
Five Notes: The untold story of love and lust

She knew there was no future and yet, she could not help herself. She fell for him. And all she could do was think about him. She wanted him besides her. She wanted him to touch her in places that made her go crazy; whisper in her ears what he wanted to do with her and press his warm body on her. She knew she has gone crazy and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

Silver_Gal · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Chapter 10 Cold and Intimidating

I woke up the next morning with my head spinning. I don't even realise how I made my way to the bathroom. However, I refused a cold shower to wake myself. Half an hour later and after a warm shower, I was ready to start the day.

I saw Phil still sleeping in his usual place. When I was preparing coffee in the kitchen, he raised his head.

"Are you going somewhere?" He asked me.

"Yes, I have to finish Professor Griffith's work. I told him I will get it done by the weekend," I replied to him as I took a comfortable pair of jeans and t-shirt to wear for the day.

"Don't forget you have a date with Alex at 6 today. Grill & Bar, alright?" Phil said and went back to sleep.

Ten minutes later after telling Phil to lock the door when he leaves, I went to the uni.

It was a nice day. The weather was somewhat a bit tolerable; many people have been going to beaches. It would be a perfect weather for a swim and a sunbath near the beach. But here I was stuck at work in the weekend. I envy Betts. Lucky her! She get to enjoy the weekend with her boyfriend.

When I reached Prof Griffith's office, I saw that Nathan was waiting outside the door. I was surprised- nobody was supposed to come by today.

"Morning, Nathan," I said as I made way towards the office, "what are you doing here today? I thought no one was coming this weekend." I asked him.

"I have some work on the paper that the professor assigned," Nathan said, handing me a permission letter from the Professor that showed that he was allowed to come inside the office today.

I took the letter from Nathan and looked over it. After making sure that it was signed by the professor, I opened the door to the room and allowed Nathan to come in as well. I took my usual seat and started entering the assignments details after I took them out from the cupboard.

Nathan took a desk at the corner of the room and started working on his work.

"How long will you be here for Nathan?" I asked Nathan.

"I will probably finish before lunchtime," Nathan said after checking his watch. Nodding my head at him, I went back to my work.

Around 12:30, there was a knock at the office door. Nathan and I looked up at each other. There shouldn't be anyone else coming to the office on a Saturday afternoon. But a moment later, I saw Katie poke her head inside the room.

"Katie?!" I was surprised to see her. "What are you doing here?"

"Hey Sophie," Katie said as she smiled and opened the door.

It was then that I saw the person who was with her. Josh was standing behind her, smiling at me. For a moment our eyes met but I couldn't return his smile. As I looked back at Katie to ask for more details about why they were there, I saw that Josh was holding her hand.

For a moment, something flashed inside my mind. What was that?

"What's up?" I kindly asked Katie again.

"We just dropped by to say hi. Phil said that you were here," Katie explained. "We are going to the library to look at some stuffs for the project. Then we are going to drop by the café. Why don't you come by once you are done?" she asked.

"Thanks, Katie," I smiled her, "but I am not sure if I can finish this in few hours. Also, I have a plan at 6."

"What plan?" Katie was surprised.

"I have a date with Alex," I said as I winked at her. I was not planning to tell her about my date. But I just couldn't stop myself at that moment.

The moment I said it, I could fee both Nathan and Josh's eyes on me.

"NO WAY!" Katie literally shrieked. "You serious?" She asked me, shocked.

I nodded my head in agreement.

"Good on you girl! I want to hear all about it once you are done!"

"Of course! Now get out- to make it to my date, I need to finish this quickly," I teasingly told her.

"See you!" Katie waved at me as she turned to leave.

"See you around, Sophie," Josh said as he followed Katie.

Our eyes for the second time. I could not read anything from his eyes. I don't know what he was thinking. Was I angry at him? But why the hell should I be angry with him? God I was going crazy.

"Yeah, see you," I gave him my most polite smile and waved enthusiastically as he closed the door behind him.

However, the moment the door closed, my smile was gone. There he was yesterday with me doing those crazy things. His hands over my head, pushing them harder and making me take him. He made it almost impossible to breath. And when we were sitting together in the bar, he had his hands almost in between my legs, making me aware of his heat. But then there he was today- holding someone else's hands. What a jerk!

But then I remembered that he was with someone else before he was with me. Damn! He would be with a different girl every other day, and it wouldn't make any difference to him. And I clearly remember that he said we could start as a friend. This was crazy. What am I even thinking? Why was I thinking like this? Am I- am I jealous just because I saw him holding hands with Katie? But it was not like that when I heard him have sex with another girl- Damn!

