
Chapter 13: Propositions


Serine stood outside of Isaiah's door taking deep breaths and trying not to panic. Rem had promised to keep her interference secret but Serine couldn't fully trust that they had. She shook her head, trying to rid it from doubts. Rem was a good person, she reminded herself. Maybe not good for the Masquerade, but they wouldn't break a promise. She tried to square her shoulders as she knocked but immediately hunched back down at the sound of Isaiah's voice, welcoming her in.

She stepped into the room and paused, confused. Isaiah stood in the middle of the room, holding two glasses of wine and smiling. He held out one of the glasses to her. Unsure of herself, Serine approached and accepted the glass.

"My dear, you have done the impossible," Isaiah said. He touched his glass to hers and took a sip of the dark red liquid. "And so quickly!"

"Sir?" Serine asked.