

SYNOPSIS The fireheart is a legend,the king of all planets,the one who is blessed by the Gods and loved by his people...he should have found his mate a thousand years ago on his hundred equinox,a thousand years later he is to be crowned king,has a daughter but refuses to marry...Tristan Octavius Mon-el Pentagast stopped believing in the Gods a thousand years ago but now on his one thousand equinox the Gods has sent him a gift... What is the gift from the Gods? Will he accepts the gift? Kiara Mirajane Strauss, a supe with the ability to bend and control any material, she's gentle but also feisty, a great hacker of the Gen V. She has a brother who loves her to the earth and back. Her first mission since graduation and she's with her brother's team, going out to rescue the astronauts stranded in space, the mission was suppose to be fail-proof but what happens when Kiara decides to go in the damaged spaceship to keep it together while her team get the astronauts out??? What happens when she finds a tattoo of a flaming bird on her back?? What happens when she begins to see a man who nobody sees except her? What will she do when the man comes for her?

Daost16Scarlett · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Chapter 12



Max was running with everything he got to the organization's health unit with his sister in his arms,the others were unable to keep up with him,on getting to the health unit he rammed through the door "Celia...he yelled and panted Celia,Celia,where the F*ck is that old hag",he yelled angrily.

"Who the hell are you calling an old hag, I'm just fourty two you idiot",she said as she came out of another room with her lab coat covered in slime, taking it off and putting on a new one , she looked at Max,then at Kiara who he was holding then she said "Do I have to remind you to put her down".Max who was staring at the door she came out from jolted as he heard her voice ,he wanted to ask her what that room was but he decided to leave it be for now.

He put kiara down on the bed and turned at her "do something please,check her,that goddamn AI said she would be fine but I want you to check her",he pleaded.

"Alright,but I doubt I would find anything wrong with her ",she said as she began checking her pupils and listening to her heartbeat,and also checked her body with the x-ray for any broken bones,but she found none."Just as I said she's fine, there's nothing wrong with her".

"Then why the hell isn't she waking up",he said with a trembling voice.

"That is because she's resting,she....

"If she's resting at least she would have opened her eyes, besides she woke up in the ship so why isn't she waking up now".Celia felt like hitting this guy,he disturbed her work,now he's yelling at her, who does he think he is she thought,she was about to answer him when Kimberly and Jayden both entered the room.

"Max,cut Celia some slack would you ? she said Kiara is resting we have to believe her and also believe that Kiara is in safe hands",she said as she held onto his hands;Max turned back and saw Kimberly holding onto him then he saw Jayden, without warning he launched at him and threw a punch which Jayden was unable to avoid as a it landed right on his face,his jaw was broken as a result of the punch which also sent him staggering back,once he regained his balance he also sent back a punch of his own which Max wasn't expecting so it landed on his face ,he began to bleed from his nose,before Celia could say jack they were already fighting each other ,she knew nothing good came out of the both of them being in the same place,but she could do nothing and that was also when she saw Kimberly clenching and unclenching her fists she always does this when she's trying to calm herself down but in the next second she saw her moved and she was right next to both Max and Jayden in that moment ,Kimberly was extremely angry she blamed herself for letting Kiara go out there and now when she's trying to rest after practically saving the world, this two idiots were causing a ruckus,she was angry NO she was furious;she furiously grabbed both their heads and slammed it down ,they both fell face down on the hard floor,cuts all over their face, Kimberly's ability wasn't a strong one but what she didn't have in ability she makes up for it in strength, because they both tried to move but they soon realize that it was hopeless and gave up then they heard her speak "I was feeling really angry at myself when I thought Kiara died because I made you let her out and now that she practically saved the world and is now resting you idiots are here causing a ruckus...she breathed out and continued...if you so much as make another sound i will have your head on a gold platter ,she growled at them, feeling the pressure of her hands pressing them down to the ground,they both couldn't help but shiver .


Mon El could be seen sitting cross legged on the floor, a layer of white mist hovering around him,the door creaked open and Patek came in ,he was surprised to see Mon El meditating and was also curious to know why he was meditating,but he held himself back and waited till Mon El was done.

The ground was hot and so was the air, although it had no effect on him ,he was rather uncomfortable but he was eager to see his mate,then he heard a sound .. Sob,sob,it was a sound that made his heart clenched in pain,he felt drawn to the sound , so he followed the sound and the sight he saw made him feel fear ;fear that she got hurt , but he still moved forward then he saw her,a blonde little girl of about five years old he knew instantly that this was his mate,she was crying at what seemed to be her parents grave, Mon El felt pain for the second time in a thousand years so he walked to her and patted her little head then he said "It's okay to cry,but you see crying won't bring them back, they're in a better place now and they wouldn't want to see their little angel crying".

