
64 Palms

Kichi jumps at Tomo. Tomo swings her blade. Kichi catches her blade and kicks her back. He tries to take her sword, but the sword cuts through his hand. Tomo hits the ground still holding her sword.

Kichi: That sword is stuck to you like glue.

Tomo: What are you going to do? Rip my arm off?

Kichi: Maybe.

Tomo runs at Kichi. She uses her sword like she's jousting and tries to stab Kichi. Kichi steps on the blade with one foot and kicks Tomo in the head with the other. Tomo slams onto the ground. Kichi walks over to her. Tomo slices his ankle. She jumps up and slices his stomach. Tomo jumps up and kicks Kichi. Kichi moves a little to the side. He grabs Tomo's stomach and slams her on the ground.


Renjiro and Katashi walk in a circle looking at each other. Both of their swords are in their hands ready.

Renjiro: Your brother betreyed your village.

Katashi laughs.

Katashi: I've done that several times. I know everything about my brother. There is nothing you can do to stall this fight.

Renjiro gets in a defensive position. Katashi smiles and runs over. Katashi swings his blade. The heavy swing cuts the air. Renjiro parries Katashi's blade. Katashi swings his blade over and over. The blade moves just as crazy as Katashi is. Renjiro struggles keeping up defense. Katashi's swinging seems endless. Renjiro jumps back and Katashi thrusts his sword forward. Renjiro drags his blade along Katashi's barely making the blade go far enough away from him. Katashi stumbles forward and swings his blade backwards. The blade drags across Renjiro's back, cutting it. Renjiro turns around. Katashi is jumping at Renjiro again. Renjiro jumps back and breathes a giant beam of fire like a flamethrower. Katashi comes through the flames.

Renjiro: Wha-

Katashi tackles Renjiro and slams him into a tree. Katashi starts punching Renjiro in the stomach. A Renjiro shadow clone shows up behind Katashi. The close punches Katashi in the head. Katashi falls to the side. His hands make a symbol.

Katashi: Water Style: Great Shark Bullet!

A wave in the form of a shark washes over the ground, colliding with Renjiro.


Ezume stands on a wave that is continuously getting smaller. The wave becomes a puddle that spreads over the ground. Nanami rolls across the ground. She coughs and lifts herself up.

Ezume: Your body looks to already be tired and defeated. You won't last any longer period of time with the current results.

Nanami: I'm not a water person. The fight has only just started.

Nanami pushes her fingers into the dirt a little.

Nanami: Wood Style: Roots!

Ezume jumps back. He lands several feet back.

Ezume: No roots. Not all senju's have the wood release trait. You must be just a common senju.

Roots slowly wrap around his legs. The light touch is almost unnoticeable. Ezume puts his hands together and makes a sign.

Ezume: You may not be able to perform high level jutsu unparalleled to others, but I am able to do so.

The roots tightly pulls Ezume's legs together. Ezume struggles to move at all. Nanami starts running at him.

Ezume: Water Style-

Nanami punches Ezume. His body starts to fall back. Nanami quickly slides behind Ezume. The water below her feet splashes into the air. She punches him in the middle of his back. Ezume flies into the air. The roots on his legs are ripped off by the force. Ezume hits the ground hard. Nanami is breathing heavily.

Nanami: Is he dead?

Ezume struggles to pull himself up.

Ezume: A woman of the taijutsu skill.

Ezume takes out his sword with the giant gear at the end of it.

Ezume: My sword looks weird to the average eye. It's not a sword made to be sharp. You don't hit your enemies with my sword.

Ezume sticks the sword into the ground. The giant gear is covering the top half of his body.

Ezume: You thought that wave was something impossible to deal with. Now try this.


Yoshito turns around to the sight of the largest fireball he has ever seen. The fireball slams into Yoshito. Yoshito uses his two fingers precisely. He hits different parts of the fireball over and over again.

Yoshito: 8 trigrams, 2 palms, 4 palms, 8 palms, 16 palms-

Yoshito repeatedly hits the fireball faster and faster.

Yoshito: 32 palms, 64 palms!

The fireball breaks into small flames that dissolve. Ray and Lee stare at Yoshito.

Ray: It took a whole minute to charge that up! The least you could do is get hit by it! Some people.

Ray shakes his head. Yoshito runs at Ray.

Yoshito: Gentle fist!

Yoshito slams his palm into Ray's stomach. Ray's eyes almost pop out of his head. Ray falls back a few feet onto the ground. Lee runs at Yoshito.

Lee: Leaf Great Whirlwind!

Lee jumps and spins around then kicks Yoshito in the head. Yoshito lands next to his giant fan. Ray barely manages to get up.

Ray: What did that do to me? I have to struggle to move my body.

Lee: That was the eight trigrams 64 palms. It blocks all your chakra points. You probably can't access your chakra right now.

Ray: I know how to get my chakra back.

Ray has a big evil smile on his face.

Ray: Distract him!

Ray and Lee both run around Yoshito from different sides. Yoshito watches them. Lee jumps in and front kicks. Yoshito dodges the kick. Lee side kicks Yoshito, and Yoshito grabs Lee's. Yoshito is about to throw Lee, and then he starts feeling weak. Lee falls to the ground. Ray is holding up his hand with the two diamonds on it.

Ray: Your chakra is mine! You thought you could take my chakra away! Think again!

Yoshito slowly grabs his giant fan. Yoshito waves the fan as hard as he can. A giant gust of wind knocks Ray back. Lee tries to jump kick Yoshito. Yoshito swings the fan and blasts him back with wind.

Yoshito: Stealing my chakra. I've never heard of something dirtier. I don't steal chakra. I stop you from using it. Now you're going to feel the cut of death.