
Firefly In Spider's Web

Vast opportunities, high economic abundance and center of global trademarks, today's richest city around the globe, Marlane City. However behind it's shimmering veil is the sinister shadows of underground blackmarket and it's kingpin Ares Yamazaki, rules it all. As the leader of Sunken Dragon Chinese Mafia, he holds everything on his palm. Wealth, power and authority plus a handsome face. But as they say, someone can't be perfect. He's a man with sick beliefs and an unhealthy obsession in wanting to be incontrol until one fateful night, a foreign girl suddenly messed him up. With the intention of violating her to death, he found himself drawn towards her instead. She introduced him to a variety of emotions he've never felt before, leaving him greedy for more. This is a chaotic romance story of a twisted psychopath. To love and to be loved. He'll do anything for her affection. Anything. ----- Hi! I'm Overdosed cat, just an amateur writer who's into yandere romance themed stories. This piece have a tons of restricted topics. You have been warned, okay? hehe Photo used as cover isn't mine credits to the rightful owner

OverdosedCat · 都市
14 Chs

Chapter 9.5 : Cohabitation Day 1

WARNING : This novel may show usage of drugs, foul words, gory scenarios and sexual contents.

Scruffy hair, half-open swelling lips with a visible drool on it's side, right foot sprawled across the bed while left one's bended, leaning on a pillow.

Her shirt were pulled up, revealing her pudgy belly, jean's button were also unhooked, showing a portion of her underwear.

She's in a complete disheveled state but

Ares still finds her cute.

He's standing at the foot of her bed while drying his hair with her mini towel.

As a matter of fact 40 minutes or so ago, He was gazing at her for about an hour, then he went on his flat only to get a pair of jogging pants and sweater before heading inside her apartment again.

He goes to the bathroom while softly whistling and take a shower, his phone were put vertically in a wooden cabinet nearby, showing a surveillance of still snoozing Abigail.

Roaming his gaze around the bathroom, from the soaps and bottle of shampoo to her toothbrush and hanged towels, he felt a surge of ecstasy.

Using her things means getting closer and intimate with her.

He was euphoric.

Last night he slept soundly and woke up this morning still wrapped around her embrace.

Seeing her face first thing in the morning gave him both positive and negative thoughts.

The pro is the fluffy feeling.

A sense of contentment which made his day while the con is his boner pining to thrust in her however unlike last night, when he madly wants his way in, today he shockingly yearns to do it but with her consent. He's having a dilemma. In his logic there's no sense in asking for permission, he supposed to be in control even so the strange desire of watching her beg for it instead, wiped out all qualms on his head.

The variables keep springing up because of her.

He no longer wants to kill her, he's undeniably sexually aroused but restraints himself from fucking her without a consent so what else can he gain by clinging to her?

He knew the answer. It's the warmth of her embrace.

The strange thrilling sensation that colors his dull monotonous life.

He can't objectify this emotion but he's confident that's it.

Eyes still glued on her sleeping frame, he tilted his head sideways, contemplating how to experience her warmth again but this time, he wants her to be wide awake.

He never ponder about such trivial things before so he's undoubtedly clueless.

He left her towel hanging on his head as he reached his phone out of his pants' pocket. Using a search engine he taps his screen's keyboard, typing :

How to make a girl hug you aside from sleeping and sex

This is such a comedic scene but Ares was seriously engrossed in knowing how.

For a person who lacks normal standard of social intelligence due to various psychological and environmental factors, he's truly oblivious in regards of these matter.

He scrolled through the results and found a logical and most effective way in his opinion.

'Make something special.'

Brooding for a moment, he finally came up with a constructive conclusion.

She's been sleeping for over 15 hours already and there's a high probability that she'll wake up starving. He decided to cook for her.

Though he honestly doubts it'll be enough for her to jump at him with joy so he thought of a way to upgrade his plan.

'She's been here half a month already, she must have miss her country's local dishes.'

He grinned to himself as he tapped again on his phone searching common filipino cuisines.

Reluctant to leave her alone, he called one of his men and ordered to buy the ingredients he needs.

A rustling sound followed by her sough while turning sideways made him stride beside her, hunkering down in front of her sleeping feature.

Arms rested on his knees, he leaned his face to hers before he placed an affectionate kiss on her forehead.

He stared at her face fondly while sniffing the edge of the towel that's covering his head.

The idea of their combined body scents is bizarrely satisfying for him.

Then he bowed his head, smiled to the floor before eventually cracking up.

"You made me sick in the head even more, take responsibility for me Abigail."

He uttered while cupping her cheek on his palm as he rubs his thumb against it gingerly.

The familiar sweet and sour aroma of an adobo lingers through her nostrils.

'Huh? Am I home? Was everything just a dream?'

Hardly trying to lift her eyes up as she lies on the bed with her belly, she caught a glimpse of a man across the room.

His back facing her while he stirs something in the pot.

'Wait, no this is my apartment.'

She stood up with her shirt's neck line hanging down, revealing her bare shoulder as she brush her hair and bite her lowerlip before saying,

'Good morning handsome stranger...'

Except that's not what happened.

She felt sluggish like she'd been run down of ten trucks straight. Her body aches and can't even lift a finger moreover her head throbs so bad it feels like getting hammered.

To her surprise it's not a stranger but the gay she's been bumping into lately!

He seemed to notice her presence as his head turned towards her and she almost lose her remaining wits!

He looks so fine.

Extremely dreamy and illegally handsome.

Strands of his hair fell over his droopy eyes which immediately grew lively when it met hers.

