
Firefrost and dimensions

A beautiful family who had a genius son with powerful talents, managed to make it to the top of the world with all his close friends and family, but unfortunately not all of them managed to see how he made it to the top. Later on, a threat so powerful that he could not deafeat alone even with the help of his people so he opened a rift and assembled strong people at his level from other dimensions to help him defeat the threat.

Twin_1nee · ファンタジー
7 Chs


Miles entered the training room and was surprised by how well detailed the colosseum looked to the old times gladiators colosseum except for the fact that it had modern touches to it and it also had a ceiling.

I'm not sure this colosseum is only used for training because considering how large and beautiful it looked.

Haaaa, It's been along time since I felt the scent of training, miles let all the air out.

Even though it's been less than two weeks since he trained, it felt like months because it has become part of him due to his father.

He wouldn't let him rest for even a day.

Now that I think about it I kind of miss dad, he'll always be letting me train. Well I can't let him down else I'll get an ass whooping from all those at home, thinking about it makes his mind go wild.

Imagining being tied to a pole with his father and brother roasting him while his mother and sister freezing him like a fresh chicken.

Hey, aren't you changing you've been staring at him for awhile now, why do you know each other. Lucy asked miles realizing that he's been quiet for awhile.

Ohh, sorry I was just thinking about something, and who do you refer to as him, miles asked back confused.

That guy, Lucy pointed to one of the empty seat in the direction of miles eyes and rolled her eyes as miles was already looking at the person but his mind was somewhere else.

Oh, there was a person in the direction of my eyes and I didn't see a thing.

Was I that lost in my memories, and who's he anyway I've never meet him before.

They guy sitting there was having a black hair and the strange thing about him was that he was wearing a black mask.

Miles did we come here to spar or to stare at people, Lucy asked in a really serious tone as lightning crackled around her body.

She already changed into a dress that will make her feel comfortable while fighting.

A tank top and a pair of flexible geans.

Okay you really want to fight that bad huh,

Alright I'll satisfy you until you can't stand up again, miles said as he removed his shirt and placed it in his storage card while removing a black tank top before wearing it.

He didn't want to get messy, after this that's why he changed his clothes.



In a very big building on a lone island in the middle of the ocean, two handsome men with red hair stood in front of a large screen inside a room that looked like an office overlooking the other beautiful scenery of white buildings around the large one.

Jack are you ready for the mission, you know you can choose not to go it's too risky and you're only at the Jenn rank.

Father, I've made up my mind, I'm doing this for the sake of the world and family.

And besides, I'm the perfect fit for this job.

Let me fight them. Please

Okay if you say so, but please.

Be safe.


There is something different about this boy, he has two abilities, fire and ice.

Does this have something to do with the hair, well I've seen enough, I'll be dead if I miss class. The guy wearing the mask sitting at the viewing side said as he stood up and walked away.

The fight between Lucy and Miles has already started and sparks of fire, ice and lightning were flying everywhere.

Lucy run at full speed towards miles while gathering lightning in both hands.

Take this.

She stopped abruptly and clasped both hands together and a stream of lightning went out of her hands at miles.

Thick ice formed on both of miles hands as he made an x shape intending to block it.


A loud bang resounded as miles took the attack head on.

That was one of my powerful attack, if he comes out unscathed then, I don't want to imagine. Lucy thought

Ouch, that hurt you know

Well it's my turn.

Miles shirt was completely burnt revealing his well refined body.

I have to get clothes that can be well compatible with my powers.

Miles clothes always get burnt when he uses his powers and he really needed some special clothes. He always felt embarrassed when his upper torso becomes bare even though he has a perfect body.

Only he knows.

Well that's surprising, you were able to block it. Then l hope you also know hand to hand combat but if you don't then am afraid it'll be over sooner than we thought.

She talks too much, well time to get serious, miles said he sped up towards Lucy.

He used his hand to act like fire boosters making him move even faster.

Lucy didn't stand idle either she also covered her fist in lightning and went to meet miles in the center.

As they met Miles covered his left fist in fire and went for a punch aiming for the head.

Lucy ducked down and spun her leg attempting to hit him down but miles reaction speed was very good thanks to his father and brother who trained him in martial arts.

At first he thought it was useless because of how his power worked but after countless talk in his head he decided to go for it. So his brother taught him the basics of martial art in case he was in a situation where he really needed it.

Miles covered his legs in thick ice just in time to block the ice.

Lucy jumped back to catch her breath and spring forward again.

They engaged in a battle of fist where each of them displayed wonderful martial arts.

They sometimes cover part of their bodies with their abilities and attack.

Miles was usually the aggressive type while Lucy was on the defensive end.

The fight carried on for some hours until both of them used up all their energies.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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