Little Kiara turned and looked at the voice that just spoke,she was flustered,she didn't even know someone was there beside her ,then she seemed alarmed and frightened,she hasn't seen this face before."w..w..who..are.. you...?",she stuttered in fear

"Fear not little angel I mean no harm", Mon El said raising his hand to show her that he was harmless.

"So you won't hurt me?", little Kiara asked,her wet and puffy eyes looked at Mon El in fright and surprise.

"I won't hurt you ,I promise you",he said with a little smile on his face and little Kiara calmed down;They sat in silence for what seemed like an eternity until he heard her say "I killed them , I...I ... didn't ...mean.....to",she said as tears came flowing out of her eyes like a broken dam.

"I believe you ", He replied"Besides I told you crying won't bring them back and when you cry you don't look pretty,if you keep on crying you're gonna age quickly and look like a ninety years old woman ".As little Kiara heard this she immediately wiped her face and looked up at Mon El with puffy eyes and pouting lips.

"Do you wanna tell me about it", Mon El asked,his hand still on her head patting it,it seemed to have an effect on her as she purred like a cat then she answered"I don't really know how it happened".

"Then show me",he said.She seemed to be contemplating on it as her little pinky finger was rolling her shoulder length her ,then she agreed. In the next moment ,Mon El found himself in an even hotter environment but little Kiara wasn't with him,he saw a house ,he was amazed the house hasn't melted or burned down ;he began walking towards it,then he started hearing voices,when he got closer the voices became clear he pushed open the door but the voices didn't die down it felt as though they were unable to see him,then he realized that this was Kiara's memory,he was brought out of his thought when he heard little kiara yelling at a black haired boy"No,I want to watch Barbie princess power".

"You've been watching it for the past four days over and over again,it's time we watch something different Kiara ",The black haired yelled back as he snatched the tv remote out of her hands,Kiara burst into tears and started hitting and scratching the black haired boy who kept moving away from her"wah....wah.... I'm gonna tell on you ...wah...wah...I will mum and dad you bullied me",she continue crying.

"Fine tell them,and I'm also gonna tell them you went down the street again and you also skipped your classes ".

That seem to work as she quiet down,then she saw her mum coming downstairs she began crying again and ran to her mother"wah...wah...mum... Max bullied me again,wah... wah...".As Kiara mum heard that she glared at Max,it was a glare that said do you want to get grounded,why are you bulling her, Max shivered then he shaked it off and voice out in anger "Fine then,none of us will get to watch the tv ",and he broke the remote in half,his mother gasped, Kiara looked at him in anger then she took his Xbox ,poked out her tongue and taunted him before he could say jack she already smash it on the floor,Max exploded and ran up the stairs going to Kiara's room,Kiara as if knowing what he wanted to do followed him immediately while their mother went to the basement of their house to call her husband to come stop them before they destroyed the whole house.

They heard the sound of things breaking and both parents practically ran up the stairs on getting there they saw Kiara and Max grabbing the photo album of her favorite musician;"Will the both of you stop this madness immediately",Mr Kent, Kiara's father said in anger ,they both stop fighting but they didn't let go of the album.

"Max let go of the album now",Mr Kent said.

"No way dad,she destroyed my Xbox",Max replied applying more force to the album as he grabbed it.

"Max , Kiara is your younger sister,you shouldn't bully her like this ,I know she destroyed your game console but it doesn't mean you should destroy something she holds dear,I can get you a new game console but I can't get Kiara another photo album of Celine Dion,you know how hard she worked to make that album"Mrs Clare , Kiara's mother said gently and Max looked at the album as if contemplating whether or not to destroy it,then he looked at kiara and saw her smirked ,he exploded again and grabbed the album and tearing it in again, Kiara seeing this felt as though a part of her has been destroyed she began crying,she looked at Max in her anger and cried louder ,the room began getting hot, Mr Kent as if knowing what is about to happen rushed to Max and shielded him, forgetting about his wife in that moment the energy building up in Kiara's body exploded a wave of flames engulfed the room, Mrs Clare who had no idea that this was gonna happen was burnt to ashes in that instance,the flames began getting stronger and stronger slowly engulfing the house, Mr Kent who pulled out a gravity shield before the explosion looked at Max,who looked bewildered and frightened .He carried Max out of the house with the shield still around him ,he knew deep down that the shield wasn't going to last so he hurriedly came out of the burning house dropped Max down and said "Everything is going to be fine, remember on Kiara's fifth birthday you promised your mother you'd protect her right?never forget that promise and don't hate Kiara none of this is her fault ".

Max looked at his father pained face and he couldn't say a word he only nodded and tears flowed out of his eyes,he watched his father run back into the house and he didn't know how many minutes passed but the fire eventually died down,the once beautiful house now nothing but burnt wood and ashes,and all these while Mon El watched everything play out,but what he still don't understand was why did the black Phoenix never appeared and yet the intensity of the flames if left alone could burn down the entire world.

I really love girls with a feisty attitude

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