
Finishing Plans

Kenzo: Your sword isn't unbreakable. That's all I need to know.

Ito: It took you a lot to break one piece. You'll never be able to break another piece.

Kenzo: I'll show you what I can do.

Kenzo throws three shurikens. He runs across the grass. The shurikens are right next to Kenzo. Kenzo kicks Ito back and the shurikens go right to her. She barely manages to block two of the three shurikens. The third shuriken lands on her shoulder. Ito rips the shuriken out of her and throws it on the ground.

Ito: You're fast, but you won't be able to do anything to me. I can't match your speed, but your taijutsu is nowhere near jonin level.

Kenzo: Then I won't use taijutsu.

Kenzo makes a lightning clone. The two Kenzo's both take out a shuriken. They run at Ito. They both slash at Ito. Ito blocks both of their attacks. Ito sings her blade like an axe. The shadow clone is hit with the blade and disappears. The blade gets close to Kenzo.

Kenzo: Lightning Style: Lightning Kunai!

Kenzo ducks and slashes his electric Kunai at Ito's blade. Ito's blade goes right over Kenzo. Ito's blade stops swinging. Two pieces of the blade break off. The electricity on Kenzo's kunai disappears. Kenzo's kunai breaks in half.

Kenzo: I'll whittle you down with every ounce of chakra I have.

Kenzo holds his wrist.

Kenzo: Chidori!

Kenzo rushes at Ito. Kenzo slams his chidori into Ito's sword. Kenzo stares Ito down into her eyes with determination.


Tomo coughs blood. Tomo lifts herself off the ground and wipes her mouth. Tomo thinks to herself.

Tomo: He's just as strong as Katashi. Who is this guy?

Kichi kicks Tomo back. Tomo's feet slide on the ground and then stops. Tomo gets in a regular sword stance. Her blade is pointing directly up into the sky. She holds her sword in the middle of her body.

Kichi: What makes you swordsmen dangerous? You don't seem like S class ninja.

Kichi sees flashes of Tomo appear in front of him. Each flash, she is holding the blade a different way. Kichi jumps back. He starts to feel pain. He looks at his chest and there are several bleeding gashes on him.

Kichi: Can she really move that fast?


A wave in the form of a shark washes over the ground, colliding with Renjiro. Renjiro slashes the wave with his blade. His blade lights up a blood color and he sends the wave back at Katashi. Katashi cuts the wave in half.

Katashi: Your defiling the sanctity of that blade. It belongs to a mist village ninja. Not someone who killed one.

Renjiro: Then take it back.

Katashi rushes in. He swings his blade at Renjiro. Renjiro blocks the blade and slashed at Katashi. Katashi jumps back a few feet. He gets a good landing on the ground. Katashi jumps forward with his blade cutting through the air about to pierce Renjiro. Renjiro moves a little to the side. The blade still slices his side and Renjiro kicks Katashi while he is still flying through the air. Katashi hits the ground.

Renjiro: All you can do is swing that sword around, hoping to hit something.

Katashi: That's not all I can do. I just need to see if it's worth putting the effort in.

Katashi sticks his blade in the ground. Walls start coming up around them in a circle. Renjiro tries to jump out of the circle. Katashi leaves his blade in the ground. He runs over to Renjiro and grabs the back of his cloak. He throws Renjiro into the middle of the circle. Renjiro gets up and his cloak falls off. The walls all form a done at the top, leaving no way to escape through the roof.

Renjiro: What is this?

Katashi: A nightmare.

Katashi runs at Renjiro. Katashi punches Renjiro with strength Renjiro has never felt before. Renjiro gets slammed into a wall and drops to the ground. Renjiro's sword hits the ground with him. The wall doesn't seem to have any damage felt to it at all. Katashi runs at Renjiro while Renjiro is still in a daze from being slammed against the wall. Katashi stops his foot into the middle of Renjiro's back.

Renjiro: Ahh!

Renjiro feels like his back just broke. Renjiro thinks to himself.

Renjiro: that shouldn't have been enough to break my back. Can he change the force of attacks in this dimension like a genjutsu.

Renjiro struggles, but forces himself off the ground. Katashi tacked Renjiro to the ground. Renjiro gets slammed onto his back.

Renjiro: Fuck!


Gorou sees Tetsuya. Tetsuya has a large smile on his face. They are both standing in the tunnel for the tournament victors.

Gorou: Tetsuya Sensei. Has anyone come through?

Tetsuya's smile gets larger.

Tetsuya: Not yet.

Gorou: Then I'm going to continue to the next step of the plan.

Tetsuya: As you should.

Gorou leaves the tunnel. He walks through the empty town. Gorou walks up through the stairs of the Hokage's building. Gorou opens the door to the Hokage's office.

Tadako: You're here again Gorou. Why?

Gorou: The swordsmen of the mist are killing all the leaf shinobi in both the chunin and jonin tournament. By the time they are don't there will be no army left of the leaf village. Just a few ninja. I intend to kill you and any ninja that somehow escape the swordsmen's wrath.

Tadako stands up.

Tadako: You think you can really kill me?

Gorou: I will.

Tadako kicks her desk forwards. Her desk slides across the floor, pinning Gorou to a wall. Tadako punches Gorou. He flies through the walk, breaking it. He breaks through several walks until he lands on the ground outside. Tadako walks through all the holes he made and jumps onto the ground. Gorou takes out his sword.

Gorou: the talk about you Hokage is true. Your strength is unparalleled.

Tadako: How will you stop me then.

Gorou: I'll find a way.

They both run at each other. Gorou swings his axe and tadako throws a punch.