
Flaming Flower

Domingo and Laura from humble beginnings are two lovers who got married to strengthen their bond even in this new chapter of life as a couple. Hailing from different backgrounds, love still conquered. In no time they were blessed with a baby girl, Bethany who was the only survivor of their expected twin. In a bid to ascertain the cause of the second baby's death, Domingo met with confusion as the doctors could not clearly state it. It was a smooth sail hereafter and it seemed as though life is a bed of roses only for Domingo to uncover a dark secret of his boss, Hugo Salvador. Having realized that Domingo had uncovered his secret, Hugo ordered a hit on Domingo and his family as it dawned on him he could not risk the exposure of such a secret. As orchestrated, the hit brutally took Domingo's and Laura's life but the assassin only knocked out Bethany and took her to an orphanage for safe keeping, but concealed this part of execution. Traumatized and saddened, she imagined if life was so cruel to children and wondered why she had to experience such. As she was in the healing process, she made a friend, Glenda, who was about of the same age as herself, they got along and made great buddies. Not long after in the orphanage home, they were adopted by a duchess, Daphne Derwood whom had their lives upgraded even as they lived in ecstasy sequel to having a family of theirs or at least that is what it seemed. They even got their names changed as Bethany and Glenda became Lesley and Felicity respectively. Daphne loved them unconditionally. Bruce, her better half, struggled to be their father but could only manage unlike Daphne with unending love for them. In time, a cute boy, Rex, Bruce's nephew came in the picture. He was of the same age as the girls and particularly shares a birthday day and date with Bethany. With him in the picture, Felicity began to entertain hatred for her sister all because she found him attractive and wanted him for herself! Even if it was unhealthy, she cared less. Life proceeded until an incident occurred which in turn connected Lesley with Clark, a childhood comrade of hers before the horrible event that took her parents life. At that time, he was quite older and could still picture the man who ordered for the life of hver parents. On revealing this identity, it turned out that the people who adopted her and had been training and all the good that life could offer turned out to be the same family of the exact person that indirectly murdered her biological parents. To add to it she equally discovers that she possesses some mystical powers and is a queen in another world with several other facts that could overwhelm her. She ponders with this illumination if she would avenge her parents'death in expense of what she now shares with the family of perpetrators, or forgo both and embrace her new being? Would she be able to conceal this pressing illumination and if yes? And life is full of secrecy, how will she be able to cope!

Dollicute_liz15 · 都市
15 Chs

Trusting Myself Too Much

I was again drowning in a mixture of emotions as lied on the comfy bed in Lesley's chamber, as Rex offered me to spend the night there.

I felt so bad for Clark as I knew he was hurting but I hoped he understand my reasons perfectly and trusted my love for him.

I couldn't even get sleep.

Both my mind and my heart were in a fight, which is the worst feeling ever; my mind telling me I was doing nothing wrong, on the other hand, my heart telling me whatever I was doing wasn't right and fair for Clark one bit.

It was 2 a. m, three good hours since I retired to bed and I was still gazing around, trapped in my own world.

All of a sudden, an idea struck in my mind and I swiftly tip toed out of my room.

My lanky legs wobbled as I slowly creeped into Hugo's study room.

That's one of the craziest things I have ever done, owing to the fact that I could have found him there,or spotted by someone.

Fortunate enough,he wasn't there.

I had to find at least a single evidence or something that could help me in fighting the Salvadors.

I went through all the shelves and drawers though careful enough for him not to realize that someone had gone through his staff.

I was almost giving up, when I suddenly got a hold of an archaic notebook.

On its cover,it had been written, ' Leo Pathera '

I carefully opened it to see what it contained,only for my eyes to land on an endless list of names, including Mrs. Salvador's, Hugo's and Bruce's.

Though I had no idea of what list it contained,I knew it was certainly going to help me,so I took it and left before getting myself in trouble.

On arriving in back into my room, I heaved a sigh of relief and sat on the divan, exploring the mysterious notebook.

Unable to understand anything contained in it,I put it in my purse and dug into the duvet, ready to kip after a long day.

The following morning, I woke up,bright and early, with great elan to face the day.

I got ready and went for breakfast down stairs.

I could notice how Rex kept staring at me weirdly and swiftly looked away when we came under an eye contact.

As soon as I was done,I greeted everyone good bye and left as I couldn't wait to show Clark what I got.

At home,I found Clark basking under the sun, while having a cup of coffee.

I was a little nervous of his reaction and embarrassed of what I had planned for him but it failed.

"Baby,I missed you, that too a lot. Come and hug me," he softly talked.

I looked at him with sparkling eyes,glad that he wasn't mad.

"I'm so sorry Clark. I just didn't have any other option left," I talked as I approached him.

"I get. No need to say sorry. I trust you more than I trust myself."

