeanor who holds a debauchery secret, finds himself facing a fate worse than death – hard labor in the Empire's quarry. But when a desperate plea for help arrives from a village besieged by terrifying harpies, Aden is offered a chance at redemption. Join a ragtag group of knights and fellow convicts, fight the harpies, and earn his freedom. The mission is simple: survive until winter's first snow drives the harpies south. But nothing is ever easy in the Empire. Aden and his unlikely allies must battle not only the cunning and deadly harpies, but also dwindling supplies, internal conflicts, and the ever-present threat of betrayal. As Aden's skills as a warrior are put to the test, he discovers a strength he never knew he possessed and forms unexpected bonds with those around him. Amidst the chaos and carnage, Aden uncovers a deeper connection between humans and harpies, a secret that could change everything. Will he find redemption in this fight for survival, or will the harpies' reign of terror consume him and the village he's sworn to protect? Embark on an epic adventure filled with thrilling battles, unlikely friendships, and a touch of forbidden romance – prepare to take flight with Aden and discover the secrets hidden within the Harpy's Heart. Discord ID Channel for FOTHH: 1236952222302994472 FB page: Flight of The Harpy's Heart

HM_Rivers · ファンタジー
64 Chs

Clash of Claws

The civil war between the stormwing wyverns has been raging for weeks now. The civil war between two factions is causing widespread destruction as dozens of stormwing wyverns fight for supremacy. Every day, the destruction only worsens.Their conflict has become increasingly fierce as time passes, neither side was willing to back down until they were triumphant. The consequences of their war have been dire for both sides: even small victories come with large casualties that no one has the strength to bear. Fires burn from their aftermath in every corner of their territory, clouds smothering the skyThe clash of the stormwing wyverns in the skies above the Stormsteps mountain range ignited a cataclysmic event that sent shockwaves through the very fabric of the atmosphere. As their immense power clashed and intertwined, bolts of lightning surged across the darkened heavens, illuminating the landscape with their electric brilliance.The turbulent clouds that had gathered earlier grew darker and more ominous, morphing into a swirling vortex of charged particles. The air crackled with raw energy, and the once peaceful skies became a battleground for nature's fury. Thunder boomed and reverberated through the mountains, shaking the very foundations of the earth below.With each clash of the wyverns' massive wings and every thunderous roar that emanated from their throats, the lightning storm intensified. Arcs of electricity arced across the sky, illuminating the jagged peaks and casting an eerie glow over the land. The lightning bolts danced and streaked through the heavens with a ferocity unmatched by any natural phenomenon.this massive scale of destruction caused the civil war between rivaling wyverns was beyond a man's imagination. But for stormwing wyverns, such a devastating conflict was all too common. The stormwing wyverns seemed to be under some malignant influence that caused them to become increasingly more violent and aggressive with each passing day.Meanwhile, below the aerial battlefield, another stormwing wyverns engaged in their own vicious skirmishes. They clashed and collided, their screeches and growls filling the air. Talons locked in a deadly embrace, they tumbled and rolled, their bodies intertwined in a desperate struggle for dominance.The landscape below became a battlefield, littered with the remnants of their fierce clashes. Rocks were upturned, trees were shredded, and the ground was scarred with the imprint of their battles. The once serene mountain range now bore witness to the brutal reality of their existence.As the stormwing wyverns fought, their primal instincts and territorial nature surged forth, driving them to continue their savage onslaught. Blood stained their scales, mingling with the torrential rain that drenched the mountainside. Yet, the wyverns showed no signs of fatigue or retreat, their determination unwavering.With each passing moment, the battle grew more intense, the clash of titanic forces echoing through the Stormsteps mountain. Lightning crackled across the sky, illuminating the ferocious spectacle unfolding above and below. It was a sight that both awed and terrified any who bore witness to the raw power on display.The battle between the stormwing wyverns raged on, their fight an endless dance of death and survival. With every strike, they pushed their limits, their primal instincts driving them to the brink. The Stormsteps mountain range became their battleground, a place where the forces of nature clashed in a spectacular display of might and fury.And so, the magnificent beings continued their aerial combat, their silhouettes etched against the darkened sky. Above the Stormsteps, the wyverns fought with unyielding determination, their wings splitting the clouds and their thunderous clashes echoing through the mountains. The battle raged on, a thrilling spectacle that showcased the raw power and untamed beauty of these mythical creatures.As the sky slowly turned to darkness that was punctuated by an eerie silence, the lightning bolts began to blast in deafening silence simultaneously. The mountain range and its surrounding area were rocked by the might of this thunderstorm as lightning streaked across the sky, followed quickly by rumblings of thunder. It was a sight that could not be ignored. The storm seemed to carry on forever, with its beauty being enhanced even further as it illuminated the area in bursts of light.