
Firmaments at War

Li YeHao was a core disciple of the Xuanwu Sect, but one day, he finds a jade ruler that gives him a chance to explore all 9 Heavenly Firmaments.

Daoist_argen · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Chapter 1 - Jade Ruler

In the skies of the Shark Continent, a caravan of ships as big as a small mountain traveled through the skies and tore through the winds with frightening speed, those ships that flew at abnormal speed were the warships of the northern xuanwu sect. This sect is famous for following a relentless and merciless dao, its deeds are bathed in blood and destruction and sometimes this sect is confused with a sect of the unorthodox path.

This caravan of ships traveling through the skies was returning from a campaign by the Xuanwu sect in the ruins of an ancient city that came from the golden ages of the Shark Continent, but they were not the only ones to discover these ruins which contained treasures from ancient times, the Crimson Fists sect also found the ruins and a battle between sects took place and the victory went to the xuanwu sect, which with the leadership of the sect's core disciple: Li YeHao.

It secured a landslide victory over the Crimson Fist sect. The formation of the flying ships of the Xuanwu sect was made with the ships positioned in strategic places, forming a kind of turtle shell that protected the most precious ship of the sect, which was in the center of the formation and inside that ship, were the disciples of the core. of the sect and some of the best inner disciples plus one disciple of the outer sect who proved to be the best among the inner sect and was one of the pillars for the Xuanwu sect's landslide victory in the battle against the Crimson Fists sect.

In Li YeHao's room.

Li YeHao's room is luxurious, the rooms are made of fine antique wood embroidered with gold and blue colored diamond, the sheets and cloths are made of silk and embroidered with green pearls and ancient beast designs made with green gold powder. On top of a gigantic bed in the middle of the room, Li YeHao was checking his universal sphere, a high-level storage treasure, Li YeHao had acquired this treasure in the ruins of a temple where he fought alongside other disciples of the xuanwu sect against cultivators renegades who were part of a mercenary company, Li YeHao had just joined the inner sect at the time and this fight killed many of his fellow disciples at the time.

The universal sphere was not in Li YeHao's hands, but it floated above his chest with the help of divine sense, Li YeHao had his eyes closed and was looking for something inside his storage treasure, his brow was furrowed and his face had a frown of indecision, this was a very unusual expression of Li YeHao, as he was decisive, ruthless and merciless in his decisions, even decisions that require a firm and cruel heart, he did not hesitate to follow the path with greater benefits. But this matter was not something as trivial as the death of a person that can result in a simple passing benefit, but a decision that could and did change Li YeHao's life forever!.

After some time with that same expression of doubt and uncertainty, Li YeHao's face became firm and straight, all his worries were washed away and forgotten in a time as fast as the snap of his fingers, Li YeHao's face was now set and his aura of uncertainty was replaced by an animalistic willpower, he used his divine sense to locate an object within the universal sphere, the sphere flickered and flashed with a strong and rapid light that when it went out, an object came out of the universal sphere. and it was a jade ruler, the ruler was a foot long and five centimeters wide with various characters and drawings of creatures covering its entire surface, the ruler's jade has an ancient aura and exudes coldness, but not a coldness like cold winter, but an emotional and astral coldness, as if that jade were alive. Li YeHao extends his hand and brings it to his lips, he bites his finger and using his divine sense, he makes a blood stream that connects his finger to the jade ruler, when the blood touches the underside of the ruler, a emerald energy passes through the blood and enters Li YeHao's body!.

This energy came from the jade ruler, to be more specific, it was the jade ruler itself!. Li YeHao found this ruler in the biggest building in the ruins of the ancient city, that building seemed to be a kind of house or even a shrine dedicated to someone or something, but it was obvious that that building was the most important and the most valuable in those ruins, since he was in the middle of the old city and even with all the houses and streets destroyed either by time or the cause of that city having become a ruin, that huge building was still there and there was nothing wrong with it other than wear and tear of time and the dust on top of every corner of the building, in that building was found an enormous amount of treasures and gems from ancient times plus a myriad of spells, martial arts techniques and cultivation manuals that were legendary and would make the sect's power xuanwu grow and take a huge qualitative leap, while looting that old building, Li YeHao found the jade ruler, it was in a corner full of dust and if it weren't for Li YeHao tripping over a diamond sword, he wouldn't have I would never have found the ruler that was so covered in the dust and grime of time that not even its dark green color could be seen.

When Li YeHao found the ruler, it was fifty centimeters long and seven centimeters wide, when Li YeHao reached out to touch the jade ruler and investigate that weird ruler, a drop of blood fell on top of the ruler, that drop of blood was enough for a thin bridge between the ruler and Li YeHao's hand to connect and then the ruler itself entering Li YeHao's body like some kind of symbiote parasite, Li YeHao felt the pain of that ruler entering and spreading all over your body and settling in your bones, blood, organs and muscles and even a part got into your dantian!. That drop of blood was enough for the ruler to enter his body and merge with him, Li YeHao quickly retreated and sat on the floor in a lotus position, using his divine sense and cultivation at the height of the meridian cleansing realm, What Li YeHao discovered greatly shocked the ruthless cultivator!. The spirit energy in his body was being purified! And his meridians were turning into metal meridians! But it was no ordinary metal! It was a tough metal and it conducted spiritual energy like water conducts electricity, Li YeHao sat down and watched the process of purification and meridian transformation, after 1 hour of observation and analysis, Li YeHao finally stopped watching and stood up again, now looking at the jade ruler with greed in his eyes!.

"What will you be?" - thought Li YeHao, while analyzing the ruler carefully with his divine sense, still keeping his distance, after checking 100% of his exterior and interior, Li YeHao looks at his hands, before finding the ruler and having his spiritual energy purified and their meridians transformed, Li YeHao was bruised and bleeding from the previous battle, Li YeHao practices the art of short sword, spears, halberds and daggers. During the intersect fight, Li YeHao slaughtered thousands of Crimson Fist disciples and during his fight against an entire battalion of disciples, he injured his hands when he had to kill a powerful cultivator who had dropped his short sword, Li YeHao seeing his death coming. , took the sword by the blade and used the hilt to deliver a clean blow to the cultivator's right eye and then rammed the sword hilt and blade inside that cultivator's skull, his screams and blood spurted all over the battlefield just to being silenced by Li YeHao, who pushed the sword further, but he pushed down and pierced the cultivator's head, from the brain being shattered to the neck breaking through the handle being pushed hard all over his skull, that cultivator felt every moment of his last seconds of life. Li YeHao remembered that moment is after him, when his bloodlust peaked and he slaughtered thousands of cultivators like they were cockroaches.

After much thought, Li YeHao used his divine sense and made the jade ruler float close to his chest and stored it in the universal sphere, after which he returned to the main ship and rested after fighting and plundering those ruins, all this Moments led to 26-year-old Li YeHao at the peak of the meridian cleansing realm to achieve one of the best cultivation manuals in the entire Divine Firmament and then become invincible in the 9 Heavens and Firmaments of Human existence!.