
Fire and Water (novel)

She transmigrated into the body of a lame, disfigured amnesiac who shares the same name. He comes from a realm where strength reigns supreme. They should never have met, like fire and water, an unlikely combination but oddly complementary.

bianhua · ファンタジー
49 Chs

Forty-Five: The Endless Abyss pt.4

Xiao Xue watched in silence as the battles raged around her. Her complicated thoughts were finally settled. The answers that were once elusive were now laid bare before her.

In the sky, blurred images of Xie Yuan, Meng Quan and Zhang Lao could hardly be seen as they flashed from one place to another, exchanging blows that shook the small realm they were currently in.

In her right, Xie Shan and He Heng were facing the tenacious Hei She. Towards the left was the battle between Hei Yu, He Ling and her senior apprentice brother, Yi Xin. And in front, Shui Ren was exchanging brutal blows with Lin Ru.

Everyone was fighting with all they had. They knew that if they allowed even a slight disadvantage, it would be over and they would die. But no matter how hard they fought, the effects of the restriction between the realms was starting to show. And through this, Xiao Xue belatedly realized that even Xie Yuan was under such restraint.

Xiao Xue knew there were things that Xie Yuan hadn't told her about himself. But it does not bother her. She also has things she's hiding from him. Xiao Xue believed they had time to get to know one another slowly, time to tell each other everything. But now, it seems, that time is up.

A feral cry echoed from the fierce battle before her. And as she turned her head to see what happened, Xiao Xue witnessed Shui Ren plunge his clawed hand deeply into Lin Ru's chest, perfectly crushing his heart. But although Shui Ren managed to kill Lin Ru with that deadly strike, he had to do it through extreme measures.

Lin Ru's final blow was a tricky stab on an odd angle. If Shui Ren miscalculated the angle of his body, that attack would impale his heart and he would have died instead of Lin Ru. Even if Shui Ren managed to dodge the deadly blow at the last second, it still managed to land on his body and gravely injure him before he took Lin Ru's life.

Lin Ru's sword stabbed through Shui Ren's upper chest, just below the shoulder blades. The sword's hilt and a part of the blade was visible on Shui Ren's front while it's bloody tip was sticking out from his back.

Shui Ren staggered backwards as he pulled his bloodied hand out from Lin Ru's ruined chest. He faltered for a breath but managed to stabilize himself before he could fall on the ground.

"Ren'er!" Xiao Xue dashed towards Shui Ren and gently helped him to sit down.

Meng Quan saw Lin Ru's lifeless body, with a hole torn on its chest, and viciously spat out, "Trash!" He released a powerful force that pushed back Zhang Lao and Xie Yuan and allowed him to safely fall back and create some distance between them.

Due to Zhang Lao's insane actions, of not caring for his life as he battled with Meng Quan, and Xie Yuan's timely intervention, when Zhang Lao was at a disadvantage, the three of them were stuck in a deadlock where neither side could win.

Meng Quan didn't expect that these people would be so troublesome even under the restrictions of the realms. He did not want a prolonged battle and wanted to use Lin Ru's greed to kill Xiao Xue.

Meng Quan knew that if the lame priestess of Spirit Temple perished, everyone in the group would lose the will to fight. But who knew that the trash, Lin Ru, would die before accomplishing anything useful. If Meng Quan knew that Lin Ru would easily fall during this battle, he would have killed him himself earlier!

Meng Quan moved back and signaled his apprentices to regroup. The unrestricted state they were in was under the premise that they do not engage in prolonged battles or use big moves.

The laws governing the three realms are quite strict. Even the Divine Sovereign, the highest existence within the three realms, cannot easily bypass these laws. But as an assassin organization, Dragon's Gate found a way to escape the detection of the realm laws and enter any realm without a restriction or suffering any form of backlash for a specific amount of time.

Hei She and Hei Yu immediately responded to their Master's orders. Even they were shaken and found it hard to believe that these people were too hard to handle even in their handicapped state.

Xie Yuan and the others saw their opponents cautious but decisive movements and tactically withdrew from the field of battle as well. They gathered to where Xiao Xue was tending to Shui Ren, waiting for the second round to begin.

After stabilizing Shui Ren's injuries, Xiao Xue looked up and carefully examined her companions' condition, especially Xie Yuan's. All of them suffered numerous injuries that would not easily heal within a short span of time. They fought bravely and for her, that was enough.

Xiao Xue quietly reached inside her sleeve and with swift movements, tossed a small disk in the air. The disk rotated slowly as it hung, suspended in the air, and the sounds of tolling bells suddenly echoed through the snow covered plains. Xiao Xue recited a short incantation and within a blink, a flash of golden light descended from the levitating plate creating a barrier that securely covered the small area where the group was gathered.

Xiao Xue briefly stared at Shui Ren and inwardly sighed. Shui Ren's bloodshot eyes were trained on her fragile form. His injury was carefully tended to. But because he expended too much spiritual energy, coupled with the deep and near fatal wound, he could barely move.

For now, Shui Ren's condition is stable but Xiao Xue knows the severe extent of his injury. The treatment she gave him was only to prevent the wound from worsening. Shui Ren would have to be treated meticulously once they return and he would not be able to cultivate for some time. Even with the aid of medicinal pills and elixirs, his recuperation period would be long. If Shui Ren pushed more, with his wound, it would be fatal. And even if he does not die, his foundation would be irreparably damaged.