He was pulling down his rolled up sweater sleeves as he walk towards her.

"Good morning. How are you feeling?"

She watched him sit down and stroke her cheek before she replied with a hoarse voice.

"I'm gonna die."

He burst out laughing. His already squinty eyes disappeared into a thin line while his free hand covers his mouth. She's no psychological expert but she always had a hunch from the countable times they've met, that his smiling gentle face was just a facade or some sort, so seeing him for the first time like this? Being genuine with happiness, Abigail felt a weird thud in her chest.

No, it was from her stomach.

Without further ado, a surge of mushed-up slimy liquid filled with bits of unrecognizable foods, splattered on the sheets.

He jumped above the bed and swiftly lift her away from the puke. Laying her against the headboard.

"Wipes...in my bag, please."

She managed to say despite of her sore throat which he instantly found. Weakly lifting her hand up, she's trying to get the wipes he's holding but he held and put it down.

"Let me."

Without waiting for her answer, he grabbed a piece and cleaned her face up like a newborn baby! She's really going to die in shame!

Cursing the baiju in her head for multiple times, she shut her eyes as if it could erase how she smeared her own dignity.

That's not some liquor, that's an obvious lethal weapon and she'll never gonna drink it ever again.

After her face was thoroughly tidied, he threw the used wipes on a trash bin, turn the stove off after checking the dish in the pot then get a glass of water before he head back to hers.

He positioned it on her lips and lifted carefully like an expert caregiver.

Her sour tasting mouth gradually felt refreshed.

She gotta admit this is extra massive 'pogi points.' His boyfriend surely hit the jackpot for having a caring, handsome man. Speaking of whom...

"Hey uhm, thanks but I can handle the rest. I can't describe how thankful I am, considering that you helped me back there and tend with me, now although we're not that close. You're very kind. I'll definitely pay you back but you must have been here for hours."

She dropped her head in the lateral direction, making her reddish hair fall from her shoulders.

She looked at him affirmatively, convincing him that she's okay while he stared back at her peculiarly. Mouth slightly open, tongue sloshing as if hesitant to talk about something, before he bit his lowerlip and finally mustered the courage to do so.

"Hmmm. So you remember what you did last night?"

Yes. Ofcourse she remembered.

Well at least fragments of her embarrassing drunk moments from sexually assaulting her workmates and her boss! to forcibly kissing and throwing up on him! Lastly and worst of all was compelling him to sleep with her! It was crystal clear alright.

"No. Not really much. I'm telling you I was completely knocked out by that devil baiju."

She put on a poker face as best as she can, determined to save her face from a lifetime humiliation before shifting to an apologetic expression.

"Look, I'm really sorry for the trouble and inconvenience. Oh! And your phone, did you already get it from my bag? The one you got the wipes from and if you do, you're free to go now. Thanks a lot again."

She wrinkled her nose because of her puke's stink, planning to clean up as soon as he leave but he remained unmoved as he intently gaze at her before puckering his lips.

"I'm not leaving."

He flashed his intimidating winsome smile before he stood up.

"Wait for a bit."

She blinked unbelievably. Processing what just he said and pondering why's he being a stubborn brat or something while her stubborn ass wants to stand up and lock the freaking door but before she even could, Ares returned carrying a pitch black couch with some linens on his shoulder.

He put it down near the glass doors of the balcony while Abigail watch with bewilderment.

"I'll send your bedsheets to a laundry shop."

Her bewildered expression grew more exaggerated.

"What are you doing? Where did you get that? I really appreciate your help but it's best for you to leave. Don't you have work? And what about your boyfriend isn't he worried?"

He snorted holding off a laughter and seeing this, she released an agitated groan.

"What's so funny!"

Ares rubbed his nape restricting himself to keep smiling at her cute mad face that resembled a cartoon character bunny who's always angry.

"I'm sorry. This is from my apartment, one next to yours and about the.....boyfriend, you don't have to worry. We're good."

Was all he said before he stepped in her direction and scooped her out of the bed, his sturdy arms carrying her in a bridal style before laying her on the couch.

There's a rising sensual tension between them as his hands leaned on the cushion's seat, side by side her curled up body.

Their faces were inches away and with just one turn, their lips would have collide.

The tip of his hair tickles her cheek while her natural body scent were like aphrodisiac.

Both were holding their breaths and both of them thought it was a one-sided feeling.

Ares' phone broke the awkward silence so he stood straight and excused himself.

Abigail moved her hands which were nervously embracing her knees, and covered her face.

Him having a boyfriend isn't really the main issue for her.

This is the major problem! She can't refrain herself from being turned on by him! She's literally having mental seizures and spiritual orgasm all because of her ikemen syndrome that seemed fluctuated because of this gay.

And how can she shamelessly have lewd thoughts with somebody who's kind and caring?

There's a special place in hell for her, that's for sure.

Then a eureka moment flashed in her mind.

If he can't leave due to some obligation sense whatsoever or because of just pure good will, then she'll have to do something horrifyingly disgusting.

Frightening enough to make him walk out by himself.

[End of Chapter 9.5]

Notes : 'pogi points.' Is a filipino slang of traits that make a guy attractive. It's not necessarily means just physical traits, but also pertaining about a guy's good behaviors, talents etc.

I brought back this single quotation mark ( ' ) (hmmm why does this look dirty for me? Halp.)

Because I cant italicized them here in webnovel.

(I write my manuscripts at my phone's notes where I can use the font(?) But I can't in webnovel, so yeah.)

See you next chap bruhs