
Fire Emblem: The Lion's Blade

A young man with black hair is reincarnated into the world of Fire Emblem. Born in the kingdom of Bern, he chases his dream of being the strongest.

ironictw1st · ゲーム
37 Chs

Chapter 31: Pirates and Fang

We left Castle Caelin after hearing where Lord Elbert was being held. I left Gawain and Elena behind to look after the castle. Those two are more than capable enough to prevent another attack from the Black Fang. We've travelled for three days and have reached the port of Badon. A port along the southern coast of Caelin.

I walk over to Eliwood and Hector while we march towards the port. Both notice my arrival and turn to me.

"Is something the matter, Sir Percival?" Eliwood says looking forward.

"I have a matter I need to take care of at the port. If I do not return by the time you secure a ship leave without me. Ike and the others will be more than enough to protect you if you need it." I say with a smile.

Eliwood stumbles at that and turns to me. "Yo-you won't be able to continue your journey with us?" He says looking towards me with surprise.

"It's a personal matter I need to take care of. I should be at the port by the time you receive passage."

"Want some help?" Hector speaks up.

"It's nothing I can't handle by myself."

Eliwood nods. "Okay. We won't leave the port without you, though. Please hurry back as soon as you can." He says with stubbornness.

"I don't know what I'd do without you kids." I say laughing. I start walking towards Ike and his crew. Giving them my plan, I head out before Lyn finds out.

I reach my destination after a few hours of travel. I stand near the southern entrance of the port with a killer bow in hand.

I've nocked an arrow in my bow seeing my targets approaching the port. Rushing forward are four men on horseback. One dressed as a healer, two dressed as cavaliers, and the last dressed in the uniform of a paladin. 'Looks like I got here in time to stop them…'

I let the arrow loose as it soars at the lead horseman. Before seeing if it connected, I launch three more. All aiming at different targets. The first arrow reaches its target, instantly killing the healer. The rest connect with the two cavaliers. The last remaining arrow misses and hits the floor behind the paladin.

Instead of turning around and running he starts making his horse gallop even faster. I nock another arrow and wait…

The arrow soars through the sky reaching the paladin. He does not react in time to dodge out of the way and has his neck pierced by the arrow.

'That's taken care of… I should have time before the pirates challenge them... I'll go give the arena a visit.'

I store the bow in the inventory and head towards the port.

The group has arrived at the port. While at the port a majority of the people are avoiding Lyn, due to the bad mood she seems to be in. At her side are her knights while she taps her foot angrily.

Eliwood and Hector deciding not to approach the hot topic issue decide to find a way to get passage to the Dread Isle. Hector being the charismatic lord he is approaches the first man he sees.

"Listen! We need a boat to Valor!" Hector says to the man.

"You want a boat to the Dread Isle? You're mad! No way! Never! There's no one in this village who will sail there." The man responds shaking his head.

"If you won't help us, can you take us to someone who will? Please." Eliwood says calmly pulling Hector back.

"You must be on urgent business… There may be one way, but you'd have to go ask pirates." The man responds feeling a bit of sympathy at Eliwood's pleading.

"Eh? Pirates?" Lyn speaks up from her bad mood.

"Uh-huh. They're fearless, or as close as makes no difference, and they'll go anywhere for a fee. Who knows? They might decide to accept your mad offer." The man says and walks away.

"Pirates… Looks like we've no choice." Hector says dejected.

"Are you serious, Hector? Working with pirates? That's unbelievable!" Lyn says with disbelief.

"You're considering it, aren't you, Eliwood?"

"If there's no other way, what else can we do?" Eliwood says looking towards the two of them.

"You too, Eliwood? I've misjudged you… It's foolishness to trust the goodwill of pirates! I'm finding another way!" Lyn storms off with Titania following her to guard her.

"Why is she so angry?" Hector says looking at her storming off.

"I heard that Lyndis's father was slain by bandits and her mother was almost taken as well. Bandits at land, pirates at sea… They're all the same to Lyndis. Lawbreakers and murderers." Eliwood says solemnly.

"I see… My parents died of illness… But I can appreciate her feelings. Shall we abandon the pirate plan?" Hector says looking off.

