
Fire descendant: I fell in love with our attacker

Hi, I am Helen and I am the heir to an underground throne. My great grandmother was the ruler of Chizou's tribe (the fire tribe) and my grandfather who was supposed to be the next heir was sent into exile for falling in love with an human. It was said that a war will break out between the fire tribe and the water tribe and only the chosen person will be able to save the tribe. Am I the chosen person? Will I be able to save immortals?, Hmm but what happens after I fell in love with the rival team, our sole enemy?. If you're interested in this story, please make sure to add to your collection. I will be posting 15 chapters a week. So it will definitely keep you busy. Do good to support the book and give me a review.

Jesutofunmi_Lucas · ファンタジー
13 Chs

The Extension

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I opened my eyes, terrified, only to see GG, Grandpa Zouzou, and Wo Zhang by my side. I cried and held Wo Zhang. I thought he'd deceived me. I apologized to him, and Grandpa Zouzou asked me to explain what happened. I told him about how we traveled to Chizou's village and met the individual pretending to be him.

"Who was claiming to be me?" Grandpa Zouzou inquired.

I then explained everything that had happened up until this point. Grandpa Zouzou urged me to leave and rest while he sent Wo Zhang home. I kept thinking about the whole situation, and I only have two weeks to make my decision on the water tribe.

My love was one of them. What should I do? I was still thinking when GG called from outside.

"Wofeila, God, Chizou is here to see you," she added.

I walked out of the room and noticed God Chizou sitting. I wanted to laugh, but I remembered that I would not make fun of your creator. I remained quiet and listened to what he had to say.

"Wofeila, my child, I am here to give you an update on your attack on the Water Tribe. You will no longer assault them in two weeks," God Chizou stated.

"What!" Grandpa, GG, and I spoke at the same moment.

"Oh no, that doesn't mean you are not more of a special child." It means you only have to wait two more years. I will send my protection to them in bondage, and no one will be able to harm them for two years. "Peace be unto you, God." Chizou said and vanished.

"Does he have to do that every single time?" I asked.

"Yes!!," Grandpa Zouzou and GG shouted.

"Okay, okay, geez, don't bite me; I was just asking a question," I blurted out.

"We are not dogs; we don't bite," Grandpa Zouzou stated.

"Wait! "Are there dogs here?" I said excitedly. GG asked, "Who doesn't own a dog?"

"Oh, my God, do they have horns, wings, or do their eyes change? Do they breathe fire? Oh no, it's a dragon; how are they?" I said excitedly.

"No, not at all, and they are fine," she replied.

"No, I meant you should describe them; how do they look?" "I said."

"They look like every other dog, just three times bigger," GG told me.

"Cool! "Are they the size of lions?" I asked.

"What is a lion?" Grandpa Zouzou inquired

"Oh, I should have known, weird world; there is a dog but no lion; lion is the king of animals," that's what I remarked.

"What? Those people on Earth are filling your mind with garbage. Who claimed lions are the king of the animals? What is even a lion? Dragons are the kings of animals, and each ruler is allocated one.

"Haa, I'm going to have a dragon!" I exclaimed excitedly and began dancing.

Grandpa Zouzou and GG simply sat there, laughing. They certainly had a mischievous child to care for.