
Chapter 13

"What will you have me do?" Moon asked Ash as he lowered his head.

"Surrender to me and admit defeat," The black bear spoke in a serious manner.

Moon didn't know what to say. He never surrendered before an enemy. However, if he disobeyed Ash's orders, Flame would die. Moon knew he would have to make an impossible choice.

As the wolf thought about his decision, Scarlet and Maple fixed their gaze on Ash. If he chose to attack Moon, they would fight him.

After thinking it over for a few minutes, Moon formed an idea in his mind. He didn't have to surrender to Ash. He and his family might stand a chance against the two bears. As long as they believed the wolf was surrendering, his plan would succeed. Therefore, Moon knelt before Ash and said, "I surrender."

The bear grew a sinister smile on his face. He had convinced Moon to surrender. Maple and the others knelt beside Moon. Flame grew worried and wondered why these wolves weren't fighting Ash. Isn't that why they're here? Perhaps Moon had a better plan in mind.

"I have one request," the wolf said to Ash.

The black bear awaited Moon's response and asked, "And what is your request?"

"I would like to bring Flame with me."

Ash didn't know what to tell Dusty. He knew the grizzly wouldn't hand over Flame. If they refused Moon's request, the wolf would attack the two bears. Perhaps he could convince Dusty to forget about Flame and allow her to leave.

The black bear turned to Dusty and tried convincing him to give up Flame. However, the grizzly refused and wrapped his legs around Flame. Moon grew angry and snarled at Dusty. If he refused to cooperate with him, the wolf wouldn't hesitate to fight.

"Leave her alone!" Moon barked.

Dusty knew Flame preferred Moon over him and almost cried. He wished she would spend every day living with him. However, he knew Flame longed to mate with Moon. Therefore, Dusty couldn't keep her prisoner any longer. He stepped back and watched as Flame walked towards Moon. They smiled at each other.

Seeing this as a perfect opportunity, Ash ran towards them and roared. Maple knew why the bear attempted to attack Moon. He had met Ash before and knew his most guarded secret. If Maple revealed it to Dusty, the grizzly would never trust Ash again. The two bears would fight one another. Therefore, Maple knew what to do.

"Dusty," the timber wolf spoke in a serious manner.

The grizzly fixed his gaze on Maple and awaited his response. The wolf explained to him that Ash kidnapped him as a cub and murdered his parents. Dusty refused to believe Maple and knew Ash would never commit such a crime. He roared at the wolf and threatened to end his life. However, Maple refused to give up and tried convincing Dusty to believe him.

"Think about it Dusty," He persuaded the grizzly.

Maple explained to Dusty that his biological parents were grizzlies. The bear stared at Ash and knew the wolf spoke the truth. However, Dusty believed he adopted him and figured his parents were murdered by a different animal.

To prove his point, Maple insisted that Dusty ask Ash about his parents. If the black bear spoke the truth, Dusty would know how his parents died. However, if Ash pinned the murder on Maple, the two bears would attack him.

Without hesitating, Dusty asked Ash, "What do you know about my parents?"

To avoid the question, the black bear stared at his paws. Dusty grew angry and wished Ash would answer his question.

"Answer me!" Dusty roared.

After a few minutes had passed, Ash looked at Dusty and said, "Very well Dusty."

He admitted to killing the grizzly's parents and revealed their names. Dusty grew a sad look on his face and almost cried. As much as he wanted to deny it, the grizzly knew Ash had murdered his parents. Why else would he confess? He figured Ash never intended to reveal this secret. However, it appeared that the black bear had confessed to a murder.

Tears rolled down the grizzly's face as he growled at Ash. He would never forgive him for murdering his parents. Flame pitied Dusty and grew a sad look on her face.

"You made a mistake killing my parents," Dusty growled in a low voice.

Ash feared that the grizzly would slaughter him and stepped back a few paces.

"Now I'm going to end your life!"