
First Love and Last Love

Christiana, in search of love in the face of her tragic destiny, and Jaden, the cold-hearted demon prince, create a fascinating dynamic. Their meeting could lead to intense moments, where Christiana's humanity could touch Jaden's heart, making him question his mission. Perhaps Jaden discovers facets of love and compassion through being around Christiana, which could lead him to envision a different world. At the same time, Christiana could learn to fight for what she truly wants in life, even if time is running out. It would be interesting to see how their relationship evolves in the face of the challenges they face. Jaden's internal conflicts and Christiana's determination could create dramatic moments while exploring themes like sacrifice, redemption, and fighting against destiny.

Roxane_Christina · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Get to know him

Christiana just came back from her weekly check up feeling both angry and sad. She knew she could not live with this stupid illness of hers but never had she imagined that she would be dying this soon. Last month, the doctor told her that she was left with one year to live. But now she was left with six freaking months?!! She let out a chuckle and a bitter smile formed on her lips as she was seating on the couch.

She knew she was sick since she was sixteen and had worked hard to be this successful and rich so she can cure herself but it seems like nothing could help her. Maybe magic? She asked herself but laughed at her. 'How could you be this stupid?' she asked to herself.

She sat on her couch for more than an hour her eyes closed then stood up and walked around her luxurious apartment she bought alone with her hard earned money and lived in alone. "And now, I am dying here alone too."

She had already made her mind since she was sixteen that she was going to die alone. She did want to fall in love but it was at the condition that the person should not love her back. She didn't want to end up making somebody suffer after she was gone. But in this world and she guessed in other worlds too, it was simply impossible. Even if at the beginning it goes on like that, sooner or later one will end up developing feelings for the other. And she could not afford to let anyone fall in love with her. That is why she built walls around her heart and was always cold to people. She was polite but cold so that nobody will approach her but some men were too stubborn to understanding that and went on trying to court her. But she always acted uninterested.

Allowing a sigh to escape her lips, she grabbed her phone and called her father. When he picked up the call, she let out all her pain and cried. She was a daddy's girl after all.

She did not have to explain anything to him since he knew why she was crying.

"Listen dear." Her father said "I know you are really sad and devastated right now but you need to find someone. At least you could experience it once and be happy."

"I know dad but… What if the person ends up being sad and don't move on. Look at you when mom passed away." Yes she inherited her illness from her mother. Her mother died when she was six and since then, her father has never being able to move on and he instead focus on work and her. She was grateful that she was able to receive the love a father could give but he was still in love with her mother. She could see it in his eyes.

"Christie… listen baby girl. I know you are like this because of me. But think about it. I want you to be happy. It's true that I didn't move on but I am not sad and I don't regret anything. I am happy thinking back about the things your mother and I shared. And I know she is happy too. And she will be the happiest mother in the whole world when you will find someone and love him dearly."

"Dad." She laughed and wiped her tears away. "Alright I'll try. I promise."

"But don't rush things." Her father told her and she answered. "Are you still coming to the party tomorrow ?" Her father asked her "You don't have to if you are not feeling fine."

She took a moment to think. If she needed to find someone with whom she was going to fall in love with, that party should be a great place.

"I will come." She answered

"Oh bring Zaïna too." Zaïna was her best friend since she was in elementary school.

"Alright." She stayed a little while with her father and they beaded goodbye and ended the call.

"What a day." She said and went to bed.

The next day, she woke up determined to start with her mission. Falling in love. Yes she needed to fall in love at it was at the party that all will be starting.


When Christiania opened the door, it was Zaïna with a wide smile plastered on her face and they hold each other in a tight hug.

"I missed you." Zaïna said. And they broke the hug.

"I missed you too." Christiana replied. Zaïna came back from a business trip and was eager to tell her best friend how it was.

They had breakfast and Zaïna recounted to her everything that had happened.

"Gosh those guys are so grrr!!!! If it wasn't for business I would have showed them something." Zaïna said taking a piece of pancake brutally with her fork.

