
who could this be?

Looking at my laptop I saw that the notification was from my mail.

Who the hell?

I was quite puzzled by the notification since…well I didn't really have anyone who would want to talk to me.

I've never gotten any mail before.

Not even from scammers for some reason.


Well who cares? I don't need anyone!

When I opened my mail I saw it was sent by someone named… llop??

The profile picture was of an eye surrounded by a snake eating itself.

People sure are weird these days.

I mean what is the username and profile picture supposed to mean?

Actually I don't even know if this is a person!


Taking my eyes off of the person who sent it I looked to see what they had written.

What I read next utterly shocked me.

"Hello Neil."

I felt an indescribable chill rise from within my body as I looked at the first 2 words. Shocked, I jumped away from my laptop.

"W-What the hell!" At the mention of my name I could only scream with fear and confusion.

H-how does he know my name!?

Putting my hand to my mouth I thought. Is he a hacker or something? Oh shit! Is he one of those guys I beat up back then!? I did embarrass them pretty bad.

Well I mean I was pretty good. Heh my skills in the street were unmatched. I could have gone pro if it wasn't fo-

Arghhh! No! I have to focus on this! That was ages ago and I'm sure they've all let it go.

So what could this guy want and who could he be!?

How'd he get my name? I haven't done anything that could leak my information. Or at least I think so.

My mind raced as I thought about everything I'd done that could've had this happen.

But my thinking stopped as I realized that there was still more to read in the message.

I rushed back to my laptop and looked to see the rest of the message.

"Hello Neil. I've heard your great passion and hate for the novel "Hero's Path" I was quite moved by your thoughts on the main character and the terrible ending of the novel. To be honest with you I was enjoying the novel a lot too and the ending was quite disheartening. So I was wondering if you could change the ending for me?"

After I was done reading the rest of the message I sat in a daze.

How the hell does he know about my thoughts on the novel?!

I never shared them with anyone!

Does this guy have cameras in my apartment or something?

And what does he mean by "could you change the ending for me?".


My thoughts were interrupted by a sound from my laptop.

It was another message from llop.

"What could this be?" I questioned while looking at the notification.

My head went instantly to many things.

Maybe he sent a picture of me in my room or something. Maybe it's a demand for money. Maybe he was just joking and the message was him telling me it was all some prank!

Shaking those thoughts away I hesitantly opened the message.

"Ah Niel! I'm so glad you asked as to what I meant by my question on the previous message…." H-how did he know I asked about that? I-I said it in my head. Right? I'm pretty sure I did. No he probably guessed I would think that. Yeah he…he definitely did!

Reassuring myself with the most solid reasoning I continued reading the message from where I left off. "..you see from all the readers of "Hero's Path" I observed. You, Niel, were the most passionate for the novel and had the greatest hate for the ending! So I figured you would be the perfect person to fix the ending of the novel for me! Oh and by the way I don't mean 'writing' a new ending. I'll send you into the novel itself! Exciting? RIGHT!?"

This guy is actually insane!

"Ah but you probably think I'm some weirdo stalker right?…"


"But I think removing your bed from your world will prove everything I need to in the future!"

As I read that part my bed where I was sitting on with my computer....just vanished.


My heart sunk… literally, as I fell down and landed on my head. To make it worse my laptop fell on my head too.

I was sprawled out on the hard wooden floor in utter disbelief and shock. H-how did that happen?

Who the hell is this llop guy!? Could he be god or something!?

No..no why would a god commune through god damn mail!?


I must be dreaming!


I'm just dreaming!

This is all a dream….right?