It hasn't been long since Xiao Xue met this man. But from the short time they've known each other, Shui Ren has shown her sincere gentleness and care that Xiao Xue has never known before. This was different from the love she felt from Xie Yuan, the care she received from Yi Sheng and Yi Xin, and the respect the others afforded her.

The brotherly affection that Shui Ren and Shui Gui wholeheartedly expressed when they called her sister was, at times, overwhelming. But most times, it felt incredibly good.

Being Shui Ren's sister, even for a short span of time, was both a privilege and a great honor. Xiao Xue would have loved being a part of their family but reality doesn't seem inclined to grant her wishes.

"I'm sorry, Ren'er." Xiao Xue whispered to Shui Ren as she flashed out of the protective barrier. "I cannot go home with you."

"Lian'er!" Shui Ren cried out in alarm. He struggled to move but he was too late and too weak to stop her.

Xie Yuan witnessed Xiao Xue's sudden move and forcefully dragged his injured body to follow suit. When he realized that the golden barrier would not allow him to pass through, Xie Yuan frantically attacked it with all his strength.

Zhang Lao and others realized what was happening and immediately went into action. But despite the barrage of powerful spiritual energy, the rain of various skills and the explosion of numerous techniques, the barrier did not break. It did not show even a slight ripple.

"Little Xue, come back!" Xie Yuan yelled desperately. He was terrified out of his mind. From the calm look on her face, Xie Yuan could easily guess what Xiao Xue wanted to do. He wanted to prevent her from doing such a reckless thing but was helpless to do so. Xie Yuan could only beg and plead from the other side of the golden wall as he fearfully watched the woman he loved walk to her death.

"Ah Yu, forget about me." Xiao Xue said slowly as she briefly paused her steps. But she did not look back. If she looked at him now, she would falter and they would all die.

"NO!" Xie Yuan roared as he struck the barrier, again and again. He was attacking the golden wall like he already lost all sense and reason. Xie Yuan howled after Xiao Xue like an insane beast, hopelessly pleading for her to come back and reconsider. "Please! Little Xue, I beg you! Please don't!"

Xiao Xue's heart was breaking but her decision was made. From the moment she saw Meng Quan, Xiao Xue knew this was bound to happen. She smiled wryly as she continued to hobble forward, ignoring the desperate calls echoing from the people inside the golden barrier. Xiao Xue finally understood. She cannot oppose fate, not this time. But she had no regrets. With this they would be safe and that is enough.

Xiao Xue stood before the golden barrier, between Meng Quan's trio and her group of companions. Her broken form is the only thing that separates her companions from certain death.

The people she sealed inside the golden dome were still trying to break free. But it's too late.

The golden disk is a magical tool that Xiao Xue personally crafted. It's a simplified version of the matrix that surrounds Infernal Rise Valley. A life saving treasure that could only be used once. The moment the protective dome is activated, it can never be taken down until the user's spiritual energy is depleted. No one would be able to go in or out, unless the user willed it.

Xiao Xue specifically prepared this treasure as a last resort in case Xie Yuan's life was threatened. The journey to Endless Abyss has been weighing on her mind from the moment she received Yi Sheng's letter. She knew she would not be able to stop Xie Yuan from entering this ghastly place. Once he learns that the herb that could cure her was here nobody would be able to sway him, not even her.

Fortunately, aside from suffering the stronger effects of the poison within the valley, their journey to Endless Abyss has been quite smooth. There were minute changes that they had to adjust to along the way but with their thorough preparation, they managed to breeze past those obstacles without any accident. And now, considering the dire situation, Xiao Xue felt gratified that this simple treasure could be of use.

If her core was not badly damaged and her body was not injured, Xiao Xue could have stayed within the golden barrier with the rest of them. They could plan slowly and devise a sound strategy to buy more time. Perhaps even gain an opportunity to escape.

But with the limited amount of spiritual energy that Xiao Xue could gather, the defense of the barrier would not last long. The assassins from Dragon's Gate would not easily give up and leave. Meng Quan is set on taking Xie Yuan's life and it was up to her to make a decisive move.

From the beginning, Xiao Xue was never afraid of dying. She died, once before, how could it scare her now? What scared her more was watching the people around her suffer and get hurt, to see them perish before her eyes. Call her egotistic and greedy, but Xiao Xue cannot and will not allow the people she cares about to die. Not while she has breath left in her body.

Meng Quan snorted in disgust as he watched Xiao Xue hobble forward. What could a lame, disfigured person do? When he caught sight of the golden dome he realized it would be troublesome to break the light barrier. But when the crippled Priestess of Spirit Temple walked out of it, Meng Quan was surprised but glad.

According to Lin Ru, the cripppled priestess is severely injured. The extent of her injuries were unknown but Meng Quan could not feel any form of spiritual fluctuation from her. The stupid woman walked out of the protective barrier in attempt to do what? None of her companions were able to contend with him and his apprentices. What could she possibly do?

From Meng Quan's perspective this last act of Xiao Xue is not only exceptionally stupid but utterly useless. Even if he does not make a move, with Hei She and Hei Yu working together, it would take but a few breaths to kill her. And once she is dead, her companions will soon follow.