
Five of a Kind

Arlow is kidnapped by who she originally thinks to be a foe, which might end up being her savior. Vega is a runaway trying to protect a target of her former family Why do they want Arlow? What is so special about her? Read to find out!

Logan_McLarty · ファンタジー
13 Chs

Chapter 7 - Arlow POV

After I feel her give in to sleep, I carefully finish dressing her wounds and lay her down gently. Once I put everything back into the kit, I lay down too.


Luscious fields of brilliant green lay sprawled beneath me as I gently 'wake'. Lavender, lovely lilies, and larkspur tickle my face as I lay in the botany. I roll on my stomach and gaze into the incredible distance. Within the sunrise, I appreciate the beauty; well I believe it to be beauty since I can merely see her silhouette. She takes wide strides with her perfectly structured legs. A long, flowing dress pool from her hourglass frame. Like water, she glides gracefully through the pleasant air towards me. In a jade tone, her green dress flows down to her knees. As if carefully sewn to her flawless skin, the gown hugs every curve and shows off her hour-glass figure. Pale skin gleams in the dull light. Though her face is still imperceivable and I have never encountered her, I feel as though she is the one I can trust. The sole person in this entire world - as far as I can see, she may remain the only person in this ideal world.

I sit up as she draws near. Ready to flee at a moment's notice - though my legs will not move for the life of me. She doesn't seem threatening. Veritably, she is rather angelic - she has some sort of halo and everything. But… something is just weird about her. Nothing in her appearance - well, what I can glimpse of it anyways. I don't know if I am just too paranoid or what … yet … she is not typical.

As she dwells closer, she radiates dismay and jealousy. Aren't lovely angels supposed to produce happiness and - and just goodness? She continues in my path, and her beauty never falters; however, she isn't smiling like all of the pictures I have seen of angels. More than anything she is... smirking? For what reason could she be … I don't know. Her aura is somewhat envious; the jealousy is contagious, and I feel like everything is better than me in every way. I want to, no have to, be just like her.

Gliding towards me, I can comprehend the reality behind the mask. The white sclera of her eyes is nonexistent. Instead, the sclera is black with deep jade irises. A trail of dead botany trails behind her with every step; revealing herself as a malevolent entity. There isn't even a halo residing above her wicked head. A demonic pitch-black crown rests instead.

Only 30 feet away, a demon stands - her eyes fierce with fire. I want to stand and even attempt to; I look around and see the ground began to shake vigorously. Dirt bounces, flowers dance, grass sways. I stand up, and prickly vines snake towards me. They grasp my ankle and slam my back to the earth. Greenery slithers up my gaunt limbs as I am pinned down - helpless … weak … even frightened. I scream as they dig ferociously into my skin.

20 feet. Fear bubbles within my nervous stomach. Questions race through my anxious mind such as, "What is going on? Where am I? Who is she? What is she?"

The wind blows through her thick, black hair Beautiful flowers of all kinds - lilies, roses, marigolds, oh too many to name. Her tall figure struts towards my paralyzed figure. I struggle against the restraints - terrified to the core of this monster.

Words that aren't mine flood my brain. False reassurances appear out of nowhere - whispers that seem to come from within the earth. Strange ones at that - telling me things that I know to be false. 'She won't hurt you!' They scream in my ear. 'She will help!' Another yell. 'Just hear her out, please!' A third shouts. Thorns dig into my bare arms maliciously as if trying to get my attention.

10 feet. The demon straight from hell sauntered to me and bent down. She ran a long nail down my cheek, drawing a thin string of blood. The stark contrast of the red liquid against the black nails. With a grimace upon my face, I wrench my eyes shut against the sting. She racks the other hand through my short hair. Her sharp nail trails down my neck, going ever slightly deeper, and towards the barely exposed collarbone

"Ouch!" I yelp and both her hand's freeze. She raises an eyebrow and gives me an amused gaze. I hear a high-pitched chuckle as her hands leave my body. The crouching figure leans over me - studying me like a specimen under a microscope - Or how an apex predator intimidates its victim before the thrill of the kill.

I'll make sure that doesn't happen. No matter what I will fight till my last breath. I will not be taken down so easily. The demon inches closer and closer to my face. I struggle to get away - fruitless for obvious reasons. No choice but to lay there and take whatever she gives me.

"I want to make you happier," she whispers against my ear. "I can help you achieve peace." I tilt my head away from her - I don't want to hear her lies. Tempting they may be, it's a childish, immature idea. "I can make all your foes - all your woes - vanish. You need to let me do that for you." She rightens herself and stares at me with a gentle smile.

"H-how?" I hoarsely whisper - throat torn from shrieking.

"That's for me to know and you to wait and see," I let out a groan of annoyance, for I wish I could know her ways. "But," she adds, " I will need you to do something for me - it benefits both of us."

"Wha-" I begin to say, yet I am cut off by a slender finger pressed lightly to my lips.

"Shh, young one - let me explain," she speaks to me as if I were a child, and I resist the urge to roll my eyes. " I need you to get rid of her," she said plainly. I give her a curious look. 'No...,' I wonder, 'She can't mean the blond right?'

"Who do you mean?" I ask innocently, trying to play dumb.

"You know who…" she says nothing else besides a knowing stare. She gracefully rises and walks away. During the conversation, new eyes began to glow - beautiful emerald eyes glimmering in the sunlight. Streaks of light trail behind her as if she were wearing a long veil.

"Wait!" I yelled, startled by my burst of curiosity. She turns back towards my frozen figure. A peculiar look upon her face - she is smiling yet if I say the wrong thing she will pounce and devour me whole. A cock of the head renders me functional again.

"I-I wanted to ask you… what's your name?" I close my eyes for a moment, expecting rage. After a moment of silence, I take a look to see her walking back towards me. When she is within a foot of me, she leans in and whispers into my ear,

"Just call me Diamond," with that, she turns around and walks off.

She glances over her shoulder. I shudder as she saunters away - a playful wink is sent my way. An unannounced deity of evil strolls off into the mid-morning sun. I am left frozen upon the ground - contemplating whatever had just occurred.

The decision I make may just decide my fate.