⁕⁕⁕From the raging battle in the sky between wyverns, one male wyvern retreated and landed on the ground, wounded. It was followed by a bigger and sturdier male wyvern, it was the rival clan's alpha wyvern.The alpha wyvern gnashed its teeth, showing the blood of his recent victim, the opposing alpha wyvern.The two wyverns carried out a fierce battle in the Silent Forest just north of Serendale village, watched by the female mate and her youngling. Cowering beneath its mother's wing, the youngling observed as his father fought an unequal fight.the wounded wyvern is the last of the opposing clan's wyvern. The winning alpha wyvern had to finish his job by getting rid of all of the opposing clan wyverns.The wounded wyvern blasted a lightning bolt several times at the rival alpha wyvern. it only scratched the rival alpha. the rival alpha bit the wounded stormwing by the tail and slammed him to the trees followed by a loud cracking sound, so hard the alpha broke several of the male wyvern's backbones.The rival alpha wyvern lunged forward, they wrestled in fiercely. the rival alpha wyvern saw an opening, and he sunk his teeth into the wounded wyvern's neck. Twisted its neck and ripped the flesh out exposing his jugular veins. blood gushing out from the wounded wyvern's jugular veins.The alpha wyvern roared his triumphant cry as the wounded wyvern was the last of his enemy which all but vanquished. It was an unfortunate but necessary end for this creature, a casualty of the war between the rivaling wyverns. But in that moment, nothing else mattered—victory had been achieved.Now the alpha wyvern shifted his gaze to the female wyvern near him. he looked around, turn out he was in the nest of the wounded wyvern he just killed a moment earlier.The alpha wyvern approached the female wyvern and her youngling. The alpha wyvern was about to claim his prize, to mate with the female wyvern. in order to do that he had to kill all of the hatchlings and the youngling of the female wyvern.the alpha wyvern saw the eggs near his hind leg. They must be the female wyvern's eggs.*WHAM!with one sweep of his tail, he destroyed all the eggs in the nest.what's left is the youngling cowered under the female wyvern's wing.The alpha wyvern stepped closer to the female and her youngling, their bodies tensed for battle. The female was ready to fight to the death for her beloved offspring but was not intimidated by the alpha's imposing figure.He unleashed a formidable roar that shook the earth and reverberated through every tree, telling her in no uncertain terms to submit.She knew she was outmatched in terms of strength, but she refused to give up without a fight.she knew very well, that if she yielded to him she had to let the alpha kill her youngling.for her, it's not an option.She gritted her teeth, steeling her resolve, and faced off against him with a courage that belied her size and inexperience.she grabbed her youngling with her jaws and tossed him away. The youngling landed gently on a pile of leaves and branches. She tossed it far enough for the youngling to be safe from what was about to come.Now the alpha and the female wyvern were circling around, trading roars and growls.None of them backed down.The alpha wyvern launched forth and clashed with the female wyvern in a savage fight. With a thunderous clash, their powerful bodies collided, claw against claw, scale against scale. The clash of their mighty wings created a tempestuous gust that shook the very foundations of the forest below.The female wyvern, fueled by a fierce determination to protect her youngling, skillfully maneuvered the battle away from her precious offspring. In the sky, they spiraled and twisted, locked in a brutal aerial duel.Bolts of lightning and claps of thunder filled the sky, flickering and blasting in all directions.The female wyvern proved to be a formidable opponent, landing swift and precise strikes upon the alpha's thighs and wings.The youngling watched with a mixture of fear and hope as his mother fought valiantly against the larger and more dominant alpha wyvern. The youngling expressed relief as her strikes found their mark, causing the alpha to falter. It was a testament to the strength and ferocity of the female wyvern, who was known for her aggression and tenacity.But despite her best efforts, she was no match for the strength and ferocity of the alpha wyvern's onslaught. He quickly gained the upper hand, refusing to be deterred by her fierce resistance.The alpha wyvern was not one to be easily subdued. He unleashed his full might upon the female, retaliating with a savage intensity. In a swift and brutal motion, he clamped his powerful jaws around her neck, his razor-sharp teeth digging deep into her flesh. With a final burst of strength, he hurled her toward a massive, dead tree trunk.The sickening thud echoed through the air as the female wyvern's lifeless body collided with the unforgiving wood. Her neck snapped upon impact, a grim testament to the alpha's relentless power. The youngling, his eyes wide with horror, let out a mournful cry as he witnessed the loss of his mother, a fierce wyvern who had fought bravely until the very end.Silence descended upon the battleground, broken only by the soft rustling of leaves and the labored breaths of the victorious alpha wyvern. He surveyed the scene, his dominance asserted, as the lifeless form of the female wyvern hung limply from the tree trunk. The alpha's victory was etched upon his features, a chilling display of power and superiority.he didn't want to keep up with the hassle, many female wyverns were waiting for him on the other side of the mountain.He glanced around, searching for the youngling with no luck. The youngling was gone.To be the undisputed, the alpha wyvern had to complete his task and exterminate all wyverns of the opposing clan, even its younglings. Spreading his wings, he flew higher into the sky. From up above, he could scan more efficiently for any sign of the missing creature.⁕⁕⁕