
First Necromancer

As the title says, the story of the first necromancer, telling how he created it, developed and used as he pleased

Norgren · ファンタジー
24 Chs

Chapter 16

After coming back to village, Dezen spend a few hours on sleeping, before he started telling Alex how it was in Aren.

At the end, he told him about possiblity of joining Church of Alen.

- Dezen... Really, you really want to join one of organisations and go to war once more?! You will probably die, let's be honest!

Desen replied calmly.

- That's only a possiblity, and I will do it only if I want to, when life will become boring, and it will be entertaining, or I will just want to do this.

- You really consider this? And believe you won't have anything better to do in life?

- I understand, that you don't believe me, but working for Church of Alen may not be that bad. Of course, I can't be sure of this, since I worked for it only 3 times, but still it sounds better than any other option I have. About the wars, the stronger I am, the lesser the chance of me dying is. And I consider joining church only after being strong enough to surely survive any war. With you, of course. By the way, who said I will be fighting? The main part of necromancy is creating undead who will do this for me. Even now I try, and succeeded in making them stronger, so what will be after a year? Or 5?

- And you are sure you will survive to this time, and no one will want to force you to join one of the forces?

- If someone or something threathens my or your life, I can join Church of Alen. Maybe if I prove to be a valuable researcher, they won't send me to wars.

- But your undead, how are you going to get more of them? If you want to grow in strength they will also need to be stronger, so will you be hunting strong magical beings? Yes, you can make them stronger by yourself, but to a limited extent.

- And I will make this limit bigger and bigger. I understand you worries Alex, I even share them with you. Thus, I thought about ways to deal with it. You see, I can sell to Church of Alen informations about bodies of different beings, mostly animals. At first it will be only anatomy, but even for it alone, they should pay a lot. With that money, I can buy corpses of new animals, this is, new source of money. And I can buy magical resources.

- Yes, you can. But they're expensive. Even if you make spells helping undead absorb mana from them, it will cost a lot of money. Efficiency will be rather low.

- Unless I learn them by myself.

- What will be harder with necromancy.

- To deal with it, I am creating a new magic.

Alex replied, questioning it.

- And you are sure you will create it?

- I have to try, necromancy doesn't stop me, just slow down. But okey, let's assume I won't, still I can learn new magics with these resources. With time, I will also create a new spell, letting me do deeper researches. Also, with the knowledge I will gain, I surely will be able to make undead stronger. My wolves are a proof, thanks to my modifications, their battle strength rised.

Alex sighed.

- I hope you will succeed.

Dezen focused on examining the wolves, but still spent time on other activities, such as testing if strong body is condition to have magic for creatures other than humans.

To test it with nastecs, he was using Royal ants.

At the first week, nothing happened to them, but during the second and third, mana was slowly circulating through them. However, he noticed that they're feeling pain, and small wounds appears on their bodies, so he stopped this test for a week.

To this time, he already described practically whole body of wolf, so Dezen had to look for a new subject.

To get one, he travelled to the forest, wanting to hunt it down by himself.

It took him dew days, but he managed to hunt a deer.

He didn't want to examine smaller animals, like chickens and foxes, because he assumed he will be paid less for them.

"Luckily" or not, when he came back, one of his cows died, so he had one more testing subject.

Examining them took him 5 weeks, during which, he created a new spell, supposed to help him during them.

Said spell works as a microscope. Thanks to it, he could see cells building bodies, what surprised and even scared him.

He wasn't sure what to do after discovering it, nor did he have tools needed to test and deeper researches.

After thinking about it for around a hour, he decided that he can't just leave this discovery, and started planning what spell he will have to make, to do test and researches regarding it.

Besides this, he wasn't sure if he should already travel to the city.

Going there, takes a few days, so he won't travel to Aren whenever he wants.

Anatomy of 3 different should be worth a lot of money, he even describe movement of muscles, but he can still try to get more information. For instance, he can create a spell making undead more "alive", and describe how organs works, or at least try.

Dezen can also make spell relieving pain, to examine body of human, his own, to be exact.

After further consideration, he decided that he will go to Aren and see if making such examinations for Church of Alen is worth the biggest amount of his time.

If not, Dezen will be still doing them, but not as often as he was doing during these 7 weeks.

During his travel, nothing special happened.

After handing informations he gained thanks to examinations, he had to wait a few hours, for valuation.

Since he didn't have anything better to do, he started cultivating.

It took them 4 hours, before they sent someone to bring to Dezen.

He entered some luxurious office. There, he sat before black desk, in front of an unknown mage.

It was handsome men with blonde hair. He spoke first.

- Mr. Dezen Astord, my name is Derek Allenx, it is a pleasure to meet you. I have seen part of your work, and I am impressed. Knowledge it contains is very accurate, and valuable for some people. We want to make book containing that knowledge and sell its copies. Therefore, Church of Alen is ready to give you an offer, 20 percent of the income. We will be responsible for creating, selling and promoting it. Also, if you examine more animals, we will be eager to make new contracts and books.

- Is it really possible? And real?

- Yes. I understand that you are surprised, and can be undecided, so I will give you time to think.

Dezen was thinking about it for a while, before he spoke.

- I am ready to accept this offer. However, how much will I earn from it? And what are the details.

Derek told Dezen how much he will probably earn, and explained everything he asked about.

They talked for a few minutes, before Dezen accepted conditions of church. Then, Derek asked.

- If you are interested, Church of Alen already has a few beings, not only animals, which we would like you to examine. Corpses of them will be ready in a few days. Conditions are the same and we will pay you additionaly for this, as this is assignment for you.

- What creatures will it be?

- Bear, wendigo, Suffocating Tree and giant crab. We will understand if you have some problems with Suffocating Tree, thus informations about it doesn't have to be as accurate as about animals.

- I faced the problem of lack of corpses to examine, and this offer suits my needs perfectly, thus I will accept it.