

A/N: "Hi Guys! For this story you will be Y/N, you live in Seoul along with two flatmates from your school!

Y/N: Hi let me introduce myself!

I am Lee Y/N, I'm 18 years old! So..My parents are very rich..to be specific billionaires...!

My Appa owns 'Lee Corporations', and my Eomma? She is one of the most famous fashion designers in the world! She owns 'Lee Designers'!

And me? I live with two flatmates in a Huge House! They are rich to..they come from nice wealthy family's like Me! The three of us are very close..., like siblings!

I also have a brother, his name is Lee Ji-Hoon, or, Woozi from 'Seventeen'! He is on tour so I Haven't seen him for six months...we are very close but because of tour he can't contact me much...Anyway

Now...In High School...We (Me and my flatmates) are total badasses..

Nobody messes with us....except? Red Velvet

Do we care if they mess with us? Absolutely Not.

Now how about we get on with the story?

*In The House*

???: Wah Y/N your house is so big!!

Y/N: ...Hehe thanks Rosè Unnie...!

Rosè: Yah...why do you live in such a big house alone?

Y/N: Well you s-

*You get cut of from a loud knocking on the front door*

Y/N: Unnie just wait here I'll be right back...

*At the door*

A/N: You go unlock the door...and then?

???: Y/N NOONAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! I MISSED YOU!!!!!!!

Y/N: Aishhhh Sehun-ah You forgot your keys at home again!

Sehun: *Comes and gives you a big hug*

Y/N: Aww what happened? You went out for 3

hours and you miss me so much?

Sehun: Mmhmm...

*Rosè Comes out and sees both of you

hugging each other*

Rosè: Y/N..Who is this? You didn't tell me you

have a flatmate! Who is he? Is he Your


He is damn hot gurl...!

Y/N and Sehun: HAHAHAHA *Both of you

burst out laughing*

Y/N: Unnie this is my flatmate Sehun! Sehun

This is Rosè Unnie!

Rosè: Nice to meet y-

*She was cut of by the front door opening



Rosè: Another one?

Y/N: Ehehe...Right here Kookie....!

???: Oh! There you are Noona, I didn't see you when i came in! *Comes upto you and Sehun and hugs both of you tightly* Mmm *Notices Rosè* Oh! Y/N Noona who is this?

Y/N: Ahh yes...Rosè this is Jungkook, Jungkook this is Rosè He is also my flatmate!

Guys Rosè Unnie has come to visit me and will be staying with us for a while!

Rosè: Haha yeah..hope you dont mind me staying here..! Oh Yeah! Random question. Y/N...don't you have a Boyfriend?

Y/N: Uh no I don't...!

Rosè: Oh

Y/N: So since we only have three rooms, Kookie will share my room with me..!

Jungkook: Yayy I can share a room with Noona!!

Y/N: Yes Kookie...but calm down now..! Sehun-ah you will keep your room, Rosè Unnie You will use Kookies room while you're here!

Is that okay with everyone?

All: Yes Ma'am!!

Y/N: Good!

A/N: To be continued! Hope you liked part one!