"Let's meet the pirates. We can't decide until then." The two head off with their attendants towards the gathering spots of the pirates. Inside the inn they see a large man with a white bandana around his head and a pale blue beard. He sees the two lords approaching him and puts his drink down.

"What do you want, whelps? You're here to see me, aren't you?" Fargus says with a frown.

"You're the commander of the pirate armada, aren't you?" Eliwood says trying to appease the man.

He starts laughing at the title. "Commander of the pirate armada! I like the sound of that!" He stops laughing and looks at the two of them with his frown back. "Are you lads naïve? Or are you just dumb? Which is it?"

"You insolent…" Hector says about to pull his axe out.

"Peace Hector." Eliwood says trying to calm him down. "We want to book passage to Valor."

The captain isn't surprised at the demand and states an outrageous amount of gold. "100,000 gold. Upfront. Well, will you pay?"

"We've no choice, but we need a little time. We'll get the gold and return as quickly as possible. Come, Hector." Eliwood says walking away from the pirates.

Hector chases after him. "Eliwood! Hold on! Where do you think you're going to get 100,000 gold?"

"I'm sure there's an arena here. We can raise gold somehow…"

"What? You're not serious!?" Hector says surprised at Eliwood's reckless plan.

"We've no other way, do we?" Eliwood says walking onwards.

"Well no…" He mumbles. "Sometimes you surprise me, Eliwood."

"Did you say something, Hector?" Eliwood turns back around to him.

"No, nothing. Let's go earn some gold!" Hector says with a smile.

A loud voice shouts out from behind them gathering their attention.

"Ahoy! Hold your ground, boys!" A bandana wearing young man approaches. On his hip are two small axes.

"What now? We don't have the money yet." Hector impatiently says.

"Fool! Of course, you don't! Captain's got a message for ya. All my mates in this village are going to attack you. If you can beat us all and get to the ship unharmed, he'll give you passage."

"Oh, for… This is a joke, isn't it?" Hector shakes his head and turns to Eliwood.

"Looks serious enough. Here we go!"

Lyn approaches the group.

"I couldn't find a ship after all…"

"Oh! Lyn! Nice timing. We need your help!" Hector says to her.

"You're battling the pirates?"

"This is a test to see whether or not he'll give us passage." Eliwood says to prevent a misunderstanding.

"I don't understand, but… I'm here, so let me help!"

The group charge into the fray and battle the pirates. Their attacks focused mainly on knocking out the bandits, rather than the usual lethal methods. They run in to no issue reaching the leader and manage to succeed.

"Aha! You made it, whelps!" Fargus says with a hearty smile.

"That was… hard…" Hector says panting after the battle.

"You'll give us passage now, won't you?" Eliwood says between breaths.

"I'm a man of the sea. I always keep my word." The man spots Lyn and his smile grows wider. "Is this beauty really with you? Gwaa ha ha ha! My lucky day!"

"Hm? You guys already finished getting us a ship?" I say walking over to the group, after my money-making session in the arena. Made it out with a good 10,000 gold. Lyn sees me walking over stomps over to me.

She looks me over for wounds but doesn't see any. Letting out a sigh of relief she turns back to the others. Her face distraught over having to journey with pirates.

I pull Lyn into an embrace to say a few words.

Before I can say anything to her a man approaches us wearing blue robes with a red sash around his waist. Carrying books with him and a purple cloak wrapped around his shoulders. "Excuse me… Are you going to the Dread Isle?"

I look over and recognize him as Canas. The only dark magic user that's recruitable in the game. "We are. Are you also looking for passage?" I say with a smile.

"I'm a scholar of sorts… I've been seeking passage to Valor, but none will take me. I see you are lacking someone with skill in elder magic. I am capable of fighting. Please allow me to come with you on your journey to Valor." He says with a bow.

"Sure, you can come along." I say not wanting to reject Nino from seeing her only remaining blood relative.

"Thank you." He says.

The pirate captain, Fargus, seeing us finished tells us to board the ship so we can set sail.

Sorry about the lack of chapters this past week. I have exams coming up that'll end on December 10th. I'll try to upload a chapter a day until then, but no promises.

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