Clark stood on his, after placing the saucer on the table and held me in his arms, tightly pressing his body against mine

The way he cuddled me lovingly,made me feel like a baby, reminding me of my dad and mom,who would always cuddle me together at night before I slept. How great it was!

" By the way babe, I'm getting worried. I think Felicity is stalking me and also this. I found it in Hugo's study room yesterday night,"I said proffering the notebook to Clark.

He swiftly opened it and his jaw dropped.

" This is it!" he exclaimed enthusiastically.

" What is it?"

" Baby, I will give Uncle Dean a call right now,"he said and left for the house leaving me inn suspense.

" At least tell me what it is! Duh!" I shouted.

I bet he could barely even hear what I was saying so I hurriedly followed him inside.

"Okay sure. I will be there in no time," I heard him converse.

"Could you please tell me what is the mystery that notebook contains?"

"Okay. This notebook contains a list of names of all the people in the organization that is involved in drug trafficking in this and other countries. The same one that owns the Flaming Dragon under The Salvadors. It had once been captured but due to connections, it got back to the Salvadors' hands before it had even been revealed to the public. This can help us drag them down! "

I even lacked words to express the joy I was feeling. Yeah, I was aware that notebook would be of importance to us but not that much.

" Wow! Great! "

"Okay, I'll take this to Uncle Dean right now. He will help us. Bye,see you later."

Just then, I also left for work, eagerly waiting for news from Clark.

How I wished that plan would work!

There, I had been forced to pay my workers some good cash, for them to keep their mouths shut regarding my new looks. Avarice!

For sure, money not only buys goods, but also people.

It was a risky move though, owing there could be a blubber mouth among them but I always prayed God to guide and protect me.

I was thrilled to be back to work as it always relieved me from stress, making me escape my problems for some time.

At around noon, Clark payed me a visit at Enlorys , one that I had been impatiently waiting for.

As soon as I saw him, I ran towards him and warmly hugged him.

"I'm so glad to see you Clark. Please have a seat and tell me how it went. Should I get you a cup of coffee?"

"No, never mind. I'm fine."

"As you wish. Dear, how did it go?" I asked, examining his gloomy face.

"I handed over the notebook to the cops already but I'm worried because of Inspector Luis, who now has it. You see, the last time it slipped off our hands back to the Salvadors, it was him who had it. I have a hunch he works with them."

"Then why did you allow him to have it?!" I shouted, unable to control my anger, "Huh!"

"Bethany calm down. I didn't h..."

"Stop! Stop it Clark! I'm done talking to you! You may now leave, please."

Clark sullenly stood and walked outside.

I too enraged to even think straight.

I couldn't imagine my efforts going to waste just like that.

"Arghhhh!" I roared, turning my office upside down.

I had to do something, that too urgently.

I opened my safe which was behind a portrait suspended over the wall.

There,I took a pistol, which I stored there. I carefully fixed a silencer to it,took some attires and left my office under lock and key.

I rushed to my car,where I slipped into a black leather jacket and a pair of black jeans,along with a black cap and a black mask too.

I then put on my black boots, ready to go.

I brought the engine back to life and buzzed off.

After a ten minutes drive,I parked my car at a certain parking lot and left on foot.

I treked towards the Police Station and stood a about one metre away from it,where I was patiently waiting for my prey.

As expected, I spotted the old man get into his car, and I took a taxi.

"I want you to follow that car but don't let him notice," I instructed.

"But why?" he asked.

"You need money, don't you?"

"Yes," he muttered.

"Then get this thing moving now!"


We tailed Luis but in a way that he could hardly notice.

"Make sure you don't lose him."

"Copy that."

I had my mask on to avoid being noticed which would bear problems for me.

I was looking for a perfect place,with no people,in order to execute my plan.

We were now in the outskirts of the town, approaching a calm atmosphere.

I fished out some dollars I had in my pocket, handed them over to the driver, opened the door and jumped off the car.

I then took out my pistol and shot one of the back wheels to Luis's car, forcing him to stop.

I swiftly walked towards Luis,who was already trembling on the driver's seat.

"Who the hell are you?" he stammered.

"That's none of your concern old man."

"What do you want with me?"

"Listen carefully Luis,I am aware you are one of the traitors working with the Salvadors in their henious crimes."

"No! I'm a clean copy!"he grumbled and suddenly took out a pistol and pointed it on my forehead.

" You think I am that easy to get, woman?"he convulsed loudly enough to awaken the dead.

Fear gripped me like never before and held me captive as he stretched his arm to take off my mask.

I was very much aware that if he got to see my face, that would be the end of me and my Vengeance.

" Let go of me!"I roared.

" Oh,wow! What a hilarious joke!"he exclaimed.

I tried shaking my head from side to side for him not to unmask me.

I prayed to God for at least a miracle to happen as I had no one to help me.

I wished I had involved Clark in my plan.

I regretted having trusted myself too much.