"Sophie?" Nathan's voice brought me back from my crazy thoughts. I looked at him.


"Do you want to have lunch? I still think I need another hour. I might as well get lunch," he said.

That was not a bad idea, I thought to myself. I agreed with Nathan and we went together to get the lunch. I bought myself a chicken roll from a Vietnamese's shop while Nathan got some salmon sushi from the Japanese one. We thought that we could actually enjoy the sun for maybe half an hour and so, decided to grab a seat in one of the seating area near the food court.

While Nathan was a good company for lunch, I did not wish to stay out here for a long time since I did not want to run into Josh and Katie if they decided to come on this side after the library. And as soon as I was done eating, I made an excuse to return to the office and continue the work.

Nathan took almost another two hours to finish his work. By the time he left the office it was already past 3pm.

"I will see you next week, Sophie," Nathan said as he closed the door behind him.

After waving him a goodbye, I tried to focus back at work. And while I tried my best to finish the work, I kept on having a flash back of my eyes meeting Josh's. I wondered what his eyes meant. Was he perhaps a little bit interested when I said I had a date? Perhaps a bit jealous…

I shook my head. I was again drifting into a day dream. What was wrong with me?

Finally at about 4, I was done with my work too. And while I was excited for the date, I couldn't seem to keep my thoughts away from Josh. But Phil went extra mile to set me up for this date. I should definitely try to put an effort.

So, I decided to quickly head to my apartment and get dressed up.

I was about to put the assignments back into the cupboard when there was a knock at the door. Wondering who the hell was this time, I locked the cupboard and went to open the door. But before I could reach, the door opened and Josh walked in.

"Hey," he said casually waving at me.

"Hi," I replied back, "what's up?"

I wonder why he was here. Was he perhaps a bit interested on me…like really a bit interested?

"Just came to see if you finished the work or not? If yes then we can go back together," he said.

I raised my brows in surprise.

"Where's Katie? I thought you guys were together?" I asked him.

"She went back after getting a call," he replied.

I liked how we were at least able to have a normal conversation. And I wanted to continue this, at least for now.

"But I am going back to my place," I told him.

"I parked my car near your place, so I can walk to there with you," he replied quickly.

Well that's weird. Why would you park it there? I thought to myself.

"Alright then," I said since I saw no reason to decline his offer. "Let me just grab my bag." I walked back towards the desk to pick up my bag.

We went out of the office and I locked the door behind me. But as I turned towards Josh, I saw Phil running towards us. And then I saw someone following Phil behind.

He was tall, I think as tall as Josh. And then he had that ridiculously handsome face and well build frame. He was the kind of man anyone would think of as handsome. I could feel myself blushing like how a teenage girl would blush infront of her crushes. Alex definitely deserved the title of most popular guy in the whole University.

"Thank god we were able to catch you before you went back," Phil said as he came to a stop near us. "Oh hey mate," he said to Josh and then turned back to me. "Change of plan, Sophie," he said to me.

"What?" I asked him surprised. But before he could answer, I saw from the corner of my eyes that Alex had moved forward.

"Hi," he said to me, giving me that heart-stopping smile. He should go and become a model. It was wastage of his fabulous looks.

"Hello," I said to him. I was myself surprise how soft and shy I sounded.

"I know we said we would meet at the bar but would you like to come and watch a game with me?" He asked. And I have to say, my heart skipped a beat. What I was most surprised was about how bold he sounded. His voice told me he was interested and he was happy to take the first step. I unconsciously looked at Josh. Our eyes met but again I couldn't guess what he was thinking. He didn't even say anything. He was just looking at me.

I turned back to Alex- while he was so bold and daring, the other appeared rather carefree and not interested.

"Sure," I replied to him. I could still feel Josh's eyes on me but I didn't look at him. "You don't mind me being in such dress now, do you?" I asked him as I looked at myself.

"Not at all. You look beautiful," he said, giving me yet another smile. And this time, I could definitely hear my heart drumming.

"Okay," Phil interrupted us, "now that's done, I will go back. I will probably see you guys at the games," he told us and turned towards Josh. "You going to catch the game too?" Phil asked Josh.

"No, I was actually heading back home," Josh replied. "I will see you guys later," he smiled at us, waved and was gone the next moment.

For a moment when our eyes met, I thought I saw anger in his eyes. It gave me a fright. He appeared cold and intimidating, completely different to his usual self.