
First love leap To The future And Back

Confessing to her love was the hardest thing Mai ever had to do. Countless sleepless nights, thinking over and over again what to say. Imagining the great things that could happen to them once he said yes! All of that, for her to get turned down with a simple “No!” ‘At least tell me why?’ She thought. However, she never did find out. Crying herself to sleep, thinking of how embarrassing that single moment was, a sweet dream appeared... Ten years in the future, she was crying once again. Only this time, she was wearing a black dress and in front of her was the photo... of him. “It must be hard for you to have lost your husband.” A woman said. “Husband?” Having no memories of why she was there or what had happened, there was only one thing she could think. “Is this a dream?” Upon returning back to her bedroom, she would soon find out... it wasn’t a dream…. Soon Mai would find herself switching back between the future and present, all for the sake of love.

Justkeepsmiling · 都市
70 Chs

A suspect!

For a few seconds, it was as if Mai's mind had gone blank. She didn't register the next words the detective was saying after he had barged in with the two police officers, but she had made out the first few words. It was what had got her head in this mess in the first place.

From watching countless TV shows, she could guess that they must be reading out her rights right now, before she would be brought in for questioning.

'What is this? How could I be the one getting arrested? I'm not a bad person! I don't think I could ever even hurt a fly, much less murder my husband!  A mosquito or something sure, but those things suck blood and spread disease, they need to be gotten rid of, but I can't be going to jail for killing a mosquito.'