"Wow calm down now I hope you didn't kill anyone." Christiana said jokingly.

"I wish I did though." Zaïna said and they both laugh. "But now, tell me about you how was work?" It was fine. Nothing extra happened."


"But I found a new business partner and apparently he will be attending dad's party tonight."

"Do you know who he is?" Zaïna asked curiously.

"No not yet I will find out tonight."

The girls took their breakfast while talking about may other things before getting ready for a spa day. They had sauna, massages, skin care and bone cracking. Then got their nails done. They went on shopping expensive shoes, clothes and jewelries. After all, they were filthy rich and had worked hard to earn their living. Seems like too much shopping makes you feel hungry and their next destination was a luxurious restaurant. They say down and ordered their food.

While waiting for the waiter, Christiana's eyes caught what she could define as an angel coming out from heaven. She kept looking at him and it seems like everything became a blur but just him was clearly seen by her. She felt like she was being pulled towards him. And he turned around suddenly eyeing her. But somehow she couldn't let her eyes get off him. 'Oh my goodness did your good manners have to leave you hear?' She scolded herself. 'Girl what the hell wake up.'

"Christiana did you hear a word of what I said?" Zaïna asked her friend.

"Hum Zaïna who is that man?" Christiana asked curiously and completely ignoring Zaïna's question which let Zaïna with an open mouth and wide eyes. Never and she could swear, Christiana has never been attracted to a man before or ever asked who they were and now there she was doing so. She turned around to see who was this man who caught her best friend's attention and her eyes stretched wider than they already were. That man was none other than Jaden Fox.

 "He is Jaden Fox. He is known to have a cold aura. He never let anyone close to him and not even women. He is a little bit like you Christie. Super successful business man. It's like nothing can bring him down. Not even death. Either way he is scary but devilishly handsome."

But from Zaïna's words, Christiana only heard the part where she said that he doesn't let any woman close to him and that he was devilishly handsome. But strangely when she turned around around to where he was sitting ? Nobody was there anymore and the only way people could come in and out was by walk passing her because the main door was behind her and she didn't see him leaving. 'Strange.' She thought then the waiter came in with their food and they ate their launch while talking about the party. But somehow, that wasn't still enough to get that strange Jaden Fox out of her mind. She needed to get to know him ASAP. She didn't know how, but something sure was that she should. She just prayed and hope that he will be attending her father's party tonight. If not she didn't know from which miracle but she find a way of meeting him and getting close to him.

They went back to Christiana's apartment to get ready for the party. They had three hours left. Makeup artists, hair stylists and stylists were there just to transform them. Not that they weren't already beautiful, they looked like goddess to be honest. They sat down and were completely at the mercy the professionals fairy hands. They took their time on the already so perfect spots on their faces. Unleashing their heavenly beauties. The hairstylists did their magic too styling their hair in a way as to let their features be seen. That needed to be the princes of this party. It was no formal party, it was a gala party with several business partners and successful business men and women. And then came the stylists. They made custom ravishing gowns adorned with crystals. Christiana's gown was blue while Zaïna's one was dark. and just by the look of themselves in the mirror, they knew they will kill this party and Christiana hope that he will be there. She couldn't wait to see him. And she just hope that by some miracle she will be able to get more than close to him.

"Christie you look ravishing… you look like an angel." Zaïna said with stars in her eyes. And everybody agreed to what she was saying. And Christiana could not deny it herself she looked too good to be true.

"Thank you Zaï you too." And yes her bestie too looked too good to be true. If being devilishly beautiful was a crime, they should have been to jail by now.

They did some touch ups and entered the elevator to leave for the gala. Entering their car, the driver headed to her father's manoir where the gala will be going on. Once they arrived and stepped out the car and made their way to the main entrance, everybody's eyes were on them and whispers filled the room.


Hi guys I am so sorry for starting anew the book with a total different story but hope you love it and have a good time with this book.

•Instagram : @author